I’m not sure if the article covers it, still reading, but one of the things they want to do to disenfranchise transfoks is to require the the name on your birth certificate matches you’re legal name in order to vote.
As most married women don’t change their name on their birth certificate when they take their husbands last name, they would not be able to vote either.
Edit: The article does go into all of this.
Interesting thing about that is that, while it’s still common practice, a lot of more left-leaning women did away with taking their husband’s name years ago
Left leaning women are also far less likely to get married to begin with.
The article actually points all of that out, it will be Republican women who mostly are disenfranchised by this.
In a sort of twisted way that could result in a blue wave if they disenfranchised ~half of their own voters and not the left.
My wife didn’t take my last name and I’m so glad.
My mom never took my dad’s so I grew up with that being the norm, so I took it step further and my partner and I are not even married despite being together 11 years.
Yeah my partner and I didn’t get married until 8 years deep, and that’s going steady. We were fucking on and off for years before. We did it to appease our family. Never had any kids thank the hole in the ozone.
Tbqh i don’t know if we are ever gonna get married, just because it’s not the main priority, but I do make sure he’s my beneficiary for most things.
I took my spouse’s name because I hated my old one.
But I will happily be a class representative for the lawsuit against this bill.
Power to you!! Totally get wanting to change your name, people have plenty reason to do so!
Holy. Fucking. Shit. That’s bad. That’s oppressively stupid fucking bad.
Hey Americans: Don’t want to be oppressed or live in a fascist state? Immigrate to Canada! We’re hella friendly and open to people’s of all kinds, except MAGAs and Nazis and or maga-nazis
I mean, y’all gonna let me in? I need a place to crash for at least 4 years.
I would move up there next week if it was that easy and didn’t mean probably losing my awesome job. Oh, and it might be a bit disruptive for my family, too.
I’m moving to Sweden but I’ll be stopping by your way first! I’m too trans to let tsa look at my passport so I’m going to land travel to you all and take a plane out from there
Good luck at the border.
Unless things have changed significantly at the border in the past few years, there’s no process to leave the US. It’s just the Canadian border guard checking things as you enter their country.
Of course, if the GOP decides to fully enact Operation: Handmaid’s Tale, then that could change.
I was going to say, “no, stay and fight”, but on second thought I agree with this sentiment for more vulnerable groups like trans folks
Give us places to stay, welcome us, and offer us work and we’ll gladly come
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I’m still happy with Massachusetts, but my company is based in UK and we have an office outside Toronto. The road is paved
We’re not a consolation prize, they’ve let shit get fucked in their country for decades.
Yeah. You’re absolutely right, but there’s still a ton of good Americans that Canada could utilize to help us build our industry that we need.
We need more than just exploited real estate in this country, and I’m sure a ton of Americans could help us make that happen at an accelerated level.
I’d much prefer to take in Americans that are disenfranchised with their country, than have a disenfranchised country try and turn us into a new Guam.
Besides a province or two.
Long term, this seems like an effective way to end that custom. What person would go into marriage changing their name when they know this attitude is at play?
It’s cute you think that’s not another right they’ll quickly take away from women as soon as they can.
Republicans destroy marriage with this one neat trick!
If they force women to change their names with marriage, women will simply stop getting married.
Oh you sweet summer child…
“We need Christian men leading the fight against abortion,” arguing that women’s suffrage was a mistake, and accusing Hawkins of emasculating her husband by being “busy jet-setting.”
This is only the first step. It will not stop until women are property.
If you don’t get married than your father will own you until he decides who you will marry.
Yep, that’s in there:
House Republicans passed a bill (which stalled in the Senate) this session to require citizens to have a passport or birth certificate matching their name to vote.
Trans rights are human rights.
In British Columbia, there is no legal requirement to change your last name after marriage, and either spouse can legally use either last name at their leisure without any bureaucratic change. It is a genderless law.
Fuckin A, now I am really appreciating that.
My wife and I were talking about this last night. She chose not to change her name when we got married, as she’s been down that road before and has no desire to do it again. I’m totally fine with it, she’s been able to grow and discover things about herself now that she “wasn’t allowed to” in her past marriage, and I love helping her realize that. We also just got our passports the other day - work wants me to get mine and paid for it, so she got hers as well.
i had some ideas about this that i shared recently https://lemmy.world/post/25499276
Remember the MAGA women wearing the “You Can Grab My Pussy” shirts? Not all Republican women are going to be upset by this.
