I know this platform is full of communists, but come on. Stop locking yourselves in an echo chamber.
Turns out your opinions aren’t popular. What is it that yall always say? Oh, right, let the free market decide? The people have spoken.
Conservatives don’t have honor or a sense of civic duty anymore. So yeah, you’re unpopular. That’s what you get for basically being Libertarian Corporatists in disguise.
Enemies to FOSS, aren’t going to be popular on FOSS spaces, that’s not censorship it’s a reasonable level of unpopularity given the wider political context/happenings.
Oh look, Mark Zuckerberg is going to be on stage for, then hosting a party for Trump’s inauguration. That’s fun.
…it’s conservative in name only, doesn’t conserve anything good for society.
FOSS doesn’t mean uncensored. I would consider myself left, but I am against the prevailing opinion against free speech. If you ban or censor people for having opposing opinions, then you hinder social progress and free discourse. Disallowing people to express their opinions means their opinion doesn’t get challenged. If you want to change people’s minds to agree with you, you have to let them freely express their current opinions without undue consequences such as censorship, banning, or job loss.
It is extremely weird to me how many people I talk to on the left that are totally fine with doing away with free speech. I’m glad there are people like you that still exist. Sadly you appear to be a fairly small minority on the left…well at least on this site and most of the internet. Seems moderate lefts either don’t speak up or don’t use social media much for some reason.
I have tried explaining why echo chambers and shutting down anyone you disagree with is bad so many times and you just get downvoted for saying that around here which is nuts. Most of these people seem to WANT to be in an echo chamber. Very concerning.
Are you part of the old left, or old school left, that is against corporations, whether it’s being against Google, being against pharmacudical companies, being anti-war, and for free speech? I’m honestly asking, I think that’s what the old left was. Today’s left demands for a totalitarian tyrant to rule the planet.
I think that everyone just by dint of existing should be given what they need to survive and be comfortable by the people who are lucky enough to be able to provide it without detriment to themselves. If they don’t do it voluntarily, I also support the democratically elected government intervening to redistribute resources from the 1% to the lower class, and for the government to provide public services in general, such as free public transport, education, medical care. I also support respecting all people regardless of any characteristics of themself which they didn’t choose and can’t change, and accommodating changes in behaviour which, within reason, make them more comfortable. Also, don’t torment and eat non human animals which can’t consent and feel pain.
And above all, I support people’s right to freely disagree with me, and have discussions, without the danger of groupthink/hivemind-like censorship which only serves to reinforce peoples own biases.
Also, obligatory
If that’s what you think as a leftist, I can happily live with you while disagree. On several things, I think I would disagree with you on policy but I would agree with you about the principal. Some other things, we would have to disagree and simply leave it at that, but there would not be any kind of animosity or hostility.
I agree. I just think the FOSS community should take censorship more seriously. Have you also noticed that all posts in this community are down-voted? I think that’s strange.
This one made it to All, I think that might influence it as many people probably instinctively downvote any post they see in a ‘conservative’ community. Downvoting is free speech though, at least it’s not censoring it. Just know that I upvoted it.
Doesn’t downvoting hide the post? Isn’t that kind of censoring?
It doesnt. This post is on All. Everyone is seeing it.
Rightists are overwhelmingly more open to corporate corruption. Conservatives are unrecognisable these day, and have let themselves be completely usurped by Libertarian politics which is innately about creating corporate autocracies and pushing other values that aren’t related or even necessary for Conservatism, and don’t represent the same values…
…so OF COURSE, at this particular time in history when corporate corruption and the total capture of society, community, and even Capitalism (many corporations like Amazon, Ebay, Meta, being able to dictate terms to sellers and buyers alike, so it’s no longer a genuine two party Capitalism) - OF COURSE the thin disguise of Conservativism draped over that An Cap Libertarianism is going to be a wildly unpopular look.
That lack of wide appeal/popularity, is going to be downvoted. That’s not censorship, it’s the community telling you that they don’t think you’re on their side any more. They don’t think you’re helping, create pro-social, community space and real world positive changes, pocket neighborhoods, diverse families of good values, freedom, rights, healthy socially positive and inclusive traditions, or being respectful of your own history let alone that of Western Democracy.
So yeah, you’re going to be unpopular until you gather and fix your shit. Kick the Libertarians out and their free market philosophies, and make the idea that the government should aim for (and be used to create) a healthy society for the majority - a popular value again… For public amenities that help communities and families, governing for the people (not the corporations).
But instead you’re all going to jerk of billionaires (enabling their corruptions, and our poverty/destruction) and complain about how climate change ain’t real, and the woke/trans people need to be removed from the community/family.
