I first learned of Street-Complete here and I really like it.
It’s satisfying to walk around, complete little tasks, and get prizes, scratching a similar itch to Pokemon Go.
Stuck waiting for someone? Add opening hours for a few local businesses.
Have a long walk ahead of you? See if you can add/check house addresses as fast as you can walk.
Want to walk off a few beers before heading home? Complete some tasks in the bar street.
Its a very constructive way to “be right” on the internet.
Can I throw in that once you get your stride with Streetcomplete you’ll love Every Door where you can add Shops and features pretty easily. They really complement each other.
Thank you for the tip. Installed.
Ta add another one: StreetMeasure. But I think that will be suggested in SC if you don’t have it installed?
Yes … StreetMeaure is very useful - Though I’d prefer it to be available from F-droid - I wonder why its not? Same developer right?
I looked it up in F-Droid. It is only available in the IzzyOnDroid repo. StreetMeasure relies on ARCode and the Google Play Services for AR, so it is against F-Droids inclusion policy.