I think for me it’s alien: covenant. I was really interested in the ideas explored in prometheus and covenant just expanded on them. I don’t get much into the details of why it is or isn’t a good movie.
Luckily, though, HBO ran raised by wolves which really delved into ideals about AI and planet seeding etc. So that itch got way scratched even if the run was cut short.
Tron: Legacy
Also Ready Player One. I like the movie where the person go into the computer :)
I like the movie where the person go into the computer
Have I got an MST3K for you then… Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
“Mother… my nuts.”
I like the movie where the person go into the computer :)
Even Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace?
I didn’t know they made a sequel
Now I’m scared
Lol, I really like premise too. It can be done better, tho.
That’s why I support all sorts of sci-fi that is complete garbage. I want the genre to thrive and if we stop showing up Hollywood stops giving money.
Give me the soundtrack, that’s all I need.
Love it. Sad Daft Punk may not release anymore music.
I still hope that Disney throws a small fortune at them for the Tron 3 OST
Last thing I heard was that the soundtrack is being made by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. It’s the next best thing, if you ask me.
Yeah, sad about Daft Punk but this is the next best option I could think of
Johnny Greenwood would be another great option.
I think one of them is going deaf sadly
Wait, people dislike Tron? I had no idea
I’ve watched it when I was younger a couple of times but for me personally it was just a movie I watched amd the idea of rewatching it feels boring to me
The Daft Punk soundtrack against the hyper-electronic visuals is a fantastic blend for the senses.
I still think League of Extraordinary Gentlemen got unfairly dragged. 16% on Rotten Tomatoes.
A lot of people were confused about Dorian Gray, but adding him was pretty inspired.
Watched it not long ago. Didn’t realize the people rating it have no appreciation for decent movies.
It wasn’t phenomenal by any means but it was quite entertaining for the duration of it.
I still think League of Extraordinary Gentlemen got unfairly dragged. 16% on Rotten Tomatoes.
It is a pretty mediocre movie overall, but it is just a lot of fun and I have watched it a dozen times.
Definitely not a 16%'er.
For critics, yeah I think it is 16%er but that is because critics are looking for different things in movies than the audience who wanted to see the movie.
Surprised it hasn’t come back as a streaming channel series of films like “Knives Out”. It’s got a lot of potential.
I remember screening league of extraordinary gentleman and all I could think is it was probably not for me. Not to say someone else wouldn’t like it. I feel like not everything should be rated based on its wide spread appeal.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
pretty sure I watched it in the theater while it was new and I didn’t think it was a waste of time but it is forgettable. It’s only really remarkable thing is being Sean Connery’s last movie
As a “last movie” it’s kind of infamous, like Raul Julia as Bison in “Street Fighter”.
I don’t disagree that it’s a terrible movie, it’s just a terrible movie that I happened to really like.
I absolutely enjoy this movie as well! Nemo kicking ass is a joy to watch
Bladerunner 2049.
I know a lot of people disliked it compared to the first one, even Ridley Scott himself. But I love the direction Denis Villeneuve took this film in.
Did people dislike it compared to the first one? It’s got an 88% on rotten tomatoes, and anyone I’ve talked with about the films prefers the second one.
I agree with you, by the way, I just don’t think that’s the unpopular take (Ridley’s opinion is meaningless at this point).
I love BR2049. In fact I think I liked it more than the original, and that’s saying something.
Gorgeous film
This is my all time favourite movie, whereas the first probably isn’t in the top 5, low top 10 max.
Ridley Scott is famous for his shit opinions. When he released The Last Duel in the middle of COVID, he complained that “them kids can’t even get off their phone for 2 hours to enjoy art” as thr primary reason it wasn’t making money.
I love that movie!!!
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. Yes it’s utterly ridiculous. I don’t care, it’s still a masterpiece of absurdity to me. That 13% on RT is a shame.
Also how has it been 23 years since its release.
That movie rules. Shaolin Soccer is also pretty good.
You’re thinking of Kung Fu Hustle, which is brilliant in every way.
