A Tesla Cybertruck crashed in Piedmont last November, killing three college students after hitting a cement wall and bursting into flames.
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) attributed the crash to intoxication and high speed but found that the victims likely died from the fire.
Testimony revealed the vehicle’s doors would not open after the crash, preventing rescue attempts. A survivor was pulled out after a bystander broke a window with a tree branch.
The CHP’s investigation into the crash remains ongoing.
Probably hadn’t paid the monthly subscription for the emergency door non-locking software.
I bet, if they were to analyze the car’s logs, they’ll also find that nasty behavior in the software, where it disables all the autodrive stuff before impact, including ceasing to brake, so it can’t be “blamed” for causing a wreck. (Whether or not they were using it at the time.)
Happened in Toronto, too. Killing four.
So, when is trump getting a Tesla?
But when he attempted to pull Tsukahara from that same window, Riordan testified, “I grabbed her arm to try and pull her towards me, but she retreated because of the fire.”
Remember that the right wing media rushed to blame this on speeding and intoxication without mentioning that they were still alive and able to move when the vehicle was on fire. They were cooked alive inside, foreseeably and preventably, and that was covered up in a way that maximized the shame the victims’ families felt. Deplorable.
The Cybertruck fans have basically just decided that because one of them was a drunk driver they don’t need to think about the rest of it and it’s fine that they died.
One of the worst things about this incident is that it was some teenagers and early 20s kids. College freshman that burned to death or died of inhalation while someone tried to rescue them 😢
That is absolutely horrible and heartbreaking to read. I wish more people would actually understand what dangerous pieces of trash Tesla’s are and quit buying them all together.
Well, say what you want, but tesla is the only one doing something to reduce the republican voters base.
That’s not true! Their battery suppliers play a big role in ensuring there’s just enough contamination to get through inspect and still catch fire!
This made me laugh. Thanks.
Are cybertrucks the new Ford Pinto?
“after a bystander broke a window with a tree branch” Ah yes, the bulletproof windows that could double as submergible windows for an unspecified amount of time at an unspecified depth.
Their testing was like yeah we took the window and sobmerged it to the bottom of the bay. Of course it would survive.
Thank god the windows are so easy to break for the one survivor.
This is propaganda, opening a cybertruck door is very easy.
First you bring up the “doors” menu on the console. Then tap “right door” to get to the right door sub menu. Then tap “open”. If you get error “tsla3456” that means the truck is on fire. Normal cars don’t recognize when they’re on fire, this is a smart thing done by smart people at Tesla. So then you just go back to the “doors” menu, tap “right door” again, then “advanced” and then “overrides”. Enter the error number you want to ignore in the “ignore errors” item. Now you go back to “doors”, “right door” and tap “open” and the door will open easily.
Tesla even offers a free “door opening” course that’s just 2 hours long to go over all of the options you have for opening your cybertruck doors. It’s really the victims fault if they didn’t bother to learn how to use their vehicle.
/s I fear this is needed …
0 118 999…
881 999 119 725 … 3
“To whom it may concern.”
No,.too formal.
I’ll just put this fire over here with the rest of the fire.
Made in Britain, uhg typical
Issue here is I’m not sure I recognize where the sarcasm is. This description of the door functioning system looks plausible to me when we talk about a Swastikar.
i’m sorry for my rudeness, but i think that’s a skill issue. Give it a couple more seconds of thought and realizing a shitty door locking mechanism/system faulting and not deliberately convoluted menu programming is pretty clearly the reason for the door know i started that reply and then i found that NHTSA’s staff has already been cut by 4% cause DOGE(pronounced “dough - ghee”) and now im like yeah actually this might be the kind of thing that gets thru regulators now…
PS mods, if the skill issue comment is a rule breaker i can remove it, pwease dont ban me again for ‘attacking the person and not the argument’.
My point, sadly.
We’re already seeing ads in infotainment systems that cover the whole screen every time the car stops; a system this stupid to open a door, coming from Ketamine Karen, is not so improbable.
Also, no offense taken :)
Ketamine Karen!
In England we call it doggie, then? Like, how much is that doggie in the window?
If you follow these instructions you would be dead within minutes! Tsla3456 is for water Tsla3356 is for fire You would know this if you did the advanced fire safety course for $450. It was the only thing I heard about a the basic door course.
Water in a Tesla results with fire, though, which is why the Tsla3456 is nothing but an alias for Tsla3356.
Also be true in your typing as there’s no backspace option on the keyboard.
Who did Musk bribe to allow this ugly fucking deathtrap on the road?
I don’t think it’s road legal in the EU. something about not passing safety tests.
Huh, can’t imagine why they’d say that.
He moved operations to Texas where regulations can get fucked and he bought the United States government and fired anyone looking into his shit. Sign up now for Neuralink! You will never get out.
So, Abbott.
Wasn’t Abbott the straight man? I’d expect the funny man, Costello, to be the source of this level of chaos.
Imagine buying your own coffin from a Nazi.
crematorium in this case
Baby’s first bakery.
it’s a fun little inversion of the first gas chambers, where the nazis kill themselves with cars that pointedly don’t make CO2
edit: who ever said that hope is dead?
But the boycott is still “illegal”, you guys.
Remember when Failin’ Palin was bleating about “death panels”?
There are cameras inside the car, it self drives… imagine if it used AI to decide if the driver was Jewish. Or queer. Or just a particular individual who might be thrown out a window were they in Russia. And it steered itself into a wall and burst into flames, destroying any internal telemetry that might tell the story.
The technology is there. The regulatory agencies that might investigate are gutted. There is nothing but the integrity of a few programmers standing in the way. Programmers whose livelihoods and