The Trump administration plans to revoke temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war, fast-tracking them for deportation.
The move is part of a broader effort to strip protections from 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden’s humanitarian parole programs.
Trump’s policies also target 530,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
Legal challenges are mounting, as affected individuals face uncertain futures. Advocates warn that even U.S. allies, such as Afghans who assisted the military, are now at risk of detention and deportation.
What’s his fucking issue with Ukrainians? Is it all about the time when Zelenski didn’t help him produce dirt on Hunter Biden? There is around a million of Ukrainians in Poland right now and crime related incidents involving them are rare. They are a net benefit to society. A million more tax payers. Unfortunately due to incompatibility of their education system and slight language barrier they do jobs below their education level but their contribution is undisputable. Quick influx of them hastened problems with housing affordability in largest cities but it’s not their fault that the government has no strategy to combat high housing prices, without them the situation would still arise but a couple years later. I’ll take 240k more Ukrainian immigrants than 240k American tourists anytime.
Is it all about the time when Zelenski didn’t help him produce dirt on Hunter Biden?
Not sure how Republicans are able to rationalize how expelling these specific individuals makes America any better or fixes literally any of it’s problems.
This is just petty retaliation.
I think they rationalize it quite easily, just like all the other garbage that’s ok as long as it’s one of their own.
I wonder where they will go. Their homes in Ukraine are probably destroyed.
Getting a lot of “if you don’t like it here leave” sorta vibes.
Not content with being a Russian asset and Convicted Felon, Donald is apparently straight shooting for War Crimes now.
Always have been.
no wonder he wants to leave UN.
When is the press confetence where he has elderly people beaten with sticks?
Melania’s getting nervous is what I hear. A lot of very young and capable americans out there.
This is evil. The US needs an armed resistance at this point having said that there is no organization, there is no structure or any groups that I know of to join. Individuals acting on their own won’t do much, who are people supposed to go after? Where do you find them, how do you achieve the goal? These questions are much more easily answered with an organized resistance. If my country is going to go down this route we have to have this in place first. Until this happens I wouldn’t expect much from the people in the US who want to go this route because they want to be able to make a meaningful impact not just become mass shooters hopefully taking down the right people.
Not that it helps organize, but I also work at a custom AR shop, if lemmings have questions about firearms I’d be happy to assist.
You want to talk of insurrection? We Americans have the FBI and NSA to worry about, so don’t count on hearing about partisan activity before it actually happens.
They’re more than likely in disarray right now because of all the mass firings and various insanity going on at the top of those departments.
Positives, people!
“This is evil”
Stephen Miller has entered the chat.
Just ask the fucking Canadians, they have all the answers on what we SHOULD do.
No answers, but I for one might just have an idea of what you could do.
Sometimes I feel like I was the only one who remembered that this is what it was like the last time he was in office. Just every day some fresh hell, like a treadmill of anger and grief until the only real reason to protest is so that they don’t drive you permanently numb.
The scope of this new order is hard to contemplate. 0.77 million people who are being shown the door today. Our colossus is in need of a new credo.
“Give me your billionaires, your oligarchs, Your hunched war criminals yearning for the Lolita Express, The wretched refuse of your banking sectors. Send these, the landlords, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden arches!"
Edit to add: I know that it is currently only a plan. I do not need to bicker with anyone about this.
Sometimes I feel like I was the only one who remembered that this is what it was like the last time he was in office
I feel like it’s worse this time. Darker. We didn’t have the Ukraine or Israeli war. We didn’t have perverse AI videos like the Gaza video with a giant golden Trump statue.
2016 was the rise of Trump. Right now we are in the age of Trump. Trump is steadily increasing his power and I believe fairly soon he will be able to more or less unilaterally control the federal government as he continues his purges.
It’s far, far worse this time.
Last go around sure, there would be a fucked up tweet almost every day, but much fewer actual changes. Yeah Trump did some fucked up shit over those 4 years, but he’s done more fucked up shit in the last month than in that whole term.
Yeah his first term was mind-melting, nonstop nonsense. Same again now but even worse. I can’t believe people are so easily capable of forgetting.
What really pisses me off is all the newspapers that have acted like he wasn’t president for four years. As if there isn’t already examples of how the guy acts.
Constant sane washing, I think it’s like human nature for people to try and help and improve other peoples faults, even subconsciously, and they help him along in small ways and we all suffer for it. He’s just evil and terrible. Say it, all media. He’s evil and terrible, it’s a fact.
Or decades of behavior before that. Fun fact, he was denied a permit to open a casino in Australia due to his clear ties to Russian organized crime* - in 1987.
* For those unfamiliar, Russian organized crime is deeply entrenched with the actual Russian government - hence the term “Mafia State”.