Yes, that’s the one! Now I guess I have to watch Kung Pow as well.
Shaolin Soccer is the greatest masterpiece ever created with film.
The mistreatment of the female lead was a little too over the top, but otherwise 10/10 good film
My girlfriend got me plastered and showed me this fever dream of a movie. 10/10 experience
Kung Fu Hustle is Kung Pow, but good.
Hell yea!
I’m sure on some planet this movie is impressive, but its weak link is: this is Earth.
Sucker Punch. Objectively, it’s not really that great of a movie. But it’s one of the most fun movies I’ve ever seen. It’s got over-the-top action sequences, an amazing soundtrack, and a genuinely unique idea for a story that I haven’t really seen done before.
The final cut ended up removing a very key scene that ties a lot of the story together, which I honestly feel is part of why the movie was so poorly-received, because the theatrical release just doesn’t make sense and ends abruptly. If you decide to watch it, try to find a version that has the deleted scene with the High Roller near the end. It’s a full five minutes of dialogue that ties the entire story together and Warner Brothers scrapped it and it drives me so crazy. It’s like an “I Am Legend’s deleted ending” level of directorial blunder, IMO.
Agree. I don’t think Snyder can make good movies, but he makes fucking epic music videos. And that’s how I view Sucker Punch.
I’d like to add that their soundtrack is amazing!
Came here to post this. It’s a super fun movie.
Last action hero. I think the people don’t understand that the film does it all on purpose.
It is a love letter to action movies while acknowledging that those are stupid.
I don’t know how people couldn’t understand it was poking fun at all the ‘80s action heroes, especially Schwarzenegger himself. It’s a fun movie.
One could argue it is a demonstrative of every 80’s action movie trope, then going straight into the 90’s tropes list, and it does so with a smile.
It’s a fantastic movie that was just a bit late for the spoof movies of the late 70s/80s and too soon for the torrent of them in the 2000s.
‘I am the famous comedian Arnold Braunschweiger’ is not only something I say to my wife without context but also makes me laugh uproariously.
The movie, and the ACDC song wasn’t received well either, maybe because of the movie? Big Gun rocks.
That movie is so highly underrated.
The Hamlet trailer is worth watching it for alone.
The Day After Tomorrow - It’s campy but underrated
Had one gag that made me literally LOL… intentionally…
They’re trapped in a library, debating the morality of burning books in the fireplace to stay alive.
“How about all these tax books, can we burn these?”
“Is there a chance that it will run…” grabs a bottle “…on this?”
“Are you mad? That’s a twelve years old scotch!” reveals cups
How is this movie underrated?? It’s popular af!
Despite not rewatching this movie in over a decade, I think about it monthly.
Jupiter Ascending is, in my opinion, a masterpiece. Bees can sense royalty? Fantastic. The bureaucracy android having to bribe his way through the system he was literally created to navigate? Marvelous. Don’t even get me started on the air roller skates. Eddie Redmayne’s four million year old teenager was perfection too. Two volume levels: harsh whisper or screaming.
It was marketed as some kind of amazing epic, so people approached it wrong I think. It was a Wachowski film. What were they expecting? I went in there assuming it’d be like their Speed Racer movie, but in space. I was not disappointed.
Second vote would be for Speed Racer, lol.
“Ninjas? More like ‘Non-Jas’. Shame what passes for a Ninja these days…”
And with that, John Goodman became my favorite, ever. :)
My biggest issue with that movie was the complete lack of chemistry between Mila Kunis and that beefy guy who was her love interest. I found that painful to watch.
Who was the beefy guy again, completely forgotten everything about the movie except for Mila Kunis’s face because I’ve seen her in more movies
Channing Tatum.
Oh the guy with the punchable face
Lol about Jupiter ascending. I wanted so bad for that movie to be good just because mila kuntis. I cant call it a masterpiece.
13th Warrior. Solid action. Antonio Banderas and Vikings. Dudes taking care of business.
Was that the one loosely based on Beowulf? I saw it in the theater and didn’t have a problem with it.