I had to look that up to see if it was real, and sure enough—but I honestly shouldn’t be surprised. Utterly fucking revolting. On the other hand, the tee website display of a black man wearing it while saluting is pretty hilarious
As a fairly jacked middle aged bald man, I want to get one for the funny, but I won’t give them money.
No, but a lot are.
Wait, where was this? For research purposes for a friend.
You have to be very careful searching for this.
Pride parades are morally disturbing to the fascists, but it’s fine when they parade their own authoritarian fetishes.
Rise of the Cult of Stupid, again.
cf. Salo by Pasolini
It’s impossible for idiots like this to ever admit they’re wrong.
Imagine how little self-respect you’d have to have to be a woman and vote Republican.
Making sure that women have very little self-respect is one of the primary functions of American Evangelicalism.
Well surely it was never going to affect them. They are one of the good ones, it’s the others that need to be controlled. Why would they ever come for me if I am living a proper God fearing life?
Not a USA citizen, but a Hungarian, but I think some stuff still holds ground in the USA ground: They primarily think these right-wing radicals are just “jolly little conservatives”, and not radicals, since they call themselves “conservatives”. Contrary to the naive liberal belief, conservatism isn’t just a jolly little belief of personally held traditions and healthy patriotism, it’s just “fascism lite” which will turn full-out fascism once the checks and balances are removed, or getting extremely frustrated with social change.
And also there’s the whole “you will get more conservative as you get older” propaganda, which makes a lot of young people “skip the liberalism and fast-forward to the inevitable”, and they either want to remain conservatives because “jolly little belief of personally held traditions and healthy patriotism”, or they believe they can’t leave. Many also go down the hate road, and they’ll get called all kinds of names if they forgive wrongdoers who were part of a minority, and they don’t weaponize that wrongdoing into genocidal thoughts. We seriously need to counter this whole “you will get more conservative as you get older” with something. Can someone contact Innuendo Studios? I have an idea for an episode of “The Alt-Right Playbook” if he still haven’t made one on this topic.
You get more liberal when you get older. puts on pirate hat and racks shotgun
They unironically think Harris was some kind of monster and that it was all worth it to keep trans out of sports.
There is a real lack of critical thinking, too. I legit know a few Republican women that honestly think that not eating meat will make a man effeminate, and that men that eat meat are more manly.
Obviously due to stupid marketing, but even in their cinematic universe where this is “true” it makes no sense and has no consistency. I’ve asked them if they think that women that eat meat are going to spontaneously sprout a penis.
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What in the actual fuck are you talking about
I can tell you’re upset because I said truths you don’t like.
“Truths”, bro get your misogyny out of here.
Yeah, the longer we go without acknowledging it, the more you prove my point.
No, I already acknowledged that you’re a misogynist.
Still proving my point.
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Well, if we stopped babying women and treated them like adults, then maybe this would seem more farfetched.
How do we treat women like babies? You keep popping up here and you never provide examples or evidence to support your perspective/argument.
Unfortunately, most women think being treated as an adult is being “unfair” to them because they’re so used to being treated like children.
How to tell everyone you are an incel without directly saying so. When did trolling become this sad.
How do we treat women like babies? You keep popping up here and you never provide examples or evidence to support your perspective/argument.
That’s because I get censored without being able to engage in an actual discussion.
How to tell everyone you are an incel without directly saying so. When did trolling become this sad.
Lol, keep covering your ears to truths you don’t like. I don’t expect more from you people at this point.
That’s because I get censored without being able to engage in an actual discussion.
I just asked you to give your reasoning and you are bitching about being censored. I’ll ask again, how do women get treated like babies… Or do you not have the ability to articulate your point?
Lol, keep covering your ears to truths you don’t like. I don’t expect more from you people at this point.
Only an idiot would think that was a good reply.
Try again?
You’re not the one with the power to censor me, and I’ve been censored already for trying to discuss reality.
I can tell you’re upset at me because I say hard truths you don’t like. I’m going to block you now because you’re going to keep pestering me to satisfy your herd mentality.
You’re not the one with the power to censor me, and I’ve been censored already for trying to discuss reality.
Why can’t you answer my question?
I can tell you’re upset at me because I say hard truths you don’t like. I’m going to block you now because you’re going to keep pestering me to satisfy your herd mentality
You have yet to present a single truth so far, so why would I be upset? You can’t even explain your “truth” when asked multiple times.
Run away.
This isn’t a leaopards eating faces thing for republican women. These women derive social, economic, and political benefits through their association with the men who hold power in our patriarchal system. By aligning with backwards gender roles or evil ideologies, they feel protected and valued within the system even as it restricts their autonomy. They know what they’re doing.
