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This is is patriarchy in real time. He’s attacking that guy’s masculinity as a public reminder that real men enforce gender norms even in the most intimate relationships. It’s preying on insecurity to control men to control women.
This kind of gender enforcement is pretty common for boys aged 4 until death. The trick of the true oppressor is to get you to surveil yourself.
Allow me to share a small personal story. An anecdote, as it is often called.
I was home for ten years with my children. I changed diapers, took care of meals and chores, and when it was time for it, I took my children to pre-school.
Being a stay at home father, being present for my children, was trampled on by teachers and the mothers of other children. It was disrespectful, demeaning. I was unwelcomed and unwanted. Some even tried to create a narrative that I was a danger to the children.
Women were more vitriolic and systematic in their gender affirmation than men.
That is extremely sad and telling.
The guy in the post is an idiot and being told to shut up and told off, followed by perhaps a couple of punches to the teeth would be enough to get him to stay quiet.
Women would not be so easy to handle.
This. I’m trans and I’ve existed in public as both a man and a woman.
Nothing is more soul-crushing than being called The Devil simply for being of a sex that isn’t even one you want to be!
One of the few Right Wing talking points that I sort of agree with is the idea that men are demonized just for existing, because they REALLY are. I’m not surprised men are responding with hostility to being told their very masculinity is toxic.
Don’t get me wrong, Dudebros are still fucking awful, but… “I get it” if that makes sense.
Doesn’t mean I recommend anyone takes Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson’s advice and no incels are not based, but… damn ya know.
This is one of the primary things pushing young men toward the right. I always try to point that out and advocate against the relentless bashing, but that just gets me called misogynist or told that they just need to suck it up and deal with it. It sucks.
We need to tell men that it’s okay for boys to cry, and that if someone hurts them we promise not to laugh at them, and we need to fucking mean it.
Absolutely, but something needs to be done about all the girls on apps like tiktok who perpetuate this. “He cried and I got the ick” etc
They’re the female equivalwnt of toxic masculinity. Don’t let toxic femininity hurt you.
Because you’re seen as pushing back on the feminist agenda. Funny thing, feminism is about equality, not reversing roles nor pushing down individuals.
Same type of people who think they’re feminists but then openly laugh at the idea of the male loneliness epidemic
The movement may have started as equality, but it has clearly been either co-opted by bad faith agents, misandrists, and career sociopaths.
This is why so many young men have moved to the right. When one side is telling you ur worth nothing you deserve this and the other is telling you your worth nothing this is how to fix it what do u expect people to choose.
This is why I believe the virtue we need more than any other is forgiveness.
To be honest, I’d be all for legislation that makes a criminal record less damning.
Think about it. If you tell someone “We’re not going to hire you, we’re not going to help you in anyway, and we’re not even going to recognize your basic humanity you’re a criminal and that’s all you’ll ever be!”
Will they aspire to better themselves, change how people see them, pick themselves up by their bootstraps, and try to find a foot in the door?
Or are they going to say “Well, if I’m a criminal, that’s all I’ll ever be and I have bills to pay, I guess I better rob a convenience store so I don’t starve to death.”
The former makes for a feel good story, but the latter’s going to be more realistic.
If you tell someone they’re worthless because of X, then they will live up to the label. You need to BELIEVE in someone and give them a real chance to change their ways, we cannot be defined solely by our mistakes or we will always be the worst versions of ourselves.
And in the case of what’s happening with men, they’re not even being judged by their mistakes. They’re not even being allowed to make mistakes, for too many have already declared them guilty by association with the penis.
They say that men are afraid women will laugh at them, but the truth is, men are afraid that women will have them arrested for the crime of maleness.
This is why I will never call myself a Feminist, I prefer the term Egalitarian. For I will not stoop to misandry (As Modern Feminism has often been accused of, as boys are constantly left behind while their female peers are given a leg up), nor racism (Anyone else familiar with the term “White Feminism”?)
Beautifully said.
Feminists missed out and are continuing to miss out on an opportunity to bridge the gap. Men aren’t choosing Tate and Peterson because they’re the best version of masculinity, they’re choosing them because they’re some of the only people telling men you don’t have to hate yourself, and they’re acknowledging that things really are challenging for men.
