Hello everybody,
What is the company and corporation that is the object of your hate? What did/do they do to get that spot for you?
Mine is Facebook/Meta for their egregious data collection policies, psychological manipulation of its users, and more recently, them not seeding content.
Thanks in advance for your time! Have a good one!
Nestle. Other big corporations may steal my data and manipulate their users, but nestle deprives people of the basic right of being able to drink.
Also, it pollutes our waters with plastic and poison everyone (including turtles, even if they are burning!)
Fuck Nestle is always obligatory.
Vampires, slavers, and directly responsible for the deaths of 10 million infants across the world.
Hell better be hot.
Hard to top Meta right now. Propaganda enables all the other bullshit from the likes of Nestle, fossil fuel companies, certain car makers, surveillance companies etc., and people don’t even get that Facebook and Instagram are even an issue beyond “social media is inherently bad”-sentiments (in contrast to x/twitter, which saw a large exodus recently).
Though if I’m honest, it’s not just social media - even “respectable” print and tv publications have been pushing the “brown people are violent criminals”-narrative, which is pretty much entirely a fabrication according to statistics (at least here in Germany).
facebook/meta deliberately sows misinformation with the help with russia to drive up revenue sources , turns out conservatives are very easy pickings for advertisements. Ive seen youtber run to Facebooks, because they whining how a sub was making them look bad.
Uline, owned by the Unihleins. They contribute millions of dollars to the most extreme republicans in Illinois and other states. They funded Bruce Rauner and Daren Bailey. They were behind fake newspapers being mailed and fearmongering cashless bail.
They are also behind the scheme to have a downstate judge try to hold the governor in contempt over mask mandates.
They also help run “Illinois policy institute”
Are they the ones behind the post cards/flyers asking you to quit your union and buy a console or go on a vacation with the approximately $700 you would potentially save?
The Janus in Janus v. AFSCME works for Illinois Policy, so probably.
the antiunion/buy a console instead poster was delta airlines in 2019.
Comcast/Xfinity. Installed home security equipment I told them wouldn’t work, then once it turned out it didn’t, they charged me $1000+ for the equipment that they took back, but somehow misplaced. Two years of calls later, they finally ground me down. It’s the one company I refuse to call for my elderly mother when she has trouble with them.
BofA is a close second. Emptied out my little kid’s saving account with fees (even though they said it was a free account when we opened it, so we didn’t bother checking the statements). Hit us up for multiple overdraft fees, then offered to return only three months’ worth of just the fees.
They can all burn in hell.
I hate Comcast/Xfinity with such a passion I tell myself if I had the same hatred for a person I’d be in jail for murder.
Not only did they impose their “trial data caps” in my area and charge me out the ass for going over 2TB a month, I acceded once to being upsold and was told it was completely reversible within a month. After realizing the sales shithead lied to me about the features, I called to revert. Guess what? They couldn’t. It wasn’t something they could do. Fortunately I recorded all my calls, but even with that it took me more than 30 hours of phone and chat time to get it fixed, and the agent who finally helped me had to setup a recurring account credit to fix it. Absolutely horrid. She basically clarified, without saying it outright, that the sales shithead lied to my face because they’re practically encouraged to.
Long story short my home purchase decision was influenced greatly by those shitheads not being in the area, and just seeing an ad makes me want to vandalize it. It’s the only thing I hate with this much passion.
Nestle. Their future is the dystopian part of evil that we see in movies.
Water barons…
Oh, I have my favorites.
Nestle is up in the list, as is Monsanto.
For years I hated Microsoft with a passion for all the scummy things they did. They killed a lot of good companies and products by shady business practices rather than competing with quality software.
Then there’s Nvidia. These bastards will just not play ball with open source, so every gamer kid that somehow decides to try Linux and fails thanks to their shitty drivers end up in reddit screaming “Linux sucks”. AMD and Intel are fine to open source their drivers or at least publish the specs so others may do it for them. I suspect the true reason is that there’s a lot of benchmark rigging code inside Nvidia’s drivers.
