That road, deadass, goes through five war zones. Hell no.
Sudan, Palestine, Ukraine, ____, and ____?
Syria and Gaza. Plus, it runs up along the Congo for quite a ways. That’s a route with some chest hair!
And then there’s the matter of whether to start in Cape Town or end in Cape Town
first one, then the other
There is a white couple somewhere ready to tackle this.
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I really don’t understand Americans and their racial stuff. Why white?
Americans (especially non white Americans) tend to speak very frankly about race in a way that can make Europeans uncomfortable. In this context “white” is simply meant to conjure an image of someone with disposable income.
(See “black twitter”)
We’re not uncomfortable, we’re baffled at your fixation on race, and on skin colour specifically. In European countries, generally, mostly, there is no this weird racial tribalism. Some people are racist, for sure, and a bunch of institutional racism is still a thing, but it’s a bad thing and we understand it in this context.
It still just sounds racist to me. The joke is that black people are poor?
The joke is that white people are so pampered they have to find absolutely insane sounding activities to have fun, like throwing yourself out of perfectly good airplanes, diving in caves, or walking the longest road on earth.
And to do so relatively cluelessly with the optimism that it will all work out fine because American, white, and money. Instagramming selfies with their kidnappers kinda thing.
This ↑
Those things sound fun, why are they bad? Do non white people not do those activities?
They are all hazardous to your health. Never said they were bad. I dunno. I don’t do any of them, except I threw myself out of perfectly good planes in the military and there were plenty of not white people there.
I threw myself out of perfectly good planes in the military and there were plenty of not white people there
That’s the difference between paying to jump out of a plane vs being paid to jump out of a plane
I absolutely did not get that from this post.
It is racist. White people are the only people it’s politically acceptable to be racist about.
racism requires a power structure to be historically against the oppressed. you cannot be racist against white people. you can be prejudiced, and I suppose you could make some argument that the above is prejudiced if you tried really hard, but calling it racism disregards the basis of what racism is
edit: for people down voting, please go read some books, take a class from your local community college, or just talk to your neighbors. this statement isn’t meant to be decisive, nor would it be in any race and diversity class.
You are projecting an insane amount, and you can be racist against any group of people. And you made yourself sound racist af.
Do you not know about Nazi Germany? Miss that part in school? And you are telling others to read books?
Racism is prejudice based on race. The addition of a power structure was added to make racism against Whites more palatable. It’s a mix of denial and rationalization. And it’s racist as hell.
Edit: I assume you also think it’s impossible to be sexist against men? Or heterophobic against straight people? All this is is an attempt to whitewash racism against people who look like the people doing the oppressing. It’s a generalization based on race, which is—by definition—racist. Why not direct your anger at the incredibly tiny group of people actually creating the power structures of the world, rather than funneling it into useless and hypocritical counter-racism?
So if a white person says “I hate all black people because they are black”, that’s racist. But if a black person says “I hate all white people because they are white”, that’s just prejudiced and somehow not as bad? Sounds to me like you might be racist.
Except you’ve confused the definition from common use to sociological use, you’d understand the difference if you hadn’t stopped before critical thinking
Prejudice is a broader term that include race among other factors.
Power is not necessary to be racist. My neighbor is super racist but has absolutely no power.
Power is part of the equation as a multipier. It creates greater negative impact.
your neighbor may not have individual power, but his statements still carry more weight than the opposite. there’s a reason (most) white people would never dream of saying the n word, and that there’s no equivalent for the other way around, and it’s because there’s an inherent power dynamic baked into that word and its origins
I agree with you, but I’m not arguing about the relative weight/ power/emotional damage etc. of one racist word against another. Those words are still racist independently of who holds the power.
That’s like saying using deadly violence in self defense isn’t killing because it’s self defense, not attacking. But it is still killing, just a form that’s treated differently.
Fuck off with that academic bullshit.
I think it has to do with the very high number of “van life” vloggers who overwhelmingly seem to be white American couples. Google van life vloggers and take a look at the image results.
Most of which probably park that van in their 5-car garage between shoots. 😂
Yeah that sounds about right.
after living in the US for some time i think i’m starting to get it…
one thing about the life in the US that the hollywood movies don’t show you very well is that the country is extremely tribal. the stories of diversity or of outsiders building their american dream are almost pure fantasy - you don’t make it in america because of the environment but in spite of it.
the way things work here is that you have to be a part of a group and you habe to stick with that group no matter what. because otherwise you are done. that’s why it is so hard for either democrats or republicans to admit when their politicians do even the most insane shit. that’s why people would rarher risk their kids lives rather than go against their peer group and vaccinate them. and that’s also why it is so important that the couple is “white” and not black, latino or (god forbid) mixed…
racism, xenofobia, nationalism and mysoginy are just side effects of a society that is split into constantly competing groups that reserve all the benefits for their own members… constant positive and negative discrimination that forces everyone to fall in or be left behind and that is stoked by any entity interested in exploiting those fragmented groups more easily.
USA definitely is tribal but I have to say that Democrats do things when their politicians do something crazy. They resign over stuff that a Republican would just ignore. The Democrats have their issues but policing behavior isn’t one of them.
Unless it’s tied to capital and power then senile people can rule even if that is in fact insane.
Their society is so fixated into that that is haunting. I can’t imagine the histeria that a “PoC” has to endure.
as if white supremacy and racial strife originated in america
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Because whoever wrote that is a racist.
They say it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at something. You’d have to walk this road about 2 and a half times just to become an expert at walking.
Fun fact: If you were able to cross the Bering Straight then the only thing that would keep this road from reaching Argentina would be the Darien Gap, a stretch of dense rainforest that separates Panama from Colombia. Unfortunately it’s one of the most inhospitable places on Earth!
