Next do Amsterdam-style sex worker protection.
Globally. There are very few places in this world where sex workers don’t take a massive risk in so many ways, and legalizing sex work greatly reduces that risk.
Friendly reminder that cannabis is still illegal nationwide thanks to the federal government. Write your representatives.
Possibly not next year if an election promise is kept:
We shall see, of course. Politicians make a lot of promises.
A lot also depends on down ballot races. If the dems won’t have both houses, they will pass jack shit because of the inevitable obstruction to any sane idea by the retard party.
There’s definitely more than one hurdle still to cross, but I am more optimistic than I have been in a while.
Biden made a similar promise 4 years ago, I’m not holding my breath
Like I said, politicians make a lot of promises.
Wut? No, cannabis isn’t legal in Amsterdam, its decriminalized.
Cannabis is legal in California. This is wayyyy more progressive in California than Amsterdam.
Where did they claim it was legal in Amsterdam?