A pardoned domestic terrorist with a gun and a problem with law enforcement? What could go wrong?
Here’s to hoping for another 1500 “justice by traffic stops.”
I’d rather they get educated/rehabbed.
Especially since the people with actual power and greater culpability have only gained from the constant stream of lies that led them to believe this was okay.
America does not rehabilitate prisoners. The U.S. prison system is entirely about retribution. So that was never going to happen.
Cheap labor too
Your autocorrect has seemingly substituted “retribution” in place of “profit”
A little of column A and a little of column B.
Removed by mod
Died doing what he loved
It’s almost as though his supporters are a bunch of violent extremists.
But. If that were true, why would the incoming president pardon them!?
Have none of you any empathy? What about the feelings of this cop who had to shoot one of his brothers because the cameras were on, did you think about that?
I have a feeling cops would shoot each other all the time if they thought they could. Especially if it’s a white cop shooting a black cop. The whole “brotherhood” thing is performative. I’ve had the misfortune of doing ride-alongs with cops working for a local TV station. They can’t wait to tell you how all the other cops suck.
Here in St Louis they just shoot each other for fun
St. Louis officer gets 7 years for killing female colleague while playing Russian roulette
I used to regularly visit a kava bar that happened to become a hang out spot for cops and military people. Honestly they didn’t seem that bad. One guy would come in every day for a kratom we’d take shells together. He played Slay the Spire on his switch, would ask for tips cause he kinda sucked.
Really they take easily impressionable young men and through the system mold them into something toxic. We become the roles we play. Shakespeare or something
kava, kratom, taking shells, slaying the spire in a switch…
I’m so confused.
I feel like one of us had an aneurysm.
This is your posting on kratom.
Not to sound like I’m defending them but are you sure it wasn’t just workplace gossip tier stuff?
Maybe if they weren’t cops, yeah. But these are already people willing to murder for pretty much no reason at all. The only thing really stopping them is this stupid “brotherhood” crap which they drop in a second when the other cops aren’t around.
So sure, maybe it’s just workplace gossip, but I know I’ve never worked in a place where I was expected to always defend my co-workers no matter how heinously they acted.
Thanks to lifelong mental illness I only started developing more than a marginal sense of real empathy in my 30s, and it’s an extremely limited resource. So unfortunately I don’t have any to spare for the police.
I’m still working on my natural tendancy to paint with a broad brush, which is more than I can say about the cops.
I’ve heard it’s a sin
That cop probably just didn’t have enough PVD to get the day off to go themselves.
On the one hand, the usual American Police Brutality. On the other hand, one Trump-loving criminal less on the street.
Wait, you mean those Jan 6ers aren’t upstanding citizens? What a surprise…
Not like you have to be a criminal to get shot by the police in the US…
It doesn’t help though.
Terrorist killed by police.
Terrorist killed by terrorists
He would still be alive if he was still in jail
He was only sentenced to six months. He’d be dead anyway.
Oh that’s good
“Yes, I am untouchable, the cops can’t do jack sh—”
“I know my ri-”
Should have spent more time reflecting on his wrongs I guess
That’s a good start, but we have to speed up that pace.
Just have Trump pardon the bullet out of him.
I don’t feel good that this was my reaction, but I stand by it:
Oh so these guys supported Trump after all? Whatever happened to them being Antifa and BLM?
trump pardoned all the antifas and made it terrorism at the same time
I guess this is the kind of shit that happens when you ask the Monkey’s Paw to be pardoned on your last wish…
When Trump sent his mob of terrorists into the Capitol building to stop Democracy, he wasn’t sending his best and brightest.
I mean, he was. Those are his best and brightest.