The analysts themselves will be fine. Especially the ones in Brussels. Most of the people (in the USA) who might not be are Trump voters so presumably they’re ok with it.
I have a pet theory that most economists are psychopaths.
Most economists are in a cult.
I had the mentally exhausting fortune to have to care for an aging economist.
He was always watching some stock analysis or another, despite being long retired.
I asked him once how he reconciled the fact that our economy requires infinite growth, but there are a finite number of resources, people, and dollars to go around.
He insisted that there is always potential for infinite growth, as many companies no longer needed physical resources to trade. I pointed out that even digital companies like Netflix still had a finite number of possible customers and still relied on physical hardware that are made out of finite resources.
He just shrugged and said it’ll work itself out.
If you believe something, and someone points out how it’s not physically possible for that to be true, and you carry right on believing that same thing, you’re in a cult.