Howdy y’all!
I’m compiling data, for “personal” use, of companies that have recently (within a couple years) increased executive pay while slashing their workforce/benefits/pay. Sources appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I think a shorter list would be companies that haven’t done this.
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Virtually all of them
Starbucks literal,y just increased the CEO pay by something like 90milkion and laid off over a thousand workers.
Don’t quote the figures it’s from memory but I read about it just yesterday somwhere so well worth a look !
is anything that is a “corporation” a valid answer? that’s pretty par for the course sadly. Once you hit public trade usually is when it happens
I don’t have sources but as it was so recent, it’s easily searchable. But meta slashed their workforce recently and gave their execs huge bonuses for it.
Might be easiest just to look up which ones aren’t publicly traded on the stock market - which are the only ones that might not be doing that crap.