I wish him all the worst.
Maybe he’ll have a stroke
idk, If we still have a democracy by then I am not sure it transfers. Trump is a cult of personality. He could easily be a congressman in the right district but president?
You mean, like in an African dictatorship?
Finally we legalize coke.
Is Pepsi ok?
Not with pizza or vodka but otherwise yes.
It is not unusual in monarchies for the first-born son to take over the line of succession.
Yes… Let the hate between the couch fucker and this idiot flow.
He won’t need to run. Isn’t it a monarchy after all ? /s
The plebs still need to believe it’s a democracy. That’s why Russia and North Korea have elections too, it gives the plebs the chance to vote for their dear leader
Gotta keep up the charade
It’s a cult and cults only follow the cult leader.
Have fun living in your cult leader father’s shadow, dipshit.
he’s gunna have to kim jong il the place…
Just what the world needs, another failson with last name of Trump.
So, a cokehead in the oval? Why not! /s
Tbf, he won’t be the first one or the last. 😅
And muricans will line up to lick his big fat pussy!
Reminder: less than half of us voted for Trump. I’m pissed at the morons who sat out the election, and I’m wondering if i can nomad my way back to Europe or Canada. Problem is, both are in the crosshairs of tyrants.
I guess I’ll have to stand and fight, no matter what i do, since i fear Trump might succeed in eliminating legal opposition.
Let’s not.
I’m making a prediction. Republicans will take the next presidential election and that president will get a second term.
With Dems refusing to listen to their constituents and ever pulling the party rightward or doing nothing? How can you see into the future?!
Well that, and the fact that Republicans rigged and will continue to rig the election in their favor.
They’ll run Hillary again against Trump Jr and act all shocked when he wins. Then they’ll blame the voters.
Not Eric?
I forgot which one trump ignores Eric or don jr