For the most part, the files still exist in the local filesystem unless one uses the “free up space” function to unload files to the cloud.
Where users have ended a subscription, they have become unable to add content to the cloud storage, which is to be expected. I’ve never been unable to download a file, it effectively goes into read-only mode.
I mean, if I was running a cloud provider I’d delete all your shit the instant you stopped paying me. So them providing the option for you to get your files by renewing your subscription is more than generous. Storage space costs money.
I’d rather have your business model because I at least know my data isn’t going to be used for reasons that I didn’t agree to. However that’s just an opinion I have on cloud function and storage
I’ve never seen this be the case.
For the most part, the files still exist in the local filesystem unless one uses the “free up space” function to unload files to the cloud.
Where users have ended a subscription, they have become unable to add content to the cloud storage, which is to be expected. I’ve never been unable to download a file, it effectively goes into read-only mode.
I mean, if I was running a cloud provider I’d delete all your shit the instant you stopped paying me. So them providing the option for you to get your files by renewing your subscription is more than generous. Storage space costs money.
You’d just burn yourself doing that though.
So long as you still have the data there’s a very strong probability the subscriber is going to renew in order to access their data.
Once you delete the data the subscriber is probably going to change to another provider that doesn’t delete things.
I’d rather have your business model because I at least know my data isn’t going to be used for reasons that I didn’t agree to. However that’s just an opinion I have on cloud function and storage