It’s how Trump won too. While everyone was talking about how great things are, he was telling a different story: things were great, but they’re a bit shit right now. While he named the wrong enemy (it’s always oligarchs), most people wouldn’t know that and were just happy to have someone call the issue out at all.
Feminists and Democrats have a choice now: take class and men’s issues seriously, or keep losing ground. Given the latest events at the DNC, it doesn’t sound like Democrats learned anything. Maybe the major feminist orgs are doing the necessary self-examination? I’m not hopeful to be frank, but I’m open to it.
Given the latest events at the DNC
What did the DNC do?
Chose seemingly every hill that isn’t worker’s rights and people’s material wellbeing to die on, again.
How dare you want to exist as your preferred and best version of yourself!
Seriously though, I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve always felt comfortable with the gender I was born with and I can’t imagine how hard it has to be to not feel that way. Not to mention being forced to interact with people who think you don’t deserve to be the person you’re happy with because it’s makes them a little uncomfortable. They’re ignorant assholes.
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I am of the belief that a woman would respond similarly to a couple punches to the teeth. ,Fuck around and find out. I’m not enforcing gender roles out here.
The societal reaction though would be very different and in favour of the woman. For an example a few months ago some English tourist was in Sydney, got annoyed at some guy waving a flag around her, sucker punched the guy in the head from behind, and received one punch back plus a free broken jaw as her prize.
Now check out how it was reported - it’s all about how bad it was for the man to punch a woman and the pretty important fact of her assaulting the man before getting said punch is mentioned once in passing (and it being a punch from behind with the man not aware is not mentioned at all, which is relevant because this is normally highlighted as a ‘coward punch’ in Australian media).
I fully agree with you, I’m just starting my personal belief and the course of action I would likely take if the person was being exceptionally dim.
You see that happen?
If it was a man doing it, it would be called assault. Another woman would be called out for not being proper and, again, assault.
Hard to uproot these bad actors.
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I mean he’s married to an extremely successful woman who is worth, according to my searching, $1.4 billion.
I’d stay home with the kids too. Please be my sugar mommy, hot billionaire. I will live in your luxury mansion if all it takes is changing diapers and stuff.
I’ve told my wife more than once that if her earning potential was higher than mine, I would happily be a stay at home dad. She loves being a SAHM though so I doubt she would be cool with that.
Banger quote at the end right there
To be honest it’s not just patriarchy anymore.
Nowadays conservative agenda serves the elite only.
Meanwhile this controlling hurt most mens as well. Pushing them to only value themselves through work, to repress feelings for productivity… all of it makes for more servile workers.
I love this notion that “you’re not a real man” unless you do what real men tell you to. That is gold.
I agree with you 100% and I want to highlight how weird that behavior is.
First you need to analyze an ad. Then you need to ignore that she has a brand and marketing 101 is that ad needs to fit the brand. Then you need to feel like you can make place for your partner to shine. Only then you can come to these poorly thought-out conclusions.
What it really is:
She takes photos that fits her branding. It is a play on “behind every great man is a great woman…” Highlighting that the greatness of a woman can be her strength/power and the greatness of a man can be their love and care.
What they read, “man behind woman, man take care of children, weak”. How insecure is that?
It is a loving supportive message to men and women and they read it like that.
Fuck man. I’d love to be in his position lol.
Wife rich as fuck, hot as fuck, and all I gotta do is:
support her and be taken around the world by her
have sex with her
stay at home and play with the kids and toys?
Have you seen the toys kids have now? That shit is fire and a thousand times better then the shit I had as a kid.
Homey is jealous that the grind he on didn’t come with a heavy dose of luck, and all he’s got is a Twitter Account run by a non-sleeping, ketamine dosing nazi.
Have you watched the show Mad Men? The whole Betty Draper (January Jones) story arc shows how much that lifestyle falls apart in the long run.
What you described? Sounds like an amazing vacation for a week or two. But then as the months and years drag on, and your high-flying career spouse is never around, shit really starts to set in. That life is lonely AF!
Sure, it’s great to be with your children, take care of them, teach them and bond with them. But small children do not provide the social and mental outlet that an adult needs.
There’s a reason so many tradwives pull the ripcord after a few years. No one should ever feel like a prisoner in their own home.
