I have a coworker who clearly doesn’t live with anyone and all she wants to do is chat. I have on many occasions told her I need to focus on that I’m busy and she says, “Oh, sorry. But did I tell you about (some niche issue here)?”
I’ve almost gotten to the point of switching desks.
Damn that’s crazy
I work with someone like this but it’s over Teams.
Last time she called, I had an idea. I said “I know you’ve got lots on, and I can go on a bit, so I’ll be quick.” It didn’t work.
She’s lovely and I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but I’m swamped so having a long conversation about stuff that’s not work isn’t an option.
That’s my MiL in a nutshell. It takes my SO 20 minutes to get off the phone with her.
When you try to back away slowly but they just move with you
Holy shit what is happening
man that’s crazy
Had this happen to me yesterday while I was out shopping. I’d been three other locations. I just wanted to hit up a particular place where I buy my dairy for milk, butter, and cheese before heading home, and the cashier (a little old lady) was going on and and on. Like, lady, you’re really sweet, but I’ve been out for three hours, and I just wanna get home.
But I’m not a monster. I listened to her. I did make my escape after about ten minutes lol I’m sure she talks the ears off her grandkids.
I, too, have a tendency to ramble and over share lol
Autism moment
I’m sorry I have to go feed the cat