…and River Phoenix played young Indian Jones in the third movie.
That’s not a shower thought, that’s shower research
That’s the miracle of waterproof phones
True, it kind of turned into that.
You need to get this reviewed by a company of peers all of whom also need to do this in their showers
This shower thought belongs in a museum!
Indiana Jones was named after the dog – George Lucas’s or the Jones’s depending on if you want to go canon or not.
That means there’s yet another layer! Assuming the dog was named after the state.
His name has layers. Like an onion.
“The dog?! You were named after the dog?!”
“We called the dog Indiana!”
“We named the dog Indiana!”
Henry Jones Sr.
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Kevin Bacon, River Phoenix, and ???
The nerdy girl from Goonies
Martha Plimpton aka Keith Carradine’s kid?
Yeah. Looks like her anyway
There must be a way of compressing this so that the…
…punchline fits
I really tried! But it turns out I missed a step for him being named after the dog anyway…
Meaning: “son of John”
So “Indiana Jones” can be translated as “River, son of John”.
River…John…John the Baptist.
Indiana Jones was able to ride the sub because he was granted water powers by God as part of his quest to find the Ark!
“Indiana was the dogs name.”
In WWE in the early 2010s, there was a mexican wrestler named “Alberto Del Rio” which, if translated, would be “Albert of the river”
One day I started thinking about just how stupid that is. This guy is traveling the country in those days, going to NBA size arenas, and little 5 year old white kids are yelling at him in his native language “OF THE RIVER!!! OF THE RIVER!!!”. Not because the kids are being racist. The kids don’t even know it means that. They’re yelling it because that’s his “name”, and his boss is a racist who found it funny.
Then some years pass, find out he beats women, and no longer feel bad for him.
“The only water in the forest is the river”