I know people have been scared by new technology since technology, but I’ve never before fallen into that camp until now. I have to admit, this really does frighten me.
What’s wild to me is how Yann LeCun doesn’t seem to see this as an issue at all. Many other leading researchers (Yoshua Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton, Frank Hutter, etc.) signed that letter on the threats of AI and LeCun just posts on Twitter and talks about how we’ll just “not build” potentially harmful AI. Really makes me lose trust in anything else he says.
There with you. This is really worrying to me. This technology is advancing way faster than were adjusting to it. I haven’t even gotten over how amazing GPT2.5 is but most people already seem to be taking it for granted. We didn’t have anything even close to this just few years prior
To make that statement a little more accurate, I’m afraid of the humans that will abuse this technology and societies ability to adapt to it. There’s some amazingly cool things that can come about from this, like all the small indie creators that lack the connections and project management skills to make their ambitions come to life will be able to achieve their vision, and that’s really cool and I’m excited for that, but my excitement is smashed from knowing all the bad that will come with this.
Only the third most confusing entry in the Kingdom Hearts series
Lol And KH4 is gonna be about Sora being in the real world. This storyline is getting out of hand.
The folks with access to this must be looking at some absolutely fantastic porn right now!
Oh its going to be fantastic all right.
Fantastical chimera monster porn, at least for the beginning.
‘obama giving birth’, ‘adam sandler with big feet’, ‘five nights at freddy’s but everyone’s horny’
possibilities are endless
I don’t think they would make a model like this uncensored.
Honestly, let’s make it mainstream. Get it to a point where it’s more profitable to mass produce Ai porn than exploit young women from god knows where.
This is so much better than all text-to-video models currently available. I’m looking forward to read the paper but I’m afraid they won’t say much about how they did this. Even if the examples are cherry picked, this is mind blowing!
I’m looking forward to reading the paper
You mean the 100 page technical report
Just get ChatGPT to summarize it. Big brain time.
Full circle.
Eventually, the internet will just be AI criticizing itself to create a better version of itself…
Hang on…
How do you know you’re not AI?
Doo^doo doodoo doo^doo doodoo doo^doo doodoo
Can I get sora to create a video from the summary?
Looking forward to the day I can just copy paste the Silmarillion into a program and have it spit out a 20 hour long movie.
I was thinking exactly this but with the Bible. Not because I like the Bible but because I’d love to see how AI interprets one of the most important books in human history.
But yeha, the Silmarillion is basically a Bible from another universe.
Which is why christians are scared of them. It will open people’s eyes to how anyone can write a fairytale. And so much better ones, too.
I wonder if in the 1800s people saw the first photograph and thought… “well, that’s the end of painters.” Others probably said “look! it’s so shitty it can’t even reproduce colors!!!”.
What it was the end of was talentless painters who were just copying what they saw. Painting stopped being for service and started being for art. That is where software development is going.
I have worked with hundreds of software developers in the last 20 years, half of them were copy pasters who got into software because they tricked people into thinking it was magic. In the future we will still code, just don’t bother with the thing the Prompt Engineer can do in 5 seconds.
What it was the end of was talentless painters who were just copying what they saw. Painting stopped being for service and started being for art. That is where software development is going.
I think a better way of saying this are people who were just doing it for a job, not because of a lot of talent or passion for painting.
But doing something just because it is a job is what a lot of people have to do to survive. Not everyone can have a profession that they love and have a passion for.
That’s where the problem comes in when it comes to these generative AI.
And then the problem here is capitalism and NOT AI art. The capitalists are ALWAYS looking for ways to not pay us, if it wasnt AI art, it was always going to be something else
I think that’s a bad analogy because of the whole being able to think part.
I’ll be interested in seeing what (if anything) humans will be able to do better.
It was exactly the same as with AI art. The same histrionics about the end of art and the dangers to society. It’s really embarrassing how unoriginal all this is.
Charles Baudelaire, father of modern art criticism, in 1859:
As the photographic industry was the refuge of every would-be painter, every painter too ill-endowed or too lazy to complete his studies, this universal infatuation bore not only the mark of a blindness, an imbecility, but had also the air of a vengeance. I do not believe, or at least I do not wish to believe, in the absolute success of such a brutish conspiracy, in which, as in all others, one finds both fools and knaves; but I am convinced that the ill-applied developments of photography, like all other purely material developments of progress, have contributed much to the impoverishment of the French artistic genius, which is already so scarce.
What it was the end of was talentless painters who were just copying what they saw. Painting stopped being for service and started being for art.
This attitude is not new, either. He addressed it thus:
I know very well that some people will retort, “The disease which you have just been diagnosing is a disease of imbeciles. What man worthy of the name of artist, and what true connoisseur, has ever confused art with industry?” I know it; and yet I will ask them in my turn if they believe in the contagion of good and evil, in the action of the mass on individuals, and in the involuntary, forced obedience of the individual to the mass.
The hardest part of coding is managing the project, not writing the content of one function. By the time LLMs can do that it’s not just programming jobs that will be obsolete, it will be all office jobs.
Besides the few glitched ones I wouldn’t be able to tell they were generated. I didn’t expect it this quick.