I read years ago that white republican women will put up with being treated as lesser in their circles in order to treat others as lesser. So they’re fine with being spoken down to and shuffled aside so they can feel free to yell at minorities.
They just want to sit at home during the day taking queludes and fucking the mailman.
I mean, to be fair, I wouldn’t mind fucking the mailman for some qualudes either.
I can’t help but think of how this cartoon from the beginning of November got it completely backward
Eh not really getting the idea across:
looking for this?
Ah yes, that sends the right mix of feelings.
Damn dude. I applaud your effort for a quick laugh…well, not laugh, per se.
Thank you I absolutely love Photoshop battles this was like 90 seconds in Gimp.
I would have preferred to have folded the uniforms, tucked them under their arms and gotten rid of some of the white space in the upper right but time makes fools of us all.
It’s kind of unfortunate the community never took off over here.
Look at how Teheran women were dressed in the 70s, and contrast that to how they’re dressed now. The same future awaits American women.
Handmaids Tale, anyone?
Yeah, no. US society is nothing like islamic societies. A faction if the rabid right thinks like this, and the rest of the right may agree to an extent, but they are aware that they can’t sell that to the majority. Plus, too many women jusdges.
All it takes is heavy propaganda that exaggerates the upsides and downplays the downsides, while shutting down dissidence.
And they will still hate Muslims (and label all of them insane radicals) for Islam’s views on women. Even though Islamic views on women are actually better than what Christian nationalists believe.
‘‘Everyone is too reasonable for this to happen, despite the fact that the people in charge of every branch of government have repeatedly made it clear this is what they want to do’’
Yes, most people are against this. Also most people are pro choice, or at the very least pro choice in cases of medical necessity, rape or incest, and most people are against laws specifically designed to ethnically clense the US of Hispanic people entirely, or laws that prevent children from accessing modem healthcare, or an unelected billionaire acting as though he’s the president.
Most people being against something doesn’t mean they won’t do everything to make it happen. This has been in the works for the federalist society and so called family values groups and fundamentalist Christian nationalists for my entire life, this isn’t an accident that is happening now.
oh to be so naive again…
But the rabid right-wing Christofascists running the GOP, are exactly like the religious nuts who took over Iran.
Tis is gonna be one of the most delicious schadenfraude of all. They think they are safe, but soon enough they are going to discover how important is being a white straight able-bodied male for these fascists. And how unimportant they are outside of a bedroom or a kitchen.
You’re overestimating Republican women…
Ever hear one of those stories about a Military wife who believes Rank is sexual transmitted so she has all the authority of her husband?
That’s how they think.
It’s not that all women are lower than all men, it’s that the wife has the defacto “rank” as the their husband.
Obviously I’m not saying I agree with it, but that’s how they think and why they’re ok with this.
You have to think like them, they’re “property” so treating a man’s wife badly is like going up and pissing on his giant truck, the man will “handle” the offense. And the only way for a woman to gain social ranking is marrying a “powerful” man.
A frightening amount of woman think that’s a good system.
I’ve seen examples of this in real life. It is WEIRD
The county I grew up in voted 95% plus trump in the last three elections.
It was weird to run into anyone who didn’t think like that till I was over 18 and in college. Even then at a red state college, lots of women viewed themselves as status symbols. Their self worth was solely determined by the “best” guy that would date them.
Like, for large parts of America that’s still the norm. And no amount of “Yaaaas Queen” social media posts will change their thinking. It’s not even that they’re trapped and need saved, that’s the life they choose a lot of the time, you don’t have to grow up in it.
But everyone still acted shocked women were voting for trump.
If we dont understand why they’re doing it, we’ll never change their minds.
I will not enjoy seeing all American women being marginalised. I will, however, enjoy seeing Americans finally exercising their right to protest a fascist government.
If you think the average guy is going to be treated any better I’ve got a bridge to sell you
But rather than treating their wives better, MAGA men are looking at making it illegal for their wives to leave them. >
Project 2025 will create the Christian Taliban. I highly doubt the dumb fuck female MAGA voters will realize what they voted for.
Some of them want to be subservient. I’ve heard some even lament voting before. The Christian brainwashing is pervasive to all parts of life.
Under his eye
Some of them are stupid enough to want it.
It is almost like MAGA is sexist.
They seem to like terrible isms.
Scanning the article, the practical threat (besides crazy ideological stunts) seems to be stealth disenfranchisement of this type:
House Republicans passed a bill (which stalled in the Senate) this session to require citizens to have a passport or birth certificate matching their name to vote. This would be a back-door ban on voting for any woman who took her husband’s last name and doesn’t have a passport, an estimated 69 million women. It would also disproportionately affect Republican women, who are more likely to be married, more likely to have changed their name and less likely to have a passport.