Fake ass conservatives, don’t even know how to enact their values anymore, let alone realise the damage that Libertarian corporatism has done to them, to the conservative image.
That’s why you’re unpopular - not because of Liberal Censorship, but because of Libertarian Corruptions to your fundamental ideological make up.
Y’all need to have a rethink.
You’re nuts. You just assumed a shit ton of stuff I and many other “rightists” (which i’m not) don’t believe. You can’t group every single one that has conservative opinions to match your description. I have opinions that resonates with the left and I have other opinions that some would consider conservative. If downvoting hides a post, wouldn’t you consider that censoring?
Bwhahaha “you can’t generalize us in this general community we signed up to to be put in this category”.
Yeah, I can. That’s the point. Anyways, I’m not about to talk to an an cap confused about why they’re maligned. I’ve explained as much as I’m gonna, you wanna goal post jump so you can say “Hey I skipped out on the category being discussed! So it’s not a valid general criticism any more because I personally escaped it!” is just moronic and childish. I don’t know you bub.
YOU and THE POLITICS YOU’RE AFFILIATED WITH have become corrupt, corporate, it’s little more than billionaires who see Christian Nationalist Libertarianism as a means to lower their own taxes. That’s modern “conservativism”…
…I mean, the fracking billionaire Farris Wilks trying to take over government in Texas speaks to that mindset (completely devoid of civic duty) and why it will get ALL OF YOU maligned… He provided the seed money for The Daily Wire… And has thrown the wool over your eyes with culture war BS that has nothing to do with conservative values. It’s conservative in name only, doesn’t conserve anything good about or for society.
You can scream “not me!” - “not all of us” to the hills, but at the end of the day you asked the question and I gave you the answer.
Populism and being in power ain’t mean jack shit if you’ve lost your core values and the name YOU are adopting (yes, it’s YOUR CHOICE to wear these ragged labels) have been usurped by a different ideology.
So don’t give me that “I’m a conservative but not really conservative” BS when you’re not the topic. Your chosen label is unpopular for obvious reasons and is hardly known for aiding things like FOSS. The opposite then of that, then enlarged 1000 times and used as a weapon against a healthy society.
Fix you values, or your labels, but don’t bring that trash like everything’s fine when it’s not.
You’re lost in the sauce mate. It’s you and me. Not us and them.
Lemmy was obviously created to cater to people who lose debates in perpetuity so they have a safe place to ban everybody who doesn’t call them brilliant and superior.
If you want to know the truth about 90% of the people on Lemmy, read what they post on here, and then go outside and talk to a few strangers on the sidewalk, start a conversationand see if strangers outside start to spaz as bad as Lemmy users.
Essentially they don’t have the functionality for developing friendships with people who disagree with their thinking but maybe have other things in common. 2 people who are religious can reject each other’s faith and doctrine, but share the same passion for similiar hobbies, movies, sports, tech, etc., and bond over those activities and leave what they each believe in out of their conversations.
I’m mostly fine with people holding their beliefs whatever they may be, but what’s extra scary to me is just how detached from reality the majority of the users on here seem to be.
I’ve seen very logical and polite moderate/centrists get told to go away because they are clearly just pretending to be a centrist but are actually a righty or whatever. These people can’t even talk to someone who only sorta disagrees with them. It’s so unbelievably unhealthy.
I’m fully with you on all of that. No matter what person believes, anything and wverything, it does no harm to you until they act on it.
If someone never tries to take your money and never tries to break your leg, their views and beliefs are of no consequence to you.
It’s really unfortunate. Most people on here are batshit insane. It’s too much of an echo chamber. Mods literally delete your posts for disagreeing with the hivemind. If you post something “conservative” you instantly get called a fascist or a nazi.
People on the internet, both left and right, doesn’t actually know what fascism is from the context of how they use it. There’s actually a LOT of people who demand to have a fascistic society, given what they say that everybody must get the poison poke injected into them. Those people want fascism, in the true sense of the word. Hint:Nazis and fascists hate each other.
But I strongly agree with everything you said, including your description for being insane.
They live in their own little bubble. It is best to ignore them and communicate with serious people.
and the irony is lost on you.
You make a false equivalency that FOSS is tolerance of varying political views.
If people aren’t agreeing with you and your shitty opinions, then it may be your opinions. People are allowed to disagree, and if the majority of people disagree with you, it isn’t a conspiracy. Again, it’s your shitty opinions. If you want validation for said shitty opinions, you’re more than welcome to go to Truthsocial or X. Seems the people crying about echo chambers want an echo chamber.