The video on CNN
“…cringeworthy heckling…” man CNN has gone downhill. Not even trying to appear objective
It’s so infuriating, but when has CNN ever attempted to appear objective? They have been blatant controlled opposition for a while now. Their playbook is to platform misinformation and repackage far right talking points into words that are palatable to liberal and centrist viewers.
Yeah fair. But this is like Fox level stuff. Usually they were somewhat better than Fox journalistically.
That’s the stated intent of the people who bought them a few years back, so i’m not sure why you’re surprised.
Not surprised. Just impressed
Some people watch that and just take the cue and believe it. This is what brainwashing looks like.
They’re not wrong.
This is the second time today I’ve seen you link to the New York Post.
Are you going to start linking to NewsMax next?
I’m starting to agree with that other guy on that other thread. You’re kinda being lame lately dude.
Dude makes great contributions - got no hate against him for that - but he’s a bit too sure of himself sometimes.
He also always seems to have some beef with the OP for some reason or another. They’re both like the only two names I easily recognize on Lemmy because of how active they are - ngl, I think that’s actually kinda neat, how small these communities are or whatever.
Haha, same
Why are you lying? If I was ever sure of myself about anything, I would at least have something about me I could point to as a personal trait that someone, somewhere might occasionally view as a plus.
I have no idea why people feel the need to lie about me all the time when there are so many horrible truths about me they could point to.
Bro, I don’t know you and I got nothing against ya. I absolutely appreciate you commenting on shit that might be dead otherwise.
That said, you’re kinda doing it right now. I’m saying you’re a bit too sure or yourself which could be an opportunity to reflect and understand why I would think that, but you’re more inclined to defend and lash out without trying to fully understand what I’m trying to communicate to you.
Please don’t take it the wrong way. This isn’t an attack on you as a person, but moreso maybe on how you communicate with others - not sure. I know for sure you got tons of cool personal traits. Your comic sub is awesome! This is just something most of us could/need to improve on. It probably wasn’t the best way to communicate it to you though. lol. Hope we cool! :)
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Yeah, well, it’s not going to matter soon anyway. I’m trying to find out if is going to watch me do it tonight like they said they would or if I have to wait, but they keep trying to chicken out.
Edit: Yep, he’s totally chickened out. Anyone want to watch and verify on their behalf since they think I’m “crying wolf?” Would anyone like to see the “ketchup” that he claims I’m using live since he’s too much of a coward?
You’re hurting bad buddy. Please go call someone that can help.
Lot of people still care about you on this dumb little site.
Never said this, but message me if you wanna talk. You definitely got a friend in me, if you can forgive that I upset you
What a weird reply.
The truth can be weird. And most of the things that I say that are even worth spending a second paying attention to are weird. And therefore also not worth paying attention to. So stop paying attention to me. It will improve your life immensely.
And I’m tired of people lying about me when there’s endless things you could demonize me for that are legitimate. You still won’t be able to hurt me by pointing those out, because I already hate everything about myself, but at least you’ll keep yourself honest.
Render unto Caesar? :-D
Cool, good story bro
See, again, trolling me like this won’t work. You cannot possibly make me hate myself any more than I already do. But if you don’t want to improve your life immensely by ignoring me now, your life will improve immensely in four years regardless.
I guess you’ll just have to keep trying to make me hate myself more in the interim to pass the time.
I have never not been lame. If you ever had any respect for me, you shouldn’t. There has never been any reason to like me and no one should because I don’t deserve to be liked.
But that doesn’t mean we should be giving page views to Rupert Murdoch “news” outlets.
You do deserve to be liked and respected
Well I appreciate you thinking so, but it doesn’t really matter much either way at this point.
Fine. Agreed.
Did the new york post suddenly become a legitimate publication when I wasn’t looking? Am I thinking of a different paper?
Because the new york post I’m aware of is such a steaming pile of shit that presenting it as actual information is tantamount to doing the work of a hostile foreign government.
I would be embarrassed I didn’t spot that it was a link to them, but the formatting on this post/app/whatever makes it extremely hard to notice.
Anyway, nothing about the comment you replied to could possibly be considered lame, so I don’t know what the hell angle you’re trying to get at here.
They probably don’t think about you at all.
No one does except for people like you who are obsessed with me on Lemmy. What’s your point?
That’s not a journalist, that’s an activist with press credentials.
A journalist reports, a journalist is not supposed to BE the news. And while critical questions should be asked, just shouting insults like that is not the way to go about things. If you want to do that, go stand in front of the building with a sign. Shit like this only makes the job harder for actual journalists who are there to do a job.
Even if they were an activist, how were they wrong? How was Anthony Blinken and the Biden administration right?
The news is that Biden dropped the ball (to put it lightly lol) on gaza, and these fucks need to answer for their crimes.
The US should view Netanyahu’s death like they viewed Hitler’s, as a military victory, and actively seek to make it happen.