Old Graphics =/= Bad Graphics
edit: furthermore old =/= bad. Old is a quantitative measure and bad is qualitative. Trying to use one measure as the litmus for the other is like saying “there are five apples on that tree, they must taste terrible.”
inb4: i dont care if it isnt a perfect analogy and there’s actually some study somewhere that showed that apple trees that retain prime number multiples of fruit on their branches statistically taste worse when rated on a blind taste test.
It’s almost like mechanics trumps graphics.
See Dwarf Fortress.
Not really? I would love to play complex game like df or cataclysm with good 3d graphics.
DW has good graphics now compared to what it use to have.
Are you trying to tell me that this doesn’t look amazing? Look at those lovely hills and fjords! I think I even see a fox poking it’s head out
I can hear the guitar melody
Shitty visual aesthetics has kept me from playing so many games from small devs, i don’t want their crappy pixel-graphics bullshit, I played those when I was a kid I don’t need that anymore now that we have the ability to do better…I don’t want one or the other, I want both. I would rather play a game with mediocre mechanics and great graphics than one with great mechanics and mediocre graphics.
everyone is free to play whatever they want, but everyone is also free to call your opinion dumb. which it is.
To each their own, but when I play games I want games that are fun to play. When I want realistic graphics I just go for a walk.
by that logic xkcd is bad
More like kilochad amirite?
New games look like realistic pencil drawings that were smudged to shit.
I literally have Elden Ring screenshots on my PS4 that look worse than Super Mario 64 screenshots.
It’s like modern games all have a screen shader at the end specifically to fuck up the graphics and blur details. I know it’s TAA and friends but damn. It feels weird that so many games have broken graphics that only look good when taking promotional screenshots. And people call them good looking games lol
Nay, that is Megachad, we didn’t have such large storage back then.
They’re not bad graphics, they’re good graphics… for their time
There’s a charm to early 3D. Late 2D is a timeless look, but early 3D is unmistakably mid 90s to early 2000s stuff.
I’ve been running the original Resident Evil trilogy. The graphics age it, of course, but the games are just awesome. Resources are limited. You have to consider what’s worth wasting ammo on. You have to consider if you’ve done enough to justify a save. The puzzles aren’t terribly difficult, but they’re satisfying. And I love a good old fashioned jump scare.
Fact: PS1 games in an emulator with increased resolution looks super cool
More than cool, add in other enhancements and most 3D games don’t need a remaster that will most likely be bloated data-wise.
Particularly when it comes to vertex colors (see Spyro’s skyboxes) rendering at modern res immaculately, upselling into photorealism is just throwing out the smartest and most unique thing the game had.
not only based, but also gay.
because gay is good, therefore the original point is good.
edit: lemmy does not respect formatting 100%. I wanted larger gaps between sections.
Sometimes I play old games because of the graphics, not despite them. For nostalgia and the fact that my crappy laptop can handle them.
You can have my Project 1999 when you pry it from my cold, dead, fingers.
What do you mean by “Bad Graphics” ?
Bubsy 3D, or Super Mario 64
Bubsy 3D
The bad graphics don’t bother me, but the control schemes on some of those old games are atrocious and really hard to control in 2025. Tried playing syphon filter and I was smashing into every wall
only when its good
Yeah! And people who play unpopular sports despite small crowd sizes - what are they, insane?