If immigrants can do it, then i can too
if you could cross this impassable stretch of inhospitable wilderness then all you would need to do is cross this other impassable stretch of inhospitable wilderness!
I know what you meant but it was funny to me haha
Could always do the old school google walking route and take a kayak with you.
There are paths through.
This is the farthest distance not the longest road
Case in point
“I live at 0024 Long as Fuck Road.”
“OMG, we live on the same street! I live on 999999 Long As Fuck Road.”
That ain’t the longest road you can squiggle down the alleys in the cities. The longest road probably has like 3/4 of the distance just moving down the roads in the cities in a zig zag pattern.
Worse. You would be walking in a circular pattern approaching the center whilst’d skipping every other intersection. Then you would proceed outwards on the roads you skipped initially. Do that in every city you encounter.
Or go on a roundabout for 20000km
But that’s not one road but multiple
Pretty sure the roads are discontinuous in the original post too
Walking from Italy to Greece? Good luck!
In the very loose meaning of “can walk”. This road crosses several dangerous areas for multiple reasons, from war and jungles, to deserts and tundra, not to mention all the visas you’d need.
There’s a guy on Youtube who crossed the entire length of Africa on foot. Got kidnapped twice IIRC.
Russ Cook.
i can think of much more exciting things to do if i had a death wish tbh
Same, and most of those things begin and end with copious amounts of drugs.
Dude even excluding the human factors like politics, war, etc, the terrain would just be insanely rough and dangerous in basically every possible way
This route walks up the Nile and crosses the desert um Sudan. It then walks down remote roads in the DRC. It’s just so over the top insane.
I got curious. The map/path is real.
The map begins and ends pretty arbitrarily. Both roads keep going before and beyond those points.
It assumes a ferry ride across the Suez canal (although there is seemingly a new-ish floating bridge that allows pedestrians to cross the canal, but it is only floated out at certain times (and maybe doesn’t exist anymore after a boat collision incident?))
This would take over 187 days if you didn’t have to stop to sleep.
So I walked the Pacific Crest Trail in 106 days. That’s 2650mi/4264km so I walked about 25mi/40km per day.
So if I could maintain that pace (which is debatable because the PCT doesn’t go through different countries or warzones) this would take me 557 days, or about 18 months.
Bruh fuck no, I’m gonna die in South Sudan if I walk this.
Fucking impressive to make it that far tbh
Depends which end you start.
…or maybe that doesn’t matter.
I was assuming cape town, still impressive to walk through multiple countries.
That whole middle east area is getting fucked by Israel. They will target you for fun, regardless of skin color.
The part through Israel is by far the safest section of this trail.
Oh please, stop playing the victim you pathetic cunt! Everyone knows that there’s no moral difference between Israel and its neighbours. The only difference is who’s got the bigger guns.
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I would die in Cape town lol
That’s why I’m going backwards from Magadan to Cape Town! See you at the end losers!!! /S
If the cannibal soldiers of the Congo don’t get you first
Wow I thought that was a joke. I just looked it up. Fucking hell.
‘The soldiers had red eyes, and they were singing and dancing. They slaughtered the priest, cut him to pieces, removed his heart and liver and cooked them. The rest of the group had to pay money or eat the human flesh to be allowed to leave. Another four men, three women and three children were killed.’ Among the dead was a pregnant woman who was gutted.
This is the road our grandparents used to walk to get to school if the stories they tell are true…
That’s what they meant by “uphill both ways”. Probably referring to having to cross the equator twice. This makes so much sense now.
On the map it just crosses the red sea, how is this a continuous road?
Who do they think can walk this, Moses?
If you keep reading they introduce a new skill that just let’s you walk on top the water.
What, you can’t butterfly 26Km?
I think it’s a misrepresentation. This is probably the two most distant places by Google Maps trip duration.
If I can average 1.5km/hr with gear at 9hr/day this hike will take 4.5 years.
1.5km/h is super slow, no?
You aim for 50km a day when you’re backpacking (5 an hour, 10 hours a day)
But there are some pretty hot climates you are walking through and water will be scarce
You have to allow for the countries where you’ll be jailed for spying (because fuck you) which will lower your average.
I occasionally do long walks, but I know, when I do 30km that day, I need 2 days to recover and 3 months to be willing to do that shit again.
50km a day? Call an ambulance at 40km.
Half that is more realistic. You have to sleep, rest, eat, buy supplies, get lost, etc. There will be bad terrain, mountains, bad weather, etc. as well.
Yeah, it is. Average walking speed is like 4 - 5 km/h. 30km/day is a good marching speed. So, 2.4 years, assuming 30km a day, 6 days a week.
you have to consider that humans need rest sometimes
I think that was taken into account in their calculation and the 1.5km/h wasn’t an average including rest hours but only the speed while actually walking.
Experienced hikers average a greater speed than that even if you average it over 24 hours, so including sleeping time. Someone who can only walk 15km (that’s slightly more than averaging 1.5km/h for 9 hours) a day would never go on a journey like that, and even if they did, they’d be much faster after a few weeks. So there’s no situation where that calculation makes sense.
My estimate wasn’t great, but I’m also thinking about mountain hikes with gear covering large elevation changes in respect to my quoted speed. I guess the varied terrain would averaging things out.
It’s probably on the low end. Gear weight, elevation change, rough terrain, and breaks will affect overall speed.
That’s an average over the 9 hours, so including breaks.
Post a link to your GoFundMe I’ll kick in a few bucks.
i didn t get it
They’ll have two kids along the way too.