A bunch of crazy politicians want that. The majority of people in both sides wants peace and would like their money to be spend in useful things and not giant armies.
Holy shit, how did it take so long to find someone not wanting to give billions to the military industrial complex that will definitely not use that money to lobby politicians into going to war with which they make profit. Rheinmetall stocks have gone up 1300% in the past 5 years. 1300%. That’s not a misspell. 1300%.
FUCK WAR, I’m not fucking throwing my body into a needless meatgrinding war between imperialist nations.
Russia, both politician and population, is not backing down. they have tied their own identity to war.
this problem is not going away until its made to go away.
I assure you. You do not want to live in Russkiy Mir. (The Russian World). where most of europe is enslaved, or dead.
Russia, both politician and population, is not backing down. they have tied their own identity to war. this problem is not going away until its made to go away.
Following the same logic we should shit on every american because they elected trump. The majority of people don’t want war they get brainwashed and get caught into it.
I assure you. You do not want to live in Russkiy Mir. (The Russian World). where most of europe is enslaved, or dead.
There are countries with even worst regimes like egypt or saudi arabia. Governments supporting these and waging war against russia are not in good faith. You don’t want to live in any country controlled by authoritarian rulers.
Following the same logic we should shit on every american because they elected trump. The majority of people don’t want war they get brainwashed and get caught into it.
We do already shit on every American. That has been covered. Thank Trump for that. Seen Tesla sales in the EU? That will never recover. never. I can’t see any EU airline order a Boeing ever again. Etc.
Just like with China, he made it very clear to the EU we must do things ourself and can not depend on any American product or service ever again. Americans are untrustworthy. That’s the lesson learned.
Message recieved, loud and clear.
Did you hear Macron? Starner? VdLeyden? That defense fund will be spend in the EU. not in the US. And that defense fund is only the start. Everything will follow.
Very probably an EU cloud will emerge in a few years making the reliance on MS, Google, Amazon, Oracle a thing of the past. There is a lot of talk about this now in government agencies all over the EU. The USA is untrustworthy. We cant trust them anymore with our data.
We where friends, allies. Big spenders. But apparently that was all useless.
No, a bunch of people who want Ukraines sovereignty respected want that. I don’t want Germany to invade russia, this person is being hyperbolic. But Germans securing the Ukrainian border is fine.
Look at the comment from Goldholz answering you. He’s glorifying his literal Nazi grandad. This is the type of people who want to “march on Moscow”. Rethink your positions mate.
“the entire western world”
A bunch of crazy politicians want that. The majority of people in both sides wants peace and would like their money to be spend in useful things and not giant armies.
Holy shit, how did it take so long to find someone not wanting to give billions to the military industrial complex that will definitely not use that money to lobby politicians into going to war with which they make profit. Rheinmetall stocks have gone up 1300% in the past 5 years. 1300%. That’s not a misspell. 1300%.
FUCK WAR, I’m not fucking throwing my body into a needless meatgrinding war between imperialist nations.
Russia, both politician and population, is not backing down. they have tied their own identity to war. this problem is not going away until its made to go away.
I assure you. You do not want to live in Russkiy Mir. (The Russian World). where most of europe is enslaved, or dead.
Following the same logic we should shit on every american because they elected trump. The majority of people don’t want war they get brainwashed and get caught into it.
There are countries with even worst regimes like egypt or saudi arabia. Governments supporting these and waging war against russia are not in good faith. You don’t want to live in any country controlled by authoritarian rulers.
We do already shit on every American. That has been covered. Thank Trump for that. Seen Tesla sales in the EU? That will never recover. never. I can’t see any EU airline order a Boeing ever again. Etc.
Just like with China, he made it very clear to the EU we must do things ourself and can not depend on any American product or service ever again. Americans are untrustworthy. That’s the lesson learned. Message recieved, loud and clear.
Did you hear Macron? Starner? VdLeyden? That defense fund will be spend in the EU. not in the US. And that defense fund is only the start. Everything will follow.
Very probably an EU cloud will emerge in a few years making the reliance on MS, Google, Amazon, Oracle a thing of the past. There is a lot of talk about this now in government agencies all over the EU. The USA is untrustworthy. We cant trust them anymore with our data.
We where friends, allies. Big spenders. But apparently that was all useless.
Instead of shitting on everyone try to understand where the problem is
No, a bunch of people who want Ukraines sovereignty respected want that. I don’t want Germany to invade russia, this person is being hyperbolic. But Germans securing the Ukrainian border is fine.
Nah, I would enjoy a march on Moscow.
Look at the comment from Goldholz answering you. He’s glorifying his literal Nazi grandad. This is the type of people who want to “march on Moscow”. Rethink your positions mate.
I read a lot of news and thus is the first I’m hearing this
Mass media spin the narrative. Ask people irl around you what they think
To clarify, it’s the first I’m hearing about the Germans becoming some sort of Deus ex machina against Russia
I do indeed talk a lot about the goings on with my peers
LOL…yeah but the peace on their terms never aligns with the peace of the other side. so fuck russia and burn a tesla.
We’ve always had a giant army. It just wasn’t ours and we can’t rely on it any more.
Europe countries armies combined already match and even surpass russia.
Here is the weasel