I see the media’s extreme reluctance in calling white people “terrorists” continues.
“Extremist” is such a copout term… as if they’re just eccentric rather than violent degenerates.
Absolutely. It’s like how if you’re poor and crazy, you’re crazy; but if you’re rich and crazy, you’re eccentric.
They know who their biggest audience is.
No, no, trust me, if they were left leaning in anyway, they would be antifa commie terrorist
Or Radical Christian Terrorists
They ain’t no christian thank you very much. Else they’d avoid doing harm unto others, lying etc.
Bit of a “No True Scotsman” fallacy, unfortunately. But I agree that many modern Christians do not espouse the teachings of Christ, but rather worship their own rules and prejudices. Just like the very people Christ admonished in their religious text.
Yep, and it begins to me piss me off. I live in christian, religious country and sure, we also get these pricks. But the christianity has a little funny thing to it - it’s defined by the teachings it includes. And no matter how much you claim to be a christian, if you do not follow these teachings, then you are nothing but sinner. And it’s not like you cannot slip - but slipping and correcting yourself is different from…constantly slipping and retconing your faith so it serves your claims.
It would suck to have citizens as terrorists in your own country. But here we are, even if the media doesn’t want to call them that.
Don’t get excited. That picture is a “booking photo from 2018,” from some previous fuckery.
This guy and his lackeys are just out there, freely doing this shit, right now. I imagine that if someone was to head over to the Ingles Markets in Lake Lure, NC, on NC-9 just south of US 64, they might still be there.
The government should inundate them with The Brown Note™. If they have a “weather weapon,” you know they have at least that.
Teach them a lesson
This shit is bonkers crazy, where do these people come up with this stuff? It’s lunacy to the core.
Given that they’re organizing on Telegram, I’m guessing they’re seeded and encouraged by Russia.
All kinds of assholes use Telegram, not only Putin’s putos.
My guess is a foreign campaign that found some useful idiots, but maybe I’m too optimistic that’s the case.
Blowing up cellular and electrical infrastructure is BIG in white supremacist communities, the idea being that somehow these acts will push white people to an open race war.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Veterans on Patrol founder, Michael Meyer is not a veteran. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/veterans-patrol
Oh, I’m sure. All of these extremist and militia nutjobs are just LARPing fools who wish for the worst, but would actually shit their pants if things really went down. They like feeling important in their otherwise mundane lives, not actually having to do anything dangerous.
Watching republicans turn against the military is very interesting. They say trump is anti war but anti military might be a better description. Meanwhile, the military has more respect for the US Constitution and might be the ultimate check against the power of trumpists. Methinks the US is fucked.
“All it takes is one weapon tower being toppled with the stated reason spoken boldly.”
Saying things with gravitas should do the trick.
“This weapon tower has gold fringe and is therefore an ADMIRALTY TOWER. I do not RECOGNIZE it’s power over my REAL PERSON, only the CORPORATE MAN.”
or smth
Ah, veterans on patrol, they have been all over social media and the local news since showing up in NC. Complete bunch of lunatics.
What’s kinda crazy to me is that if we rounded the whole group up, we’d probably get a few cops and military personnel working with them.
“Some of those that work forces…”