“based on Michael Crichton’s 1976 novel Eaters of the Dead,[5] which is a loose adaptation of the tale of Beowulf combined with Ahmad ibn Fadlan’s historical account of the Volga Vikings.”
Crichton, man. His influence was just astounding. Obligatory “fuck cancer”.
I enjoyed it for the most part, but the scene that’s always stuck with me is when Antonio Banderas’s character learns to speak the Viking language. Hearing the way he said “I listened” made me want to listen more to see what I could learn.
That was a great line
When you die can I give that to me sister?
Definitely a 10/10 movie for me. Without hesitation.
This is one of those that HBO or something played non-stop for no apparent reason. It took me like 20 times clicking past it to finally watch it all but in the end I was ok with it.
Well it’s not a shit rating but I do think A Knight’s Tale is way better than its mediocre scores. Perfect comfort movie.
‘but it’s not historically accurate!’
Y’get to see heath ledger in armor win the girl, bust heads, and have a grand time doing it! All to a solid soundtrack.
The lack of historical accuracy also isn’t due to a lack of research, but a deliberate style and tone choice, as demonstrated at the very beginning of the movie when the trumpeters play We Will Rock You and the crowd claps and stomps along.
Tell me about it. Anybody who saw the first few minutes of the film and still expected the rest to be historicaly accurate should probably get tested for autism. The director made it clear from the very start that A Knight’s Tale is satire.
Really, cool. I’ll have to watch it one of these days, if it ever comes up on streaming
Cancel all your subscriptions and look into Stremio + Torrentio + Real-Debrid. For $3/mo you could have any show or movie you want, streamed directly to your TV, without having to wait for it to “come up on streaming”.
Literally the opening scene of the movie.
Thanks, that certainly makes it seem like a fun movie. I wonder how many ren faires did that back then
A Knight’s tale is a cult classic. That it’s not well rated is absurd.
Edit: it’s 1% shy of a fresh rating on rotten tomatoes and has an audience score of 79%.
Super Mario Bros (1993)
It was objectively a trainwreck but it was awesome when you were 8 and It brought video games to the big screen for the first time. I will always love it.
There are dozens of us who agree. Dozens.
Shout-out to the fansite: https://SMBMovie.com
My friend Garrett Gilchrist has bee trying to restore that movie to something closer to Morton and Jankel’s original vision for years now. I keep meaning to watch it because I do think that the movie had a lot of good ideas even if it was a mess.
People also forget that what most Americans knew about Mario at the time was that he jumped on mushrooms and turtles to rescue the princess.
But Morton and Jankel made both versions of the Max Headroom TV series. I absolutely give them credit.
This is awesome, thanks for sharing.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Tron Legacy
Guyver: Dark Hero
Strange Days (get the ultimate extended edition fan edit if you can.)
Wild Wild West
Demolition Man
Judge Dredd
Highlander II
Jacob Barlow vs the Demonic Toys
There are a lot of fun movies that are considered garbage.
Demolition Man was prime AF!
What seems to be your boggle?
Mostly this:
Highlander two? Man, you do you, but that’s an acquired taste. I’d have a hard time picking to place it above or below Rise of Skywalker.
If you enjoy so bad it’s good: In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale.
Everything goes above Rise of Skywalker. Even Human Centipede.
The first Human Centipede was a fucking brilliant psychological horror. The second and third were just awful garbage.
Judge Dredd was quite good even though Stallone took the helmet off a bunch. IIRC he was willing to do the whole thing in helmet, but I bet the money guys needed to see his face.
Never thought I’d see the Angel Family on film, that was wild!
Bonus: The actor playing psychotic cannibal Pa Angel would go on to be the kindly farmer Herschel on Walking Dead.
Karl Urban did a better Dredd. He doesn’t take off the goddamn helmet for even one second :o
Oh, he definitely did, but I think the Stallone version better captured the absolute bonkers feeling of the comics.
