No, originally the first three digits designated where you lived when you requested your SSN. The middle two were also not sequential. The final four digits were the only purely sequential ones.
Naught naught naught. Naught naught. Naught naught naught… Two. Damn Roosevelt
Eight six seven five three oh nine. DAMN YOU TOMMY TUTONE!
Fun fact: whenever I’m in a 7-Eleven, I use whatever area code is for that area and then Jenny’s number, and it always brings up an account for their rewards program and saves me some money. Thanks, Jenny!
I use it everywhere, I have got rewards all over the place, I don’t claim the ones I don’t know though because I feel like ‘Lynn’ with the same numer might need it more than me.
…it’s not even enough numbers! You gotta use a REAL social security number, like 000-00-0001.
Oh wait. We established that never existed. Ok. 000-00-0002.
Nailed it!
Cause of parents’ death: got in my way-Mr.Burns
The first SSN was number 571, and is now a museum.
Lol wrong SSN, but I think you knew that