Vice President JD Vance was met with hundreds of pro-Ukraine protesters while visiting a Vermont ski resort on Saturday, following his public dust up with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the White House.
Vance and his family, on a trip to Sugarbush Resort, were greeted by the outraged protesters lining the snow-covered streets of the small Vermont town of Waitsfield.
Protestors displayed signs that labeled Vance a “national disgrace,” accused him of being a “traitor” and encouraged the family to “go ski in Russia.”
We need to start throwing couches at him. Everywhere he goes, we need to throw a couch at him.
Look, I know it is going to take dedication, and be costly. You gotta buy a couch for the sole purpose of throwing it in his general direction.
But I’m not saying you can’t buy the shittiest couch at the thrift store. Or even buy YOURSELF a really nice new couch and throw your old one at him.
Come on. Do you have ANY idea how funny it would be seeing people going skiing, riding a couch down the slope. Then throw it at vance at the bottom of the hill???
There would be a moment where he realizes that people hate him so much that his entire life is everybody throwing couches at him!
It’s a group effort, but lets make it happen.
Just use blowup couches. Cheaper and I think gets the message across just as well given other blow up sex toys.
And he would fuck every single one.
The couches were showing too much skin, they were asking for it!
Many free couches on Facebook marketplace
“Well, I tried gaslighting a world leader who is our ally in a crucial war, that didn’t work, so I’m out of ideas. Time to go skiing I guess.” - Also JD Vance
I mean it is something… Is it a good thing? No. But its still a thing!
It wasn’t only Vermont, but across the US ( Guardian link)
“Protesters took to the streets in New York, Los Angeles and Boston, with hundreds gathering to express support for Ukraine and its president”
“Go Ski in Russia Traitor” was my favorite protest sign by a long shot
Vermont Understood The Assignment
I am struggling to comprehend the insanity of contrast with one leader dealing with mangled bodies daily while the other mocks them then goes skiing.
That’s why he’s mocking Zelenskyy. He could’ve sold his country to Putin and gone skiing, but instead decided to fight.
Go ski in hell, Vance.
the comments below the article are disgusting shudder
Yep, but it’s The New York Post, so to have something other than awful people commenting would be out of character.
I’ve stopped reading those. I might have put myself in a bubble, but I prefer a bubble over a heart attack because of rage bait comments from the antisocial dregs of society.
Every time I dare to read those comments, I end up regretting it. Can you please tell me what is wrong with those people? I really don’t like thinking that people are hopeless and the majority is probably not. But i need help dealing with those.
I wish I knew. All I can think of is that they’ve fallen into the alt-right pipeline and are now living in some alternative fact land, and there are people who lack empathy, who think that having empathy is a weakness.
Is that the best you can do America? Wave a sign, chant slogans, while occupying a sidewalk as he laughs at you and skis with his family? I can’t tell who’s more pathetic in this scenario.
So it seems it was somewhat effective.
Probably a different more luxurious and private ski resort where they won’t be bothered anymore.
Maybe. But you know what? Protestors ran off the VP from his weekend getaway. Even if he did just go to a “more luxurious” resort, he still went running tail between his legs from his originally planned vacation, and at the very least had to spend a bunch of time traveling instead of doing the skiing he planned to do. I can definitely tell who’s more pathetic in this scenario.
Naw. Unless your hiking up or taking a copter there are only a few major mountains with high end accomodations.
The 16 trail and two lift mountains, while nice, are anything but luxurious.
I’m European and I’m thankful for each American showing their disgust with Trump, Vance or Musk.
And I truly hope for more getting to the other side.
I’m curious though, what exactly are you doing to contribute to do something against Trump, Vance or Musk?
Started in 2003 when I was 13 and would fundraise at middleschool against the war in Iraq.
Somewhat prioritized political literacy and critical thinking as a young lad, though I was lofty and idealistic in those days I was at least trying to do something. Genocide in Sudan and watching Schindlers List when I was 13-14 also fueled that fire.
Got extreme at one point, friends and I used to attack-on-sight Nazi’s and KKK every chance we could get, in some cases endangering their lives. I cooled off that stuff and attended the Occupy protests in 2011, was one of the 800+ people that got herded onto the Brooklyn Bridge by police and mass arrested. Did you hear about that one?
2013 I (naively) worked for Greenpeace for a few years, alongside environmentalist charities and activists in the SW Pacific (New Zealand, Fiji, Australia). Got there with $15 to my name after hitching a ride on a sailboat, ended up dressing up as an Orangutan in the boiling Australian sun and making police chase me (they never did catch me.) Worked with the Wilderness Society, worked alongside Bob Irwin (Steve Irwin’s dad) on the Fight for the Reef campaign to protect the GBR from getting dredged for coal shipping (our campaign successfully delayed them for a year, after which they dredged a world heritage site anyway.)
