It is extremely weird to me how many people I talk to on the left that are totally fine with doing away with free speech. I’m glad there are people like you that still exist. Sadly you appear to be a fairly small minority on the left…well at least on this site and most of the internet. Seems moderate lefts either don’t speak up or don’t use social media much for some reason.
I have tried explaining why echo chambers and shutting down anyone you disagree with is bad so many times and you just get downvoted for saying that around here which is nuts. Most of these people seem to WANT to be in an echo chamber. Very concerning.
The right to free speech enshrined in the constitution means the government and its courts can’t silence you. That’s it. That’s all. It doesn’t mean you can say the N word without social consequences. Or the F slur. Which I’m sure is the only speech you care about being free.
The right to free speech doesn’t mean people have to like you when you say shitty things. It doesn’t mean people have to placate you or believe you when you spout obvious falsehoods.
That’s all this “muh free speech” bullshit is. I hear it at work from gen x blue collar guys all the time. “My daughter won’t talk to me because she’s been brainwashed by social Marxism” lol no, your daughter won’t talk to you because you’re a racist, homophobic, misogynistic douchebag.
**You have a right to speak, you have no fucking right whatsoever to be heard or given a fuck about. **
Why do you chucklefucks always assume that anyone who says they believe in free speech must want to call people slurs.
I believe that a person should legally be allowed to say whatever they want. You cannot start picking and choosing what counts as free speech or not so yes unfortunately that means words you don’t like are included. And yes as you pointed out freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.
The blue collar dad that wants to misgender trans people all day cannot be LEGALLY punished the same way I don’t think anyone should be punished for speaking out however much they wish about whatever politicians or political powers they disagree with. Family and society can shun them, but the government cannot legally punish them for expressing their opinions no matter how much you dislike them. Because even though you can’t imagine it right now for some reason YOU might be the person who is standing their ground and saying what they believe in, but now your ideals are illegal so sorry jail time for you. You got rid of freedom of speech and now the powers that be have flipped so you’re opinions are illegal.
I do not understand why this line of thinking is so difficult for some people to wrap their minds around. In China you cannot speak out against Xi Jinping. You can’t even mention certain atrocious their government has committed like tiananmen square. THAT is the consequence of not having free free speech.
I’m literally fighting or your right to be able to speak out against anyone you feel morally obligated to do so regardless if I agree with you or not. I cannot understand how you would want to take that away from yourself.
lol you complete ass clown, you basically just parroted what I fucking said. You have legal protection from prosecution, that’s it. Nothing else. No social contract stating the rest of us have to tolerate you or not ridicule you, downvote you, block you. Social media platforms are not the federal or state or local government. They don’t owe you shit, there is no bill of facebook bigot protection.
Nothing has happened to that freedom. Youve had it the whole time and still do. And yet, here you are drawing false equivalence. You aren’t fighting for shit, you howling into the void about people not liking your opinions because they’re trash opinions.
You’re angry about getting downvoted for right-speak like it’s a fucking federal indictment.
It is extremely weird to me how many people I talk to on the left that are totally fine with doing away with free speech. I’m glad there are people like you that still exist. Sadly you appear to be a fairly small minority on the left…well at least on this site and most of the internet. Seems moderate lefts either don’t speak up or don’t use social media much for some reason.
I have tried explaining why echo chambers and shutting down anyone you disagree with is bad so many times and you just get downvoted for saying that around here which is nuts. Most of these people seem to WANT to be in an echo chamber. Very concerning.
The right to free speech enshrined in the constitution means the government and its courts can’t silence you. That’s it. That’s all. It doesn’t mean you can say the N word without social consequences. Or the F slur. Which I’m sure is the only speech you care about being free.
The right to free speech doesn’t mean people have to like you when you say shitty things. It doesn’t mean people have to placate you or believe you when you spout obvious falsehoods.
That’s all this “muh free speech” bullshit is. I hear it at work from gen x blue collar guys all the time. “My daughter won’t talk to me because she’s been brainwashed by social Marxism” lol no, your daughter won’t talk to you because you’re a racist, homophobic, misogynistic douchebag.
**You have a right to speak, you have no fucking right whatsoever to be heard or given a fuck about. **
Why do you chucklefucks always assume that anyone who says they believe in free speech must want to call people slurs.
I believe that a person should legally be allowed to say whatever they want. You cannot start picking and choosing what counts as free speech or not so yes unfortunately that means words you don’t like are included. And yes as you pointed out freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.
The blue collar dad that wants to misgender trans people all day cannot be LEGALLY punished the same way I don’t think anyone should be punished for speaking out however much they wish about whatever politicians or political powers they disagree with. Family and society can shun them, but the government cannot legally punish them for expressing their opinions no matter how much you dislike them. Because even though you can’t imagine it right now for some reason YOU might be the person who is standing their ground and saying what they believe in, but now your ideals are illegal so sorry jail time for you. You got rid of freedom of speech and now the powers that be have flipped so you’re opinions are illegal.
I do not understand why this line of thinking is so difficult for some people to wrap their minds around. In China you cannot speak out against Xi Jinping. You can’t even mention certain atrocious their government has committed like tiananmen square. THAT is the consequence of not having free free speech.
I’m literally fighting or your right to be able to speak out against anyone you feel morally obligated to do so regardless if I agree with you or not. I cannot understand how you would want to take that away from yourself.
lol you complete ass clown, you basically just parroted what I fucking said. You have legal protection from prosecution, that’s it. Nothing else. No social contract stating the rest of us have to tolerate you or not ridicule you, downvote you, block you. Social media platforms are not the federal or state or local government. They don’t owe you shit, there is no bill of facebook bigot protection.
Nothing has happened to that freedom. Youve had it the whole time and still do. And yet, here you are drawing false equivalence. You aren’t fighting for shit, you howling into the void about people not liking your opinions because they’re trash opinions.
You’re angry about getting downvoted for right-speak like it’s a fucking federal indictment.
You’re not the brightest sandwich in the toolshed are you.