That is a large amount of people being sent back to a country where there is a good possibility that they will be killed. The country that is throwing them out (the US) has a lot of sympathetic people to their cause…and a lot of easily accessible guns.
Golden Arches works, but now we can use Golden Dome too.
The ICE fucks who are ordered to arrest Ukrainians here fleeing wartime (children, mothers, elderly) better fucking resign and/or blatantly refuse this shit. If not, these traitors should be executed right along with trump and vance.
Good people don’t become ICE.
Good people don’t become and remain any sort of unlawful enforcement officer. ACAC. All Cops Are Criminals.
I’m a Latino and I’ve always seen ice as the Gestapo of your country, I’m glad everyone else is seeing it. Ice has been a hellhole where the most evil and destructive humans end up working from its beginning.
They are a scapegoat in my opinion for presidents and congress. Congress can’t or won’t pass sensible immigration reform laws, so instead they just throw money into ICE knowing it’s always been a boondogle, but pretend like they are somehow addressing the issue.
Obviously ICE attracts some terrible people, but it would barely need to even exist if our politicians were willing to pass policy changes.
they source all the employees from southern states no doubt, or people who share conservative values or at least former military, where else would these people get jobs.
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In nazi land, everyone becomes illegal eventually
Exhibit A. This article.
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I’m native, i don’t need any incentive to stand against you and your fascist wannabes no matter what they cal themselves
This traitor is destroying all our allegiances. In a single month.
It’s time for America to accept that we have placed a literal traitor in the highest office.
And it’s time for us to man the fuck up and start adhering to our fucking Constitution. We’re letting a felon rapist traitor fuck our future.
Who’s going to do it? All I see is a bunch of internet talk. There’s no leadership. Just a bunch of ppl scared and posting online or emailing/calling senators. We especially need straight white men standing up. The dem paddle holding was just pathetic.
Talk eventually becomes action, if there is enough of it. By people agreeing with each other, they eventually normalize a thought. It could be something mundane like “this drawn girl is cute”, and eventually snowball into “Last night’s Hatsune Miku concert was rad, met twenty other cosplayers!”
Let people talk. It how communities become real.
Krasnov’s got his own cabinet afraid to dissent, nevermind the cowardly Libs he’s pwning.
The world is watching you, Murca, and we’re turning away from you while you let this happen. On your streets, none of you are willing to admit you were lied to. You can’t afford this ignorance.
As someone that is part of the demographics eventually under attack by Krasnov I need the protected class to stand up. I would leave the country if I could. Not easy to do for everyone.
Thanks for sharing. I really hope there is such a thing as the protected class in Murcan future.
As Krasnov says, they don’t have any cards. Only the bullies of the world will have cards in his game.
Yes at the end of the day it was white people who put us in this position being the majority of voters for trump. My wife and I are both POC and our respective populations were majority voting for Harris. We are the most obvious people on the chopping block for death camps. I can understand people being frustrated with Americans in general but POC have always been marginalized and our populations not big enough, we aren’t at fault for this but far too many are acting as if it is. We don’t have left wing milita groups as far as I know. I’ve never heard of any where I live. We don’t have organized resistance set up on our end and I have no fucking clue how to get organized like that and not make rookie mistakes that would get people killed/imprisoned before they could do anything meaningful. I do believe however that much of the ‘hate’ we are seeing directed at us is being fanned heavily russian/chinese/iranian troll groups to artificially grow a divide between left leaning Americans and the rest of the world.
We don’t have organized resistance set up on our end and I have no fucking clue how to get organized like that and not make rookie mistakes that would get people killed/imprisoned before they could do anything meaningful.
This is not and endorsement of these organizations, but it’s a place to start research from that won’t feel as much like flailing in the dark.
I really don’t know what to do. I’ve got kids. I don’t want to be imprisoned. I don’t want to die and I don’t want them to die. Sad that it comes to this, but it is what it is. The only thing that brings me solace is that almost as many ppl voted for Harris as him. And honestly she was kind of a weak candidate. Wasn’t a big fan of Biden or her. Is the only way to survive to leave the country?
There are many ways to resist friend. What you can, where you can, however you can.
The amount of friends I have who are perfectly normal and sane people who are bringing up in casual conversations the hope for Trump to be assassinated is insanely high. I’m in Canada.
I remember hearing Trump’s foreign policy described as “isolationist.”
He’s not an isolationist.
He’s on Russia’s side.
I would prefer if he were an isolationist.
This, and I would go further. There is no such thing as right and left for russian puppets. Their “ideology” is whatever is needed for their particular populace and the only thing aligning them around the world is the trail of money.
Amazing that there are still groups of people looking at these decisions and trying to discern the rationale behind them as if there was any. Mental Olympics at this point.
