Hi, I’m The Fediverse Chick, and I’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty!
The real joke for me is lemmy being so starved of content a meme is cast of the first big spam message and people are irritatedly commenting that they haven’t gotten it yet
You got any more of them memes?
Shakes with withdrawal
Hey man, come on. Don’t hold out!
You’ve made me realize I haven’t received it. The fomo is suddenly so real.
I finally got hit today, was feeling left out of the fun.
Oh hey, I got her today as well! I guess she’s expanding the reach
Same! I was starting to think I was doing Lemmy wrong or something
Now if I can only figure out how to get Lemmy to let me delete the damned thing…
I have not gotten hit.
Me as well, what am I supposed to do with this now?
Can someone explain?
I can’t explain, no, because I don’t understand the motivation behind it.
But someone (likely a bot) has been spamming messages, allegedly from the person depicted, as “the Fediverse chick.” I got my first one this morning. It arrived within sixty seconds of me making a post, so I have to guess it’s targeting more active users. If you’re a frequent commenter, you’ll probably get one eventually, too.
I’m more of a lurker so I guess I’m invisible lol
Not anymore!
I almost never comment so this is a test.
I’ll piggy back off your test
Edit: it took 7 hours but I finally got my DM! Woohoo!
I still haven’t had one. Go figure.
I comment loads, but I’m a girl. For science!
Not Lenny!
So you are the unfound one, I see
You’ll find someone special for you one day 🙏
What did I miss?
A bot that messages you, for like fake hookups and stuff. I got another one this morning. It says She’s polish studying in Toronto:D I forgot her name though.
Her Name’s Nicole.
But you can call her the Fediverse Chick
There is go! Thanks!
Lol that was supposed to be there it is.
are you fucking sorry ?
Yes :(
Plot twist: Shes just a lonely person stationed somewhere far away from civilization trying desperately to make friends and find love online.
Who isn’t?
Imagine if it’s just actually her pulling the most epic troll in Lemmy history.
Does anyone know who this person actually is? Shouldn’t we try to tell them this is happening?
I think she is the Fediverse chick
Today I finally received one, I’m worthy enough to be targeted by a bot.
Just joined, can someone explain?
There is a spammer begging for money in DMs using that picture.
lol, same here, joined 4 days ago. While reading this thread I notice one new DM - guess what 🤣
Zero DMs for me and now I’m sad
I just got it yesterday, don’t worry your day will come!
Yesterday for me too.
Also, seeing the post just now, I knew I recognized the picture but I couldn’t remember why :)
I texted back “Just send me the virus link”, but did not get a response 🙁
I got mine today
I have two of the old ones. Waiting excitedly for the new one.
I just noticed I got mine.
Are you really a Fediverse user if you haven’t gotten one of these yet?
literally joined like an hour ago :-/
What do you think so far? Pretty exciting concept, right?
I got my first one today. I feel like I have finally made it in the Fediverse.
I signed up less than a week ago and got one overnight… though I’ve been on mastodon for years and not got one - seems like you get accepted easier here than there 😜
I just got my first one yesterday and phew, what a relief. I thought I was a phony for a while there.
She practically could be the mascot at this point
Haven’t gotten one yet :/
I’ve been here for more than a year and I only got it yesterday. I almost started to feel being left out.
That gives me hope. Still haven’t received that pledge of honor.
I haven’t gotten one yet, maybe because I don’t comment much. Edit: just got it lol
I mean I got my first one just Friday.
I got my first one at last. I’m in the cool kids’ club now.
Ah she’s on mastodon too?! Hahaha. Nicole will go down in fediverse history and I love it.
I just checked my messages and there she is 🥲 I feel both seen and seen through, as though this is what it feels like when doves cry 🥲