• @grue@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Again with the motherfucking passive voice! Yet again, car violence gets minimized by the piece of shit headline writers.

    No, strikers were not “hit by vehicle,” you sniveling sorry excuse for a “journalist!” A driver propelled his two-ton piece of heavy machinery into them. Quit minimizing the perpetrator’s agency just because he used a car as his attempted-murder weapon!

    I am sick and tired of this car-supremacist propaganda.

  • Flying Squid
    979 months ago

    You just know this asshole was driving a car manufactured by UAW members.

  • @puppy@lemmy.world
    819 months ago

    Don’t forget that we have 8 hour workdays, weekends off, payed time off and other benefits all thanks to union efforts. All of them we take granted for. They were not granted because of the kindness of employers.

    • TechyDad
      139 months ago

      And for a view into what jobs could look like without unions “interfering” with the owners’ wishes, look at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. That factory had long hours, horrible working conditions, doors locked to prevent workers from leaving (the owners claimed it was to keep employees from stealing scraps of fabric), and more. When a fire broke out, nobody could open the doors to escape and close to 150 workers died. Many fell to their deaths because they got to high windows and jumped out - hoping to survive the fall rather than be burned alive.

      • @kboy101222@lemm.ee
        9 months ago

        Several likely knew it would kill them and took the quick death. I know I would… I don’t care if it would take several minutes or 10 seconds to kill me, fuck that I ain’t burning alive.

        The shirtwaist factory incident definitely needs to be taught from like third grade onwards as an example of why unionization and labor laws are in fact necessary in a capitalist society.

        The jury acquitted the two men of first- and second-degree manslaughter, but they were found liable of wrongful death during a subsequent civil suit in 1913 in which plaintiffs were awarded compensation in the amount of $75 per deceased victim. The insurance company paid Blanck and Harris about $60,000 more than the reported losses, or about $400 per casualty.

        Jesus fucking Christ not only did they get off, they ended up making money off the whole thing. It really feels like not much has changed in 112 years

        • TechyDad
          49 months ago

          And $75 in 1913 is the equivalent of $2,325.95 today. Imagine if a factory was wildly unsafe, caused the deaths of a hundred workers, and then the courts said “their lives are only worth about $2,300 each.” There would be marches like crazy and calls to hold the owners liable for much, much more.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️
    219 months ago

    Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle Motorist hit-and-run striking workers with vehicle, causing injuries

    fixed it

        • prole
          309 months ago

          BLM did not just loot Philly you fucking liar. I know because I live around there and I’ve been reading about the story you’re referring to all day. Fuck off with that bullshit, the cops themselves say that the looting was by opportunists that were unconnected to the peaceful protests that were going on the same night.

      • @skizzles@lemmy.ml
        -249 months ago

        And you are putting words in my mouth.

        I never said it was an inconvenience.

        The UAW protesters should be protecting themselves. They are already putting themselves on the line with the protest. They shouldn’t put themselves in more danger just so they can be taken out of the fight.

        Try to think rationally, educate yourself on the real world and how it works.

        • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
          79 months ago

          You are taking out of both sides of your mouth. “They didn’t have been run over but they had it coming!”

            • stevedidWHAT
              49 months ago

              Explain yourself differently then?

              And before you say “JuSt UndErsTand bEtteR” “it’s nOt my fAuLt they aRe dUmB” consider who’s the one making a case here and who’s responsibility it is to speak your own points clearly as possible.

              I’m fucking awful at wording how I feel sometimes about a viewpoint I have, but just giving up on conveying what you’re trying to get at…. I mean what’s even the point in speaking your mind in the first place then you know? Obviously the way you worded it wasn’t clear enough to convey what you mean, just try again.

              • @skizzles@lemmy.ml
                9 months ago


                Don’t stand in front of oncoming cars if you don’t want to get hit. Don’t be a dick and run people over.

                Is that simple enough for you?

                Or is reading comprehension not your strong point?

                Edit: I apologize for that last line but It’s quite frustrating trying to express a valid and correct point accurately and concisely while consistently being shit on and insulted. Even after going back and reading the several different comments I made, it is pretty clear what I have been saying. Both parties are at fault. I don’t see how it could be misinterpreted to me just straight up blaming the protestors.

                • stevedidWHAT
                  9 months ago

                  Learn how to control your outbursts and your life will be infinitely easier my friend. I’m right there with you, look at my post history too.

                  You’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. There’s all kinds of gadfly’s swarming about on this platform, keep in mind you might appear like one to others. Everyone should be ignoring them or calmly and concisely squashing them anyway. Don’t wanna get squirshed _

                  Be well

                • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
                  19 months ago

                  while consistently being shit on and insulted.

