Sending someone from a functional state to Texas should be barred under the 8th amendment.
The Trump administration has vowed to conduct mass deportations, starting with immigrants charged with crimes. But Amaral is an example of ICE apparently targeting non-criminals as well.
By ICE they mean the Gestapo.
Waffen ICE-ICE
ICE ICE baby, Sig heil.
Okay, before anyone jumps down my throat, I’m not defending this. It’s awful and shouldn’t happen.
That being said, reading the headline, I first got the impression that this was a case of them arresting and transporting a citizen. People should make sure to read the article.
Yeah, I mean it’s a tough spot. Neither party has done much to reform the system for legal immigration. That means we have plenty of illegal immigrants that are meaningful contributors to our society. But technically they are still illegal. So the poloticians of the past left the door open for what trump is doing. Trump is to blame for doing it, but the rest are to blame for leaving things in such a vulnerable state.
The article literally says people like him didn’t go unpunished in the past, they just get released on bond rather than taken away from their family and imprisoned.
Because all he did was overstay a tourist visa.
Not sure if you are agreeing, disagreeing, or just making a disconnected comment.
Disagreeing since you seem to think that this was in any way something done with precedent. This is entirely unprecedented.
Hm, I did not mean to imply this specific thing was done with precedent. I did mean to draw attention to the people who let this happen by leaving so many loopholes for trump to take advantage of. Leaving loopholes seems to be standard practice. Like tax law, lots of loopholes for the wealthy.
The amount of time i spent trying to figure out what mass was…
Force divided by acceleration
Why the hell did both of us get downvoted?
Assholes abound
Because you’re both off topic perhaps?
From context it’s pretty clear to most people that they’re talking about a man from Massachusetts getting detained and taken to Texas.
Yes but when i read it the first rime i got stuck at mass. and thought the dot was the end of a sentence and spent a bunch of time trying to figure it out. Its not that off topic forums are meant to discuss stuff. Idk why everyone acts like robots.
Man, thats heartbreaking. I get it. He broke the law, but the bond system is there for exactly these types of cases. Instead, they’ll count this hard working family man in the number of “criminals” they’ve expelled from the country.
He did not break the law. That’s why there’s an article about him.
Entered the country legally and had current paperwork.
But the racists at ICE don’t care. They see brown and freak the duck out.
How do you know he broke the law exactly?