You know how there’s all those fuckin people who swear they were Napoleon or Cleopatra in a previous life? Something like that.
“I’ll have you know that Mr Mittens was a favorite bed cat of Charlemagne!”
“Quite. What is the Frankish for ‘Mr Mittens’ anyway?”
Remember, Mittens used to run the Holy Roman Empire, so a little bow and groveling go a long way…also he puked on the rug.
Cats would become official heirlooms, passed down between house and family.
If they still bred the same way, the world suffer mass extinction.
I hear they’re pretty good at driving local birds extinct right now. Think about what would happen if they got this much time to hone their craft!
Cats would be studied and experimented to create all sort of grift like snail juice creams and the entire culture of Chinese animal “medicine” we have today.
Maybe what we have now is actually better for the cats.
Well I don’t know about the world but I’d still have my cat.
Cats would put you down when it was time for you to go home from old age
OP was asking for things that would be different.
News: “Audrey Hepburn’s cat sold for $1000000 at auction”
Is the lifespan of cats in this scenario 1,000 years or 9 x 1,000 years because of their nine lives?
Sadly even indoor cats barely live to 20.
Yes, indeed. RIP Grumpy Cat and all the others.
I’d still prefer dogs.
Cat worship would go up. Also their behavior might be worse from being spoiled all the time.
There may be a possibility of increasing their danger levels since they will have way more hunter experience.