At least we can remake the last three star wars movies with a decent story line.
Someone wrote a decent story line for those??
Back to ChatGPT for that.
Unpopular opinion, but I actually liked the high level story of it, but I think it could have been told way way better.
There has been books out for years that Disney just didn’t bother with. They can’t be worse than what we got.
The mammoth one is uncanny valley for me.
Ah yes, this definitely won’t have any negative ramifications.
Would be good if openai could focus on things that are useful to humanity rather than trying to just do what we can do already, but with less jobs.
We already knew how to farm before John Deere; should we have focused away from agricultural industrialization in order to preserve jobs?
looks at the immense harm that agricultural industrialization has had on the climate, the environment and society
Apparently yes.
Working less is a great ideal for humanity.
Americans have this thing that their job defines them but we worked less than we did before, let’s keep going.
Except the gains technology and automation bring are rarely evenly distributed in society. Just compare how productive a worker is today and how much we make compared to 50 years ago.
We make a lot more. Improvements are good.
You think people should be taxed more, vote for politicians trying to tax rich people more.
1 Generally people want to work, people don’t want to be exploited by capitolists for a capitolist society where they barely make rent humans are generally workers. 2. This isn’t working less, this isn’t productivity improvement. This is less humanity in art and all just so employers don’t need to spend money on workers.
Nothing is stopping anyone working for works sake. Personal I think that’s a waste of time but people are free to do what they want.
Yes it is. It’s the same as the printing press, or the electric switchboard, computers, cars, containerisation, 3d rendering verse drawing. Work used to be done by humans now the labour had been replaced to make something better quality, for a lower price with less workers.
Removing the artist is not “replacing the labor like the printing press”.
Why pursue any of the arts if they do not benefit humanity?
Because they look good enough for the web stories or RP I make
Ai generated images are not art.
Yes and no.
Currently you could say that ai is just efficiently guessing what we would want to see from pixel to pixel.
An artist may tune their style to be more similar to the art that they sold before in hopes of repeat buyers.
An AI looks at countless images and seeks out patterns which it refines. It mimics things and duplicates patterns.
An artists spends countless hours absorbed in the art of others to learn styles. Frequently they may mimic other works and iterate off of existing ideas.
Fan art, tracing, compositing - these are all things understood in the art community. If someone makes fan art of someone else’s character does that invalidate their work as art?
AI invokes a reaction because it’s getting “close.” AI is receiving a lot of the same criticism that digital artists got for not using traditional mediums back in that technology’s infancy.
Art is in the eye of the beholder. What defines art? Everything is relative. At present? AI is a tool. A bit unpolished and raw but so was CGI in the movie industry. Look how quickly that evolved.
AI could well be a tool for creating art in the future but as of yet it is not a tool I have ever seen to create anything I would consider art. Well, certainly not good art. Admittedly, every time I’ve been aware that it’s been used at all it’s because there are obvious AI errors present which make things look shit.
Without question. Early tablets and digital art couldn’t hold a candle to traditional mediums. Even if the same artist created content for both. The tools are certainly rough… but considering how young the technology is, and how far it has already come, I think we may soon arrive at a point where people may have issues distinguishing between the two.
Either way it’s a fun topic to discuss. It’s deeply interesting to see the variety of responses to it.
If nature carves a stone to look pretty, that’s not art.
If a human carves a stone to look pretty, that’s art. It has care and detail, it has something about humanity in it as it has a human behind it and everything that shaped them, shaped that stone.
It’s that simple. Ai can not make art no more than the wind can.
I understand where you are coming from but to be fair the wind isn’t using art as a reference. This is why I suggested it was a complex issue… and provided the examples that I did. There are quite a few similarities between ai models producing art and artists. Surely there are differences - but objectively speaking they do have quite a few similarities.
Art is specific to the beholder. Does what is before you evoke an emotional response? Was it produced for that purpose? If you provided paint and paper to an ape - would it be considered art? What about a child who has no concept of art?
From a non image perspective: music is art. Is a mashup music? What about other sample heavy music? Some people might argue that x genre isn’t really music.
Back to prompt driven ai generated art: what if someone spent 70 hours tuning and modifying a prompt until the art fit their vision? 200 hours? What if they lacked the ability to draw or paint?
I genuinely don’t believe this is a black and white issue. I do understand the implications of what ai tools have to the workforce - but that is a separate topic.
If the wind blows, cut up pieces of art magazines around and then land in a pile. That isn’t art. It’s just cut-up pieces of someone else’s art.
If a person cuts up a magazine and pieces the parts together with intention and meaning. That can be art.
Art is not “I like this visially”, art is not “you did this well.” Art is human expression.
If the wind blows, cut up pieces of art magazines around and then land in a pile. That isn’t art. It’s just cut-up pieces of someone else’s art.
I can’t really agree with this example. I think you’re suggesting the AI is completely independent of human expression and is completely random in its application of its training data (the cut up pieces I suppose?)
Generative AI is driven by a human prompt (description) and refined by further prompts which pushes the result in the direction of the prompters vision.
If a person cuts up a magazine and pieces the parts together with intention and meaning. That can be art.