I just hope the next time someone tackles it we get the Dark Judges storyline, but that might be too expensive to pull off outside full animation.
Damn, never made that connection about herschel. I like Stallones dredd just because it’s so quotable.
Eat recycled food. It’s good for the environment and okay for you.
Highlander II
Liking Highlander II is so far out of my worldview that I didn’t realise it was an option. What was it you enjoyed about the film?
Keep in mind i am not at all going to claim it is… Good. or logical… or any of that, but it had the almighty BALLS to go big with being WEIRD.
Strange Days is one of my favorite movies, ever! Tough I think it got good reviews but failed at the box office. (I stand corrected, it polarized the reviewers according to Wikipedia.
my answer for this is always BASEketball
one of the funniest movies of all time yet only has 41% on RT
I hear your sister’s going out with Squeak!
I swear if you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times, I’m outta here dude.
You kids and your Dan Fogelberg and your Zima (I may be misremembering)
Any film where people ride around on rollerskates in a post-apocalyptic society.
I’m especially partial to SolarBabies (1986), but I’ll also accept ‘Roller Blade’ and ‘Prayer of the Rollerboys’, where young Patricia Arquette and downsloping Corey Haim don the skates. Rollerball from 1974 is the Citizen Kane of this genre. The 2002 remake with LL Cool J is its red headed step-child.
Even though it’s not apocalyptic, Airborne (1993) is one of my all time favorite movies. The main character is great, Seth green is in it, Britney Powell, Chris Conrad, young Jack black, Alanna ubach (from Waiting). It’s about a high school surfer from Cali who gets shipped to Ohio for 6 months and has to fit in. Hilarious and just amazing. I’m not gay, but Shane McDermott… It’s also amazing he went into real estate, I thought he played a great character on screen. All about rollerblading since nowhere to surf.
Thank you for that recommendation. I do remember watching it on video, probably about the time it came out. Then absolutely wrecking myself on a hill after I took the brake off my own skates. Fun times indeed. Did not remember Jack Black or Seth Green being in it though. Also you are totes not gay for 90s Shane McDermott. Understood.
Seth had shoulder length red hair lol
I’m… At a loss for words but I’ll screenshot this and put everything on my bucket list
Great! :D Good to hear that this weird niche from the trash-heap of cinematic history may yet claim another victim.
Funnily enough, the day before you posted this, I was reminded of Return To Oz (I was at the zoo and someone… Scared the crap out of me). That’s probably not exactly post apocalyptic or solarpunk, but definitely takes place after a societal collapse of Oz and has creepy weirdos on something like rollerblades. Just in case you want to expand - or dare I say, roll towards the horizon.
Oh you mean these fucking guys? They went out of their way to make them especially scary. The whole film is infamous for being basically a kids horror film. Like the bit with the corridor with the disemmbodied heads of the witch all screaming as Fairuza Balk runs through it? Yea…
There seemed to be an era where traumatising children was part of the draw for the audience and I wonder if it has kind of died out. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase was another one that my parents had to switch off.
I’m not the film police and your argument for its inclusion as ‘post-apocalyptic but fantasy’ is all cool. So yes I will take it and roll, awkwardly across sand and gravel, mud and debris, into tomorrow’s ongoing dystopia.
I love every stupid minute of SolarBabies.
“You are Chikani!” is one of my favorite badly-delivered bad movie lines.
If you have not heard the episode of How Did This Get Made about it, you should definitely give it a listen: https://www.earwolf.com/episode/solarbabies-live/
Thank youI haven’t come across that podcast before. I will definitely check that out. It is a wonderfully silly film.
Not roller skates but I’m sure you’d dig Turbo Kid if you haven’t seen it.
I had totally forgotten about solarbabies… and tonight I’m gonna make sure to drink enough to forget it again.
the 80s man… phew
Little Nicky, with an IMDB rating of 5,3 lol. I guess it’s a nostalgia thing.
Little Nicky is the shiznit!
I still quote that movie to this day. Especially if I eat Popeyes Chicken
Release the evil
The deep south.