I have a watch that literally shocks me. Zap zap, time to wake up
Cat vomiting somewhere in the room.
Panic that I’ve overslept; that I’ll be late and this will be the first and last straw; that I’ve lost my job; lost my house; that I’ve relegated my family to an existence at the fringes of society subsisting on canned beans, dandelions, and wild greens; that losing every shred of self-respect and all prospects of any improvement in my life.
Yep, panic is a pretty solid motivator.
Panic creates adrenaline and that shit will remove any sleepiness fast.
Alarm clock. The trick is to put it somewhere where you have to get up in order to turn it off.
I drink a decent amount of water before bed. It’s hard to oversleep when you have to piss
İt’s easy to oversleep when you wake up at 4 am instead of 7 though
My elderly pug getting up with a frantic look on his face that means we have under a minute to get him outside. Aging is not easy in a dog.
My dog
Gotta take a shit. Works 10 times out of 10.
The work chat notification sound. Aka panic.
Lately it’s been whenever the temperature drops.
Looked after a friend’s cat one time and was woken by it licking my eyelids. Very effective but not recommended.
My internal clock wakes me up a little before 6am but if not, then it’s the vibration of my phone prior to the alarm going off.