Here’s something that I think about that’s weird. With onedrive, if you don’t pay the subscription fee, they hold your files hostages until you do. That’s called a business model, but when people hold their files hostage it’s called ransomware. Weird how that works isn’t it?
Why is that weird? With self-storage companies, if you don’t pay the rental fee, they hold your stored items until you do. That’s calles a business model, but if someone breaks into my house and steals my items, that’s called theft. It’s not weird how that works because one involves signing a contract and you have say in the other.
Ok. So let’s say you’re doing some heavy shopping and you’re struggling with it. Items are falling all over the place, you can’t keep it all in your hands, and you’re scared you’re going to lose an item. I walk up to you and say "Hey if you pay this miniscule amount, I’ll help you out and hold on to the items for you. I could use my one hand to help you for free, but if you want both hands, then it costs you, but the items are still yours. You have proprietary right to the items, but if you start to pay, and then don’t pay this one time, then I’m going to hold on to all the things I have in this one hand. Nothing is going to happen to the stuff. I’m not going to take ownership, I’m not going to resell it because I have looked at what you have and have gotten the exact same purchases. Just going to keep it so it so you can’t have it until you pay me.
How much sense does that make as a business model? Especially with companies that are getting plenty of money from other divisions where the service would be sustainable, but they just won’t. Just need to get more and more money.
In essence, capitalism already controls what you do with your personal data, we should all be upset about that.
And with your storage argument, they should absolutely give you a window to remove your belongings before they lock it. I know way too many storage places that will lock your unit the day after your payment date was without notification because they can get quick cash if they auction units off, so most storage places don’t want the individual to pay as long as the rest do pay. Their favorite thing to do is put payment dates on Thursdays. That way by Friday when the person doesn’t pay, they can lock it, and it’s inaccessible until Monday. That is some petty shit that businesses pull. The whole “civilized” system is set up to work against people with money problems. I won’t go into detail of what I mean anymore than I already have, but all you really did was point out 2 problems to try and find a comparison against one.
The biggest crooks I know of in my experience is cloud-share server owners, tow truck companies, and storage units
That is a very convoluted analogy that implies there is a difference between the files on the drive when there isn’t. It might as well be one big file.
You do get a window…the 30 days since your last payment
I think they’re all crooks but I don’t think blocking access to a service when you stop paying is crooked behavior
In your grocery example, is your argument that the person should just stand around the store, offering to hold people’s stuff with no compensation, and no fallback if compensation is withheld? I was expecting the “holding person’s” terms to become unreasonable but everything sounds just about right.
This person is the Simone Biles of mental gymnastics.
Weird how consent works
I’ve never seen this be the case.
For the most part, the files still exist in the local filesystem unless one uses the “free up space” function to unload files to the cloud.
Where users have ended a subscription, they have become unable to add content to the cloud storage, which is to be expected. I’ve never been unable to download a file, it effectively goes into read-only mode.
I mean, if I was running a cloud provider I’d delete all your shit the instant you stopped paying me. So them providing the option for you to get your files by renewing your subscription is more than generous. Storage space costs money.
You’d just burn yourself doing that though.
So long as you still have the data there’s a very strong probability the subscriber is going to renew in order to access their data.
Once you delete the data the subscriber is probably going to change to another provider that doesn’t delete things.
I’d rather have your business model because I at least know my data isn’t going to be used for reasons that I didn’t agree to. However that’s just an opinion I have on cloud function and storage
Considering one drive is just a pretty* front end for SharePoint. No shock it sucks.
*Pretty being relative compared to the horrors of SharePoint
My workplace uses SharePoint and it makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Come to think of it, all the Microsoft Enterprise products have that effect on me.
This thing breaks several of my video games. I thought I had gotten rid of it fully - but it seems to keep trying to default to it despite OneDrive no longer existing on that PC anymore.
Things like these are why I insist in not having an email associated to windows.
I’m starting to get a bit worried, is the linux clan sick? Where are they? They should have shown up no, right?
There was a new kernel update so with some time they’ll start coming through after finishing compiling
^signed, a Linux user^
w3m isn’t working, give me a minute.
For what is worth, when I posted I also thought “I wouldn’t be thinking about this if I finished setting up my linux once and for all”.
Maybe you have not changed the documents/etc directory paths, OneDrive breaking games is completely new for me.
There’s a few games I play that have a launcher that lets you load mods before the actual game launches. The attempts to sync stuff in the doc folders runs into file locks while it doing stuff in that folder.
I had it working without one drive. Then something updated and I had to go into the registry to get it working again.
Maybe it’s because you touched the registry? You can rigut click the docs folder, properties, location, move, pick the new one, done. Forever. For me at least.
The registry is what fixed it.
I am so goddamned tired of all the bullshit “value add” stuff that is really just ways to engineer a captive userbase.
I work in marketing and have learned this the hard way: If you send news media orgs onedrive links to media content, they won’t use it. The link rot sucks so hard and onedrive is so poorly designed, they simply won’t use media from those links.
It really, genuinely is.
I have to say, though, the increasingly desperate dark patterns Google is deploying to try to make me pay them for storage are getting up there these days.
The product itself is way better, but if I was going to pay to be subtly threatened with cyberpunk erasure I’m sure there are sexier options.
I’m fully going back to local storage/NAS now, even if it is significantly more expensive.
I would love it if I could find out about the API so OneDrive runs but points to my local NAS instead of MS.
That way I wouldn’t have to worry about an update turning OneDrive back on.
I would not, under any circumstances, want to rely on the toxic waste pool of a codebase that is OneDrive. I have to genuinely use it for work at times and it’s randomly decided to forget crucial documents exist enough times I just want it gone.
You only have one drive? I have like 6
What do you need 6 for?
Mostly family pictures. Definitely not copyright infringement, that’s for sure
Even if I was a prolific pirate with hundreds of gigabytes of mostly decades-old anime across my several hard drives, I would never admit to it
Most of us don’t have a need for that amount of built-in storage. External drives and even USB memory sticks meet the needs of probably 95% of people. I don’t begrudge you your mega-storage system (I think it’s pretty cool), but I have a 1TB SSD and a 2TB external, and I have plenty of storage. Granted, I’m not doing anything graphic or audio intensive. If I didn’t have kids or didn’t have to work full time, I’d probably need more, but with my available free time and budget, this works.
I’ve got just shy of 70TB of storage at home. 4k hdr movies use lots of space!
We used to get more and more disk space until we got SSD. I hate modern laptops having just 1 TB drives and having to connect external drives all the time.
I’ve got at least 400 GB in photos, an 80 GB music collection, then the OS needs space, maybe you’ll have multiboot, and maybe you also want some games that somehow require many gigs nowadays. I’ve got 3 TB in my laptop and I’m constantly cleaning up to have some space.
Let me introduce you to our lord and saviour, the torrent.
The one (1) upside is that it’s preinstalled on most windows versions, and since our local IT admins refuse to allow installing other cloud storage software (like a nextcloud instance provided by the government), it’s the only one I can reliably use at work.
If it actually functioned as a separate storage space I’d love it. But it’s actually a mirroring service to bring all your shit to a different computer. So you never actually get more space.
I read this in Hank hills voice