Well then the next step is actual betrayal of Ukraine by giving their intel to Russia.
Never mind he’s probably already doing so.
So at this point it’s not even illegals but those that have gone through the effort to obtain status. What the actual fuck.
Well, in this case, why not just deport Trump?
Or at least his wife.
Would he notice at this point?
Tell me Trump is a Russian asset without saying he’s a Russian asset.
How does this specifically benefit russia? Ukraine government is drafting people by force and not allowing any male between 18-60 from leaving the country.
0.7M more people who the government needs to handle logistics and civil infrastructure for. It’s about trying to exhaust the war resources in ways that don’t directly influence the war in Ukraine’s favor.
And 0.7m people working. Ukraine is suffering a labor shortage because of the war. Unless these are old or infirm people, people tend to produce more with there labor then they take out in government services. This is one of the reasons immigration is a good thing and why this is a bad move for the u.s.
It’s a lot to assume these people would make it back to Ukraine. This move isn’t about directly benefiting Russia. It’s meant to hurt Ukrainians and anyone who supports them for daring to defy Russia.
What. The. Fuck. He’s throwing all his toys out of the pram to get the minerals. That’s all this is. He’s a toddler screaming himself purple, being dragged out of the store.
He doesn’t give a fuck about the minerals. This is all Putin’s bidding. Zelensky never had a deal, and Traitor Trump never intended to honour it. Next up is the dismantling of NATO, which is already partially done.
He’s certainly trying to get the minerals without any legally binding agreement to put American troops in Ukraine. Whether he really wants them (or its just an excuse) and massive question over whether he can be trusted to abide by even legally binding agreements. What would the consequences of the US reneging be? I wouldn’t take anything for granted with trump and the magas.
Why is Trump still living?
Poor markmanship.
Oh comon, that was a really good shot under pressure
Yeah. Shooting targets is hard. Especially when it’s oozing to and fro on a stage X number of yards away.
The real question is if it had made contact with his head, would it have killed him since his brain occupies such a small portion of that head? People often can live if a bullet doesn’t hit any vital organs.
That kid almost became a historic legend.
I honestly don’t know what would have happened. Would the country have been upset and voted for whatever other scum Republicans tossed in as Trump’s replacement? Would it have been too late and the country would have just defaulted to Dems to be safe? I don’t know. But the kid would have still been a hero.
Sooooooo close.
Vance probably would have stepped up as the candidate. Would he win vs Kamala? Hard to say, he ain’t no Trump, but his chances would still be decent considering the current known track record of female candidates
The republican that took his spot would have won with a big majority but at least it wouldn’t be a Russian asset
Not so sure how many republicans in office aren’t Russian assets at this point. There’s a bunch of them though, have been for a while.
Most people who care what happens to others they never met are not murderers.
People who know people affected are usually powerless.
High school rifle club.
He’s living proof that time travel into the past is never going to get invented … likely because he cut most science funding.
Best comment I have read in quite a long time.
I’m not so sure about that.
Just like the Federation in the Star Trek universe had the Prime Directive (rule) that prohibits its members from interfering with the natural development of alien civilization, I can see how time travel could have a similar rule. Going back in time to mess with things can create all kinds of unintentional butterfly effects.As Gandalf says “Even the very wise cannot see all ends”
Going back in time to mess with things can create all kinds of unintentional butterfly effects.
omg, maybe this timeline is a butterfly effect!
how do you know we are not living in the dregs of what science should have been?
Just by a few inches… If even that.
Tbh, the shot looks like it would’ve blown the back of his dome off if he hadn’t done his classic chicken head jerk at the last possible second, probably right as the shooter was pulling the trigger. Instead, it grazed his ear. Missed him by literally half a second.
Should have gone for the heart; I don’t think further damaging the brain would have much effect.
What heart? For real, though, even a shallow angle impact here probably would’ve been catastrophic. The occipital lobe and brain stem control a lot of the very fundamental functions of continuing to be alive. It’s nuts how narrowly Trump avoided getting a game over screen.
Though, yeah, a center of mass shot probably would have been all she wrote for Trump. My guess is that the shooter had a very, very narrow line of sight on Trump, and probably only had the head as an option. That’s likely why a few other people were injured or killed in the attempt; IIRC they were inadvertently between Trump and the shooter.
Because America is too weak to deal with internal threats.
In less than 24 hours we can reign unholy fire down upon any enemy anywhere on the globe. But if they’re in our own backyard we cower before them and allow them to abuse us repeatedly.
And that is why our democracy will collapse and our quality of life will decline.
The universe isn’t benevolent
From safe haven to eviction notice—America’s moral compass just hit rock bottom.