White House orders pause on all federal grants and loans, impacting trillions of dollars in aid. Impact on Social Security and Medicare benefits excluded.
Or rather, people continuously excused the rightward shift of Democrats, resulting in them thinking they dint need to be responsible to responding to their base, which they largely abandoned.
But sure, keep blaming the voters instead of those that held power and could have actually changed strategy.
We already had an answer for that, RCV and other FPTP alternatives were spreading just fine, all that had to happen was to keep Orange Face out of office last election and the Democrats would have fallen later. After Drump was in jail and MAGA imploded
But nooo, y’all fell for quite possibly a right-wing propaganda campaign and now we’re all paying for it
But we sure taught the DNC a lesson at those polls amiright!
You show the complete inability to understand why Democrats lost this election, and seem to be doing what it takes to keep it that way. There is an ilk who in the run-up, could not withstand any criticism of Democrats, in part or whole. The silenced any call for redress in the policies Democrats campaigned on or the strategies they were using. Democrats felt no pressure to shift towards policies more popular with the electorate and lost, expectedly.
It was obvious then that they were going to lose. But any criticism of their approach was told to STFU, that you were a Russian shill or bot, whatever. Had the, frankly, intentionally ignorant cowards, making these apologist arguments actually focused their criticisms against Democrats, we did have time to move them towards more popular positions in the run-up to the convention and the few weeks afterwards. Those who refused to hear or accept the valid criticisms levied against Democrats did more to support Trump than any other cohort. Blue MAGA, the sycophants and apologists of the Democratic party, handed this election to Trump on a silver platter and that won’t be forgotten. Their intentional naivety around how politics actually functions changes nothing.
Based on the election results, the “policies more popular with the electorate” were fascist ones. More Americans voted for fascism than didn’t.
Obviously not among Democrats. Votership among Democrats was massively down. It turns out you actually DO need to give something for people to vote for. “Orange Man Bad” doesn’t work as a campaign strategy when there are almost no substantive differences in policy between one party and the other. Hate it, but don’t deny the truth of the fact, that you actually have to get voters excited to show up and vote for your candidate.
Harris could have made her campaign about Medicare4All, and frankly, she would have won.
Harris could have identified the fact that Israel was engaging in a genocide and that she would not support that.
Harris could have done any number of things to break with a status quo that is functionally not working for people, and she chose not to. Her literal campaign argument was “more of the same”. She made the choice to proceed with a strategy, that, obvious to everyone as early as fucking January of last year, was not going to work. Biden and his policies were DEEEEEEEPLY unpopular. There were analytics on him back in March showing him having less than a snowballs chance in hell at winning the election, and it only got worse from there. And it was his policies; his governance. And instead of breaking with those polices and style of governance, Harris doubled, practically tripled down on them. And it was obvious and called out as a mistake at the time.
Blaming voters for your team losing is like blaming the rules of a game. Democrats fumbled the ball, massively, and want to blame the ref, or the court, or anyone but themselves. We could never fail, we can only be failed, is what will be written on the Democratic parties tombstone.
We needed Democrats to run a campaign that could actually win. Defending their indefensible stances on issues like the border and Israel lost Democrats this election. You fucking gave this country to Trump, not the critics of Democrats.
True. You are 100% right. People want to blame non voters when the Dems ran with the explicit policy of fucking those people over. They say vote blue no matter who and they fucking lost. Welcome to the real solution. Go left or die.
Birthing pains, bro. Birthing pains.
Positive change doesn’t come without sacrifice.
If you wanna make an omelette, some people gotta die.
Easy to say that on the internet. I don’t see anybody picking up their pitch forks to stop this.
Maybe crack a history book sometime and check out how we got all the nice freedoms we have now 😂
The history books for this haven’t been written…
History tends to repeat itself. And clearly we haven’t learned any lessons, so it’s gonna repeat itself again.
German history 1933-1945.
We tried back in November, but too many people were screeching about BlUeMaGa, bOtHSiDeS and gEnoCiDe jOe
So it is what it is
Or rather, people continuously excused the rightward shift of Democrats, resulting in them thinking they dint need to be responsible to responding to their base, which they largely abandoned.
But sure, keep blaming the voters instead of those that held power and could have actually changed strategy.
We already had an answer for that, RCV and other FPTP alternatives were spreading just fine, all that had to happen was to keep Orange Face out of office last election and the Democrats would have fallen later. After Drump was in jail and MAGA imploded
But nooo, y’all fell for quite possibly a right-wing propaganda campaign and now we’re all paying for it
But we sure taught the DNC a lesson at those polls amiright!
You show the complete inability to understand why Democrats lost this election, and seem to be doing what it takes to keep it that way. There is an ilk who in the run-up, could not withstand any criticism of Democrats, in part or whole. The silenced any call for redress in the policies Democrats campaigned on or the strategies they were using. Democrats felt no pressure to shift towards policies more popular with the electorate and lost, expectedly.
It was obvious then that they were going to lose. But any criticism of their approach was told to STFU, that you were a Russian shill or bot, whatever. Had the, frankly, intentionally ignorant cowards, making these apologist arguments actually focused their criticisms against Democrats, we did have time to move them towards more popular positions in the run-up to the convention and the few weeks afterwards. Those who refused to hear or accept the valid criticisms levied against Democrats did more to support Trump than any other cohort. Blue MAGA, the sycophants and apologists of the Democratic party, handed this election to Trump on a silver platter and that won’t be forgotten. Their intentional naivety around how politics actually functions changes nothing.
Based on the election results, the “policies more popular with the electorate” were fascist ones. More Americans voted for fascism than didn’t.
How could Democrats do this???
Obviously not among Democrats. Votership among Democrats was massively down. It turns out you actually DO need to give something for people to vote for. “Orange Man Bad” doesn’t work as a campaign strategy when there are almost no substantive differences in policy between one party and the other. Hate it, but don’t deny the truth of the fact, that you actually have to get voters excited to show up and vote for your candidate.
Harris could have made her campaign about Medicare4All, and frankly, she would have won.
Harris could have identified the fact that Israel was engaging in a genocide and that she would not support that.
Harris could have done any number of things to break with a status quo that is functionally not working for people, and she chose not to. Her literal campaign argument was “more of the same”. She made the choice to proceed with a strategy, that, obvious to everyone as early as fucking January of last year, was not going to work. Biden and his policies were DEEEEEEEPLY unpopular. There were analytics on him back in March showing him having less than a snowballs chance in hell at winning the election, and it only got worse from there. And it was his policies; his governance. And instead of breaking with those polices and style of governance, Harris doubled, practically tripled down on them. And it was obvious and called out as a mistake at the time.
Blaming voters for your team losing is like blaming the rules of a game. Democrats fumbled the ball, massively, and want to blame the ref, or the court, or anyone but themselves. We could never fail, we can only be failed, is what will be written on the Democratic parties tombstone.
Those folks pale in comparison to the Dems not bothering to say they’d change anything.
Dems: We’re not going to do that and we’ll do A and B
We needed Democrats to run a campaign that could actually win. Defending their indefensible stances on issues like the border and Israel lost Democrats this election. You fucking gave this country to Trump, not the critics of Democrats.
True. You are 100% right. People want to blame non voters when the Dems ran with the explicit policy of fucking those people over. They say vote blue no matter who and they fucking lost. Welcome to the real solution. Go left or die.
Uh… have you been living under a rock? There have been multiple assassination attempts recently, one successful.
One successful? What are you talking about, the shooter in the first one ended up dead.
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