While driving, I was using google maps on android auto when I wanted to find the nearest charging station. So I used the search function in google maps. By tapping the microphone button. IN GOOGLE MAPS. Saying clearly: “Charging station”. TO GOOGLE MAPS.
“Ok. Playing playlist ‘Charging station’ by [some random user] in spotify”
… Nothing.
Apparently my girlfriend, who was at home, was using Spotify at that time. So it changed the playlist for her.
While driving, I was using google maps on android auto when I wanted to find the nearest charging station. So I used the search function in google maps. By tapping the microphone button. IN GOOGLE MAPS. Saying clearly: “Charging station”. TO GOOGLE MAPS.
“Ok. Playing playlist ‘Charging station’ by [some random user] in spotify”
… Nothing.
Apparently my girlfriend, who was at home, was using Spotify at that time. So it changed the playlist for her.
Technology is great.
You can’t talk directly to Google maps. You can only talk to the assistant which is a lot less intelligent than it seems.
I asked “is it going to rain tomorrow”
Google’s response, “no it is not going to rain today it is going to be cloudy”
“What about tomorrow?”
“It is not going to rain this evening”
Thanks for that. Really not worried about AI taking over the world by the way.
"Just so you know, auto read is still on. You can ask me at any time to turn it off…
Dad says: Ok"
3 minutes later
"Just so you know, auto read is still on. You can ask me at any time to turn it off…
Dad says: Did you hear about [thing]"
Then they have the audacity to tell me auto read is OFF if I turn it off and get a text
Google maps + assistant auto reading texts
I can’t format it in a readable way lmao