Nah, the drug is still a bio-active drug. It DOES do things, just doesn’t help most with the prescribed symptoms because its mechanism of effect is different.
I actually doubt that. Phenylephrine does have systemic effects that might be beneficial for migraines. That’s not what it was decided to not be effective in with the FDA and not what folks generally use it for. Pseudoephedrine isn’t really that effective for migraines itself.
The power of placebo! It’s the nicest part about placebo too. The more you believe it the more your body does too.
Nah, the drug is still a bio-active drug. It DOES do things, just doesn’t help most with the prescribed symptoms because its mechanism of effect is different.
I actually doubt that. Phenylephrine does have systemic effects that might be beneficial for migraines. That’s not what it was decided to not be effective in with the FDA and not what folks generally use it for. Pseudoephedrine isn’t really that effective for migraines itself.
No… You just spend more money on things that don’t work while convincing yourself that it does.