I’m rooting for the earthquake
I’m rooting for the innocent children that live there that did nothing to deserve that.
My bet is the earthquake will win against children
What if they all jump when the earthquake hits? Can’t hurt you if you’re not on the ground 😏
Well, it’s official. Atlantis has successfully tested a nuclear weapon.
Is anything below a 5 worth reporting on? Can a 4.9 even knock down a tree?
In areas that are prone to earthquakes, not really. This isn’t one of them, so it’s unusual and worth a report and determination of the source. A 4.0 at the epicenter would feel different farther depending on the material too - most of Florida wouldn’t transmit the energy well and slosh around a bit, unlike some bedrock that can carry the energy much farther. My real question would be if this is a natural cause, can there ever be a potential for seafloor movement that would power a tsunami (I don’t think so)? That would be far worse than the actual ground shaking for Florida coastline residents.
Pretty sure it’s all but impossible for anything to happen in the Gulf to cause a tsunami. It’s freaky flat around here, flattest state in the Union. And the Gulf ain’t much lower, at all. Simply no possibility of a rock slide going downhill. No hills.
That’s not how tsunamis work.
There is a direct correlation between the earthquake’s magnitude and its depth in how we feel them. The deeper it is, which can occur as shallow as 8 miles (13 km) deep all the way to 316 miles (500 km) deep, the less we feel it.
So while a magnitude 4 is something most of us would normally sleep through on any given day (especially for those of us used to them), a shallow magnitude 4 would definitely knock over a tree (assuming it was above the epicenter).
edit, further reading:
We had a 5.1 nearby the other day, and I don’t know if it made much national news.
Wipe that state clean please.
Nah, felt and I live here. Everyday I can feel my life slipping from my own grip thanks to politique and cost gouging that is completely out of my control. The populace gratuitously vote for controlling policies and economic conditions that only further entrench them into poverty and effectively slavery. This place is hell on earth and having my life taken from my by mother earth seems much more favorable than working myself into my grave thanks to the oligarchy.
Not everyone, including those that are oppressed, wants to die tho Bob.
It sucks, but there’s always hope. Giving up means closing the door behind you for future generations. Fight the good fight, even if it means losing.
DeSantis literally only won by a small margin.
Damn straight! Including millions of POC, women, liberals, immigrants, LGBT people and other scum!
That is what you meant, right? Stand tall and put your money where your fucking mouth is child. Man the fuck up and say what you mean.
Trump lost. And he’s a very weak man. Weak men support trump.
Wipe the state clean.
Bugs is contracted to the Canada/US border next.