                  I suppose it makes sense that you’re less likely to listen to people if you feel like you are being shit on and insulted.

                  Is that simple enough for you?

                  Or is reading comprehension not your strong point?

                  Maybe if you weren’t shitting on and insulting people they wouldn’t come at you with a similar attitude.

    • @StuffYouFear@lemmy.world
      -709 months ago

      Ill join you on the downvote boat. Protest all you want, but they were blocking a exit, not an entrance. They were not blocking people from working, they were blocking them from going home. Protests should not impede traffic.

      • blanketswithsmallpox
        9 months ago

        No, they’re not. Quit watering down what terrorism means.

        Terrorism is someone who specifically is trying to kill, maim, destroy, or significantly hurt people due to very narrow ideologies which are usually VERY political now.

        Running people over because you can’t get to work isn’t one of them. That is attempted manslaughter if you hurt them bad enough, not a fucking terrorist.

        Either you guys know way more about the incident than I do since you’re close to the police and already know it’s a Trumper who hates strikes and thought they were all gay black democrats, who potentially showed up specifically to hurt these people, or it was some asshole trying to get to work and got so manic he decided it’s better to maim or kill people than to get to work.


        • Flying Squid
          159 months ago

          How do you know why they were run over when the person who did it hasn’t been caught?

          • blanketswithsmallpox
            9 months ago

            Exactly. Thank you.

            I am fully willing to change my thought on the matter at the drop of a hat with new information. But the way the article reads is VERY different from every terrorist car attack we’ve seen in the USA in previous years.

            The strikers were blocking an exit to the processing center on West Bristol Road, Bade said, when the incident took place.

            The driver, who drove off after the incident, has not been located, Bade said.

            UAW Region 1-D President Steve Dawes told MLive-The Flint Journal that the vehicle involved in the incident was dark in color, possibly an HHR or PT Cruiser.

            He added that two of the five people hit were taken to a local hospital.

            “It was uncalled for,” Dawes said. “These people are out here, you know these are my membership, and they’re out here doing a peaceful, legal demonstration.

            “This is very serious and we’re going to be pushing this issue.”

        • @grue@lemmy.world
          139 months ago

          Crossing a picket line is an inherently political act. Terrorism is the use of violence for political ends. Connect the fucking dots.

        • @blazeknave@lemmy.world
          79 months ago

          Who are they? Op meant you. They’re referencing your validation of terrorizing striking workers from exercising their constitutional rights. You’re validating it by minimizing its importance.

        • be_excellent_to_each_other
          79 months ago

          and already know it’s a Trumper who hates strikes and thought they were all gay black democrats

          I mean, this is entirely plausible.

          • blanketswithsmallpox
            9 months ago

            Yep, and yet the article says nothing close to it, and is described the same way every frustrated person dealing with blocked roads does when they panic and flee and eventually get hit with significant battery or accidental manslaughter charges. Unless their car started to get beat on and they tried breaking in, in which case, it ends up being self defense. Isn’t that how the charges against the dude who ran down a bunch of motorcyclicsts got free? He had his whole family with him too though iirc. I think it was this? but I swear it was denser and more in a city.

    • @Wodge@lemmy.world
      319 months ago

      I get frustrated by average things, like the kids not closing cupboard doors or leaving their stuff everywhere. I have yet to run over anyone due to these average frustrations.

      The person at the UAW picket was not dealing with average frustrations, they were a terrorist.

        • @Wodge@lemmy.world
          89 months ago

          I dunno, the OED definition is: “a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” The Unlawful violence was the act of running people over, they’re car factory workers, so non military, ergo civilians, and they did it to against people expressing their opinion, which could be argued to be political as it regards the politics of CEOs compensation and the growing inequality of the world.

          So yeah, terrorist.

          • Alien Nathan Edward
            -19 months ago

            He’s talking about the secret meaning where conservative politics aren’t politics so conservative terrorists can’t be terrorists.

              • Alien Nathan Edward
                09 months ago

                Can’t touch grass, too busy breaking down doors and bear spraying cops at my peaceful protest over election integrity concerns. Maybe next week after I’m done trying to kidnap the governor of Michigan, but it might conflict with Yet Another Lone Wolf Mass Shooting so I can’t commit to anything.

                After all, like conservatives loudly and proudly said at CPAC, “We are all domestic terrorists.”

          • XbSuper
            -89 months ago

            Jesus Christ. I often wonder why I’m still on Lemmy when I hear nonsense like this.