Since then I worked small, working with various charities from deaf kids to blind persons, attending every protest I could physically attend. A recent diagnosis of Graves Disease has put me on my arse for a while, but despite that I still stood up to the pogroms in the UK, using my body to block protestors from bricks. A brick hit my bad knee too, but i’d take a million more.
Does my resume satisfy you? Now lets see your card, what have you done?
That’s an impressive „CV of resistance“, although I only asked what you’ve done specifically against trump, Vance and musk, and if I’m nitpicking, I can’t see much apart from protesting. The same thing you expressed your disgust about saying „is that the best you can do“.
I do hope, that you continue to do as much as you’ve already done and I’m thankful for every single thing you do.
I also hope, that you start to inspire others to follow in your footsteps instead of making them feel bad for not doing enough.
I can’t see much apart from protesting.
I mean to quote them:
A recent diagnosis of Graves Disease has put me on my arse for a while
They’ve got their excuse.
that you start to inspire others to follow in your footsteps instead of making them feel bad for not doing enough.
To be fair those are two sides of the same coin. If you can’t get people to think “I’m not doing enough and that’s a problem” you’ll never get them to get off their asses. This is particularly relevant in America because Americans have forgotten what it means to actually resist their government.
Thank you. I just want to add that they saw all that and said “just looks like protesting” as if personally helping organize action against the coal industry using grassroots techniques to some small success is “just protesting,” or raising money for disabled people in community “not much apart from protesting.” The gall, from someone who probably hasn’t been to even a measley protest. And yes, I am saying protesting isn’t enough, speaking from someone who’s done it for 14 years. Waving signs does fucking nothing. It disrupts nothing. You have to put your bodies on the road and your safety on the line like we did.
I just want to add that they saw all that and said “just looks like protesting” as if personally helping organize action against the coal industry using grassroots techniques to some small success is “just protesting,” or raising money for disabled people in community “not much apart from protesting.”
To be fair to them too, they were specifically asking what you did to resist Trump and co. As to everything else they said:
I do hope, that you continue to do as much as you’ve already done and I’m thankful for every single thing you do.
I get that you’re angry—hell, I’m angry and I’ve never been to the United States—but it seems you’re responding to something other than what the other person actually said. Also getting Americans to get off their asses is one thing, but you do have a bit of a holier than thou attitude you should probably work on if you want to be successful at getting them off their asses. If you don’t want to succeed at it then you do you I guess; like I said, you and everyone else who has been fighting this fight since the beginning have the right to be angry.
I am responding to something other than what the person actually said. People like myself (and the countless nameless faces who actually stick their necks out) have been screaming about this to people who metaphorically can’t see or hear, for decades, only for them to be the “holier than thou” one trying to look for hypocrisy or hatred in other people who’ve done more than them. Why focus on idols like Trump and Co when they’re just symptoms of the greater problems - capitalistic greed/corporate irresponsibility - and then after listing our many years of efforts to fight it and then say “Yeah but what did you do to stop Trump and Musk specifically?” That sort of nitpicking, missing the forest for the trees attitude is what angers me so, it’s proof of how blind people are to the realities of what it means to be in a democracy. “If you want a democracy, you have to be a player.”
Maybe you should run for office. Probably would have been far more effective, and if America is short on anything it’s leadership.
If I ran for office and mentioned anything about the $36 TRILLION in offshore tax havens to help pay for things like infrastructure, UBI, and universal healthcare, i’d be fucking assassinated. The problem about wanting change and working within the system to achieve that, is that it’s never you who changes the system, it’s the system that’ll inevitably change you. There’s nothing wrong with compromise in a situation, but compromising yourself in a situation is another story completely.
making them feel bad for not doing enough.
If you feel bad for not doing enough that’s on you.
So you honestly think, that it is more beneficial to the cause to look down on people not doing enough instead of encouraging them to continue what they’re doing?
I’ll believe it when I see it. People are not doing enough, myself included. The reality around us is proof of this.
I know, it is frustrating, I also feel like everything’s doomed a lot of times, but I refuse to get drowned in this frustration.
If we can encourage others to engage more, then that’s a lot. Don’t underestimate what you’ve done so far. You can be an inspiration to others!
There were literally people holding signs that said “Go ski in Russia, traitor”. Stop dragging everyone down to your miserable level, please.
what did you want to see a running gun battle with the secret service? wait, we’ll get there
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Hey some of them are hardcore frontline activists that even changed their avatar.
Fr. They’d probably piss their pants if they got hit by a brick thrown by a fascist, or if a police officer yells at them.