Dam I never thought about it
It won’t affect republican women because the people running those voting stations won’t enforce the rule for “their own”.
A passport always contains the current last name. If you took on a new one you have to get a new one issued. That’s standard pretty much all over the world.
Edit: Ok, a lot of users wrote that there’s no ID card/paper that’s common in other parts of the world. In my country a driver license is not enough to prove my identity because it’s not an ID card.
Guess you are fucked then.
Birth certificates can’t be changed and need to match, and that’s one of the forms of ID listed.
Passports aren’t free, and not everyone has one to begin with. This blatantly stonewalls women, especially underprivileged women.
Some states allow you to update your birth certificate after a legal name change. It’s definitely not universal, and much less likely in red states.
Some states allow you to update your birth certificate after a legal name change.
This also has a fee attached.
It’s definitely not universal, and much less likely in red states.
Yeah, even just checking, and it looks like Massachusetts doesn’t allow name changes for this purpose, and really only does it to correct mistakes at the time a record was made: "For example, you cannot change your birth record solely for a legal change of name. "
Did they even think any of this through? LOL
Most citizens in the divided states of southern north america do not have a passport though. And a birth certificate doesn’t have your current last name on it if you took someone else’s in marriage. That’s the point.
No one in my family has a passport. So with this law only the men could vote, unless they spend the money to get a passport despite not aiming to travel.
Americans are pretty weird about their ID things.
Other than a driver’s license, most of them don’t have any ID.
They don’t have any sort of unique ID number either. They have a social security number, which is not guaranteed to be unique. Two people can have the same SSN. One person can have two SSNs. You’re apparently supposed to keep your SSN secret, but they’re assigned somewhat sequentially and they get leaked a lot. It’s a clusterfuck.
SSNs are guaranteed to be unique upon assignment. The problem is that so many leaks have happened that nearly everyone’s has been stolen and is being used in some type of financial identity theft. The thieves are the people with two (or more) SSNs.
It is supposed to to keep your SSN secret and not carry the card with you everywhere but you have to memorize it and everyone and their dog is gonna ask for it. It is kinda scary how many times you have to give it out to random people over the phone or email.
SSN is about the worst identifier, but they have revamped the process to remove some of those issues. It should no longer be possible for people to be issued the same number, and they’re no longer sequential or assigned in geographic blocks.
Doesn’t change the existing ones, but going forward.
you have to get a new one issued
This is the part that’s mistaken: you don’t need a passport if you don’t travel to foreign lands. As far as I know, Americans usually prove their identity using a driver’s license, rarely using a passport.
The Anti-DEI people hate women? Whodathunk
I wish it was only republican women losing their rights.
How ironic, that dehumanizing rhetoric is exactly how we got here.
really… yeah, let’s shed a tear for the poor republican women, waving “Mass Deportation Now” signs. They didn’t seem to care about dehumanization so much then. Now they are the ones being dehumanized, hopefully they’ll remember how that feels come mid-terms.
Stooping to their level doesn’t make us better than them.
Try to understand that most of them don’t know any better and are just trying to look good in front of their peers who also do not know any better.
Look, I try. Most of the time. I’m trying to be empathetic and nice and inclusive. But sometimes I wonder while fully grown adults can’t use Google. Why they would believe the most obvious lies (“they’re eating the dogs” is a great example - an absurd lie that was debunked 100x by every outlet within days). Again these are fully grown adults who choose to be hateful, angry and wilfully ignorant. In fact they revel in that ignorance. Warnings are “alarmist”, factchecks are “biased”, opponents are “traitors”. These are fully grown adults that would trade the price of eggs for suffering of thousands of “illegals” and they entrust this trade to Donald Trump, a man who in his life has never taken a shot into a toilet that wasn’t made out of gold. Like yeah, sure, THAT guy is gonna care about the poor.
My point is, we’re all adults, we all make our choices as best we can. But if you keep making the same terrible choices and yell at anyone who tries to tell you they are bad choices, well… You deserve what’s coming to you, because you’ve unleashed that on all of us.
Dehumanizing? I am just saying they should get what they asked for. But here the thing: being a minority isn’t a choice, being gay isn’t a choice. Being a republican is. But if that is dehumanizing then so be it. They can join humanity again whenever they want.
Face eating leopards are going to be morbidly obese by the end of this administration.
They’re already in peril from cholesterol poisoning. Humans are HORRIBLE for a food source
Oh wow who could have predicted this