This is in essence what is occuring above. I view this process as someone being provided a chisel and a block of stone:
The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material.
As I suggested above AI is a tool that makes accessing art and expression available to anyone. The Ai is the chisel. They cut the stone with words… It isn’t just random clipart being thrown around either: The ‘stone’ is the culmination of all of the art the model has ‘seen.’ It has taken that data and found the patterns that different styles contain. You might describe this as the distillation of human expression into something new.
The source is art - human expression The prompt gives it form - human expression Further prompts drive the form to fit the users vision - human expression
There is intent and meaning.
Is it art in the traditional sense? Perhaps not in the same vein as ink and canvas but … I believe, while it is certainly rough and unrefined, it can still be considered a tool to create art.
Good luck keeping up that attitude as AI is advancing at this pace. You already can’t tell them apart from human created images and and it’ll just keep getting better. Stop kidding yourself.
Art is not about how believable it is. It’s not a gauge of believability that an ai made this or not. There is no Turing test for art.
If the natural state of technology is that there aren’t enough jobs to sustain an economy, then our economic system is broken, and trying to preserve obsolete jobs is just preserving the broken status quo that primarily benefits the rich. Over time I’m thinking more and more that instead of trying to prop up an outdated economic system we should just let it fail, and then we have no choice but to rethink it.
Oh yes yes I’m sure that we will totally rethink our economic systems that’s absolutely what will happen and it will totally result in the utopia you’re dreaming of. I’m sure that will happen I’m sure it’s not just the ultra wealthy noting how they can make even more profit whilst everyone else suffers can’t be that I’m sure the government will do something we all have faith in that we know it’s obvious that will happen
You think pushing the status quo is going to result in change? The sweet spot for the rich is to have everyone struggle while they enrich themselves, but not struggle so hard that it leads to an upheaval. We’ve tried patching up a broken system and it doesn’t fix anything, it just slows the decline. I think an upheaval is the only answer, dunno when we’ll hit the breaking point, but it will happen, it’s inevitable. For the economy to fundamentally change it will require it becoming completely impossible to survive in the existing economy, otherwise nobody would want to risk a fundamental rethink of how things work.
The quality is really superior to what was shown with Lumiere. Even if this is cherry picking it seems miles above the competiton
The second one is easy as you don’t need coherence between reflected and non-reflected stuff: Only the reflection is visible. The second one has lots of inconsistencies: I works kinda well if the reflected thing and reflection are close together in the image, it does tend to copy over uniformly-coloured tall lights, but OTOH it also invents completely new things.
Do people notice? Well, it depends. People do notice screen-space reflections being off in traditional rendering pipelines, not always, but it happens and those AI reflections are the same kind of “mostly there in most situations but let’s cheap out to make it computationally feasible” type of deal: Ultimately processing information, tracking influence of one piece of data throughout the whole scene, comes with a minimum amount of required computational complexity and neither AI nor SSR do it.
Yeah we won’t be needing proper raytracing with this kind of tech it’s mind blowing
YouTube is about to get flooded by the weirdest meme videos. We thought it was bad already, we ain’t seen nothing yet.
After seeing the horrific stuff my demented friends have made dall-e barf out I’m excited and afraid at the same time.
The example videos are both impressive (insofar that they exist) and dreadful. Two-legged horses everywhere, lots of random half-human-half-horse hybrids, walls change materials constantly, etc.
It really feels like all this does is generate 60 DALL-E images per second and little else.
I mean, it took a couple months for AI to mostly figure out that hand situation. Video is, I’d assume, a different beast, but I can’t imagine it won’t improve almost as fast.
It will get better, but in the mean time you just manually tell the AI to try again or adjust your prompt. I don’t get the negativity about it not being perfect right off the bat. When the magic wand tool originally came out, it had tons of jagged edges. That didn’t make it useless, it just meant it did a good chunk of the work for you and you just needed to manually get it the rest of the way there. With stable diffusion if I get a bad hand you just inpaint and regenerate it again until it’s fixed. If you don’t get the composition you want, just generate parts of the scene, combine it in an image editor, then have it use it as a base image to generate on top of.
They’re showing you the raw output to show off the capabilities of the base model. In practice you would review the output and manually fix anything that’s broken. Sure you’ll get people too lazy to even do that, but non lazy people will be able to do really impressive things with this even in its current state.
Her legs rotate around themselves and flip sides at 16s in. It’s still very impressive, but …yeah.
Wow didn’t see that the first time
This is a base model, just because it’s 90% there on its own doesn’t mean you can’t improve on it by adding extra safe guards. For example you can get LLMs to be more accurate by asking another LLM to proofread the work. I am frankly amazed that the base models are this good to begin with. I was totally expecting to need way more safeguarda from the get go, but we’re getting a lot even without them. But I fully expect there to be AI tools that are specialized to identify where the base model messes up and then corrects it.
Imagine VR giving an AI generated world. It would be a Ready Player One in irl.
I recently played a game where people found immortality and each individual just lived in their own personal virtual reality for thousands of years. It’s kinda creepy seeing the recent advances in technology today lining up to that, minus the immortality part.