Starbucks. They moved into my neighborhood and put a bunch of small business owners (cafes) out of business including one owned by a very good friend.
Nestle. obvs
Google. They had such a noble cause and potential - to organize the world’s information so that everyone could search it effectively. There was a point I thought of them as the epitome of academia, a huge force in the quest for the advancement of the world.
Now they’ve become the exact opposite.
Right now specifically? I have it out for Pearson. I bought a eTextbook from them that I need for a data structures class because of the bs online assignments. I only need it for a semester, had to pay $120 for a whole year.
The built in Java IDE? Completely busted. Returns the same failed to compile error for every single assignment. I even went and tested it in IntelliJ to make sure it works. It’s not my code. It’s a problem with Pearson’s IDE.
Then, I raise the issue to tech support, only, tech support is just an AI that goes through the usual “Clear Cookies, try a different web browser”. Finally it says it will “raise it higher” since none of those things worked. I’m gonna have to be higher after dealing with this BS. Anyways, right now they’re high up on my personal shit list since they took my money and can’t even deliver a functional product
Pearson has been operating like that for decades. I had similar issues with their online homework systems ~15 years ago.
Sadly I’ve tried googling the answers to the online assignments and idk if they’re too new or what but I can’t find them anywhere
Youtube, so much right wing content if your not logged in you will see some shorts, and also channels you used to love turned into greedy as people/.
Man I was just telling my wife about this the other day. YouTube’s home page, not signed in, on an American VPN was disgusting: AI slop, half-naked women, and propaganda that was not only pro-Trump but actively suggesting violence
mostly against trans, and wokeness, which is cringey at best, do we need to see too much fox, and propaganda channels. i tried to lessen the impact by going to pet related channels, im not giving google by logging in. i was chiming this on a youtube SUBREDDIT, and people"thats your problem not ours", i say “btch your here whining about MR BEAST/asmondgold a known POS yotber that you’re supporting by watching his videos.” and saying the anti-woke stuff does not appear on thier feeds, your also support youtube who promotes this stuff by logging in.
Microsoft, because I lived through the 80s and 90s.
Most companies become evil after they grow big. Some companies become big by being evil. Microsoft is the latter.
Imagine the progress the computer industry could have made without Microsoft killing any every bit of competition. Although sometimes I wonder if Linux wouldn’t have taken off as a reaction.
A cynic might say that we’d then just have a slightly more powerful and even less innovative IBM.
Nestle and EA.
American Greetings. Their corporate headquarters was in Cleveland next door to a thriving drive in theater. It was good cheap entertainment for families in a city full of low income families. AG bought the drive in and demolished it, rebuilding a landscaped corporate park in its place. Ten years later they moved.
I’ll throw out a new one: Cricut vinyl cutters.
Machine works just dandy, software is, quite literally, the worst I’ve worked with in 30 years of IT. The company puts no money into the product, it’s clearly only there to blast users with ads and give the machine basic, and hellish, functionality.
Here’s the best part! I can’t use my cutter unless I connect the software to the internet. It updates daily, yet ads nothing to functionality. Must be updating shit for sale.
Couple of years ago they made headline news by changing the terms so that users could only work on a couple of projects without paying for a subscription. A couple of projects could easily be part of one project. The howls of outrage got them to back off, damage done. I’ll replace it with any other brand if that time comes.
Get a vinyl cutter from sign warehouse and use Adobe illustrator, pirate CS6 if you have to, it doesnt require a subscription. You’ll be MUCH happier, I did commercial vinyl for years, it’s night and day. Cricut is expensive as fuck compared, and broken as fuck.
I got a silhouette because of how horrific cricut software is.
Silhouette was my choice if the Cricut craps out. Thanks for the word of mouth!
Thank you, I’ve been wondering if I might want one but now I definitely don’t.
I hate all corps but on this occasion I’m going to single out Nintendo for everything they’ve done since forcing Yuzu to shut down. Scummy bastards of the highest order.