Aye fellow lemmites, given current circumstances I thought it might behoove me to diversify my interweb experience. I would very much enjoy kicking it on some old school interweb forums. Ive found a couple but would appreciate some referrals. Anyone care to share some decently active forums here in 2025, the year of our lord and the fall of the empire? Namaste’
You don’t care about topic at all?
EDIT: Here are some 26 million phpBB forum pages:
The first page of results is mostly related to phpBB itself, and the second page starts listing forums using phpBB.
It would help if you said what your interests are. I sometimes hang out on lowendspirit.com (self-hosting on cheap servers) and on budgetlightforums.com (flashlights). The OG flashlight forum (candlepowerforums.com) is still around too, but has slowed down a lot. Or heck, start your own!
EEVBlog is still the center of the electron universe