Did we watch the same show? I think you’re ignoring the incredible amount of cheating that was occurring and how much that contributed to it all as well as that other big secret that’s spoilerish.
Plus, like, you know, it’s a TV drama and not real life.
She was miserable long before she found out about the cheating. If he was pulling late nights at the office instead of at his mistress’s apartment the outcome would’ve been the same.
Really, as much as it hurt her to discover the cheating, it woke her up and gave her the strength to change her life.
Are you married or ever have been?
Marriage can take a lot of forms and can endure a lot of challenges but lying is a universal deal breaker.
Regardless, claiming some fictious marriage didn’t work out therefore someone can’t/wouldn’t be happy in a situation that exists in the real world is a weird assertion.
It feels like you’re closer to the side with the people calling the father the mother.
I was a stay-at-home dad twice. I found it very fulfilling both times.
Maybe don’t turn to fiction to figure out what reality is like?
He loves his kids! What a fag!
What a cigarette?
After his wife died, Rick Moranis quit his successful Hollywood career to raise his kids.
What a total homo.
Honey I Shrunk The Kids, So We Can All Fit In The Closet Together
I love this. So gay
I heard a rumor a year or so ago, that he might come back to do some passion projects, now that the kids are grown.
I like how it calls out the bullshit that men can’t care for their kids.
Nothing is more homosexual than being a loving, present father for the children you’ve created with a woman.
No cap that’s actually so gay fr
“I love you, dad.”
“Sorry, son. That’s gay. I’m never speaking to you again.”
I’d let Rihanna fuck me in the ass…just saying.
Nothing gay about being fucked by a woman.
Someone had’t recieved enough love from his father and wants to be an asshole about it
Guys: is it gay to have sex with a woman? This is urgent I have one in bed with me right now
ETA: Doesn’t matter had sex.
E’rybody hetero until they need they dick sucked
There is nothing manlier than gay sex.
So having sex with women is feminine.
“Somehow I feel more like a man when I’m wearing a dress”
- Thurmon Munson
Yep, heterosexual sex between a man and a women is gay as fuck, she’s literally fucking a dude which is the gayest thing you can do.
Conservatives believe there are only 2 possible roles for a father, absent or abusive.
They don’t even consider the abuse abusive. Got in an argument with some conservative dumb fuck and that idiot had the gall to say,
“My parents beat the shit out of me for doing things like that”
Like cool, dude. That really explains way more than you think lol
I never see anything useful from these alpha types - they don’t post about what they’ve made, how they solved a problem, what new things they have learned, nothing. Just self-aggrandisement and shitting on people they deem lesser.
The men who claim to be “alphas” are some of the least alpha men in society I swear. Not that that’s even a real thing
Alpha release if anything. Their minds are not properly debugged yet.
yeah i’d sub for Rihanna too
No no don’t give me incredible sex and a million dollars…nooooo
No, I am a father to kids that have their future secured! Oh, my terrible fate!
Why is the comment about being gay, he’s talking about “emasculation”, so this is about masculinity, not about heteronormativity. Still, assigning your perceived masculine virtues to everyone is kinda cringe ngl, as is defining femininity as inferior.
I mean generally toxic masculinity comes with a healthy dose of homophobia on the side too
Because emasculation of men is just a dog whistle for bigots. At best. At worst it is just a euphemism.
Yes, those are two different things. For bigots they might be the same thing.
End of the day, both are just cultural war olympics for dumb masses.
Any energy spent trying to generalize some already poorly defined mass of people is wasted energy.
- reads Vogue
- cares this much about what other men are doing
- thinks having children with Rihanna is emasculating
For a guy whose whole identity is based around their opinion of what straight masculinity is, this is an interesting hill to die on.
I wasn’t worried about whether or not I was gay before and I’m still not worried about it. People like this seem to be very worried about whether or not they’re gay. It’s weird because all I need to know is that I’m not sexually attracted to men.
Repression and denial. The most toxic person is always the one who is insanely jealous and trying to convince themselves that what they desperately want is bad.
Be wary of people with compulsive phobias. It’s one thing to be scared of something, but something completely different when they can’t stop talking about it.
That Shadaya dude is just African Andrew Tate. Bet many African nations are going to have to deal with maladjusted manboys in the near future, like what is currently happening in the West.
Uganda has been leading the way in this