A leaked TSA email suggests funding for bomb-sniffing dogs has been halted under Elon Musk.
The email states that vet visits, kenneling, and food are “put on hold” until further guidance.
TSA deploys over 1,000 canine teams, with training costing $33,000 per dog.
The funding freeze contradicts Trump’s “tough on crime” stance and coincided with the White House celebrating “K9 Veterans Day.”
K9 units are considered police officers. So he essentially wants to punish some very good (and cute!) police officers who should be getting lots of good food and belly rubs for helping so many people be safe on their flights.
there are no good cops. not even if they’re adorable.
except christopher dorner, and others like him.
Idk I think the “just following orders” defense is allowed for dogs. They actually don’t know any better.
counterpoint: they’re trained from birth to be pigs, and dog brains are bred to never be free of that, to be unfailingly loyal. it maybe a tragic kind of evil, but they are evil, and they should also be put down.
Ok, first remove any kind of bomb detection from any flight he’s taking. Need to show that he’s serious about saving money
he flies privately
Makes it easier for someone to place that bomb then.
so he shouldn’t be so worried; smaller target.
bro, I despised you already but now you went so far beyond the limits, there is no turning back! Don’t feed dogs? Anyone who trained a dog and works with that dog would rather starve than not taking care of the dog. But I get it, dogs are loving and loyal to the extreme. Both are concept you will never comprehend.
“Richest man in the world to starve dogs so he can have more money.”
I wish they’d be more frank. They just want more. The same class that tells us to make our own toilet paper and stop getting that morning coffee, are now digging into the pockets of dogs just for a few more coins to rub together. They’ll kill us all for what amounts to pocket change for them. How much better this time line would be if he just ceases to exist.
Its not even saving anyone money, either, which is the empty pretense they’re doing all this under
Last month was more expensive by a significant margin than the same month last year.
I keep waiting to find out where the line is that gets people to actually take to the streets. The bar keeps getting lower as people make more excuses to continue doing nothing.
Its always hard to predict the tipping point. When the Berlin Wall came down, it surprised literally every intelligence agency in the world. Everyone knew the Berlin Wall would fall someday, but nobody had a clue when, how, or why. And NOBODY knew it was that close.
Then one day, it just happened. Someone tried to get through the wall, and a guard just simply refused to stop him, and the floodgates opened. Within minutes, people were smashing the wall with sledgehammers, and within hours the guards were gone, and the citizens were crawling all over it, knocking down sections.
All we can do is prepare and maintain readiness. One day it will tough off somewhere, and it will spread fast. Have a plan, and remain alert.
That doesn’t happen in North America
No more DEI! (Dogs Eating & Ingesting)
it would be hilarious for elon to die in a bombing
I love that for him
More like to die from him doing on cocaine. Rich people almost always OD on cocaine and or alcohol, or antidepressants
Is that your Dr Worm? How does someone OD on antidepressants?
You can in fact overdose on antidepressants. It isn’t a common cause of death, but it happens.
Rich people almost always OD on cocaine and or alcohol, or antidepressants
Some of them die by “suicide” in jail cells.
Either that or auto asphyxiation when a strangle wank goes wrong
… in Minecraft
No, in real life, so we don’t have to deal with that piece of human garbage anymore.
This isn’t social media controlled by a billionaire, you don’t have to bring this mass social media brainrot.
Don’t taint that game with his presence
Yeah, it was tough enough getting Notch’s taint off it.
Things I didn’t need to think about today: Notch’s taint.
Even Hitler loved animals.
Adolf Hitler had German Shepherd ( Blondi) which often stayed by his side
Legally-speaking, K9 units are considered police officers. “Elon Musk withholds food, housing, and healthcare from over one thousand very handsome police officers” is a much better headline.
Is it? I think many people might get more upset regarding doggies being starved than cops.
That’s very paradoxical. There are no good cops, but these officers are all good boys/girls. Therefore they can’t be police officers.
They can’t be police officers. Dogs aren’t bastards.
Some of them are forced to be though. Very much reminds me of the dog that attacked the officer because it saw him beating a suspect.
Good boy.
Can we amend the saying to “the only good cop is either a dead cop or a dog”
The law is wrong. Dogs can’t be fascists.
Dogs taking away jobs from humans? What a disgrace! Surely dogs are DEI hires, if I ever saw one. They’re not even people!
They can just eat the bombs they find during their work. Like a barn 🐈. They also just eat the mice they catch.
Stop feeding Elon…
Make it a hashtag. #StopFeedingElon
This man is literally trying to starve dogs to death so he can get a tax cut.
That is a level of evil that Saturday morning cartoons would reject as being over the top.
your talking to a guy that uses his child as a human shield, and would abandon him as soon as he has no use for said shield.
Straight up, most Saturday morning cartoon villains would be like “go home, heroes. I’ve got this one, and I don’t want you to see what I’m about to do to him.”
Magneto would be a great addition here.
It’s hard to even see Magneto as a villain anymore. Dude was basically right about everything.
Or even apocalypse , although apocalypse just wants a world full of mutants under his control(even giving them enhanced abilities) much like magneto did.
The original inglorious bastard
Surely THIS will get price of eggs down.
I propose bringing all the hungry canines over to meet Elon. It should be televized.
I’m reading this and thinking “this can’t be real”. How did we end up here? I really don’t get it.
People in this thread want to blame television which is fucking weird and straight from the 90s. The real issue is every one needs a fucking civics lesson. Half the people don’t even know the intended function of government the other half are arguing about which facts are facts.
I’m mean, not even to mention our society is designed around greed. They dressed it up real nice but end of the day the engine that drives the machine is pure greed.
He’s basically doing a scream test, you shut off something, and if nobody comes back to you asking why it’s down, you can assume nobody was using it, and you can just leave it shut down. If it was needed, you just spin it back up.
Obviously that’s not a huge issue with computers (although you’ll have a bad time if you do it across the board or with backup systems), but you can’t do that shit to people (or in this case animals).
He’s doing silicon valley stuff to real life, and you just have to be a complete idiot to think that’s a good idea.
I have a idea. We do our own scream test.
Let’s turn his brain off permanently.
And we Don’t bother listening for anyone complaining about it.
It’s the perfect plan.
I prefer Luigi’s method personally. Shoot CEOs until someone cares.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Are you wearing a wire dude?
Or a twisted monster
It started with Gerry Springer, really. We started celebrating the most awful qualities of humanity and normalized them.
MTV becoming a viral “reality” TV show hosting things like “The Real World” I think brought awful qualities to the mainstream, then social media gave everyone the opportunity to be THAT viral reality tv star. It may have started with Jerry, but MTV spread it to the masses. At the end of the day it was all driven by the pursuit of profits. All roads lead to capitalism, after all.
I’d say that Springer was influenced by Oprah Winfrey, whose show about abuse, neglect, crime and vice was influenced by her harrowing childhood, a product of racism, and capitalist-induced poverty.
And it turns out she was lying or possibly severely misremembering her childhood. She didn’t grow up in poverty. Oprah sucks, she gave us Drs Phil and Oz.
Didn’t he apologize for that and said had he known what was unleashed he would have shut it down?
Millions of people who voted for Biden in 2020 stayed home in 2024. Republican numbers stayed the same.
By abstaining from voting for Harris, the entire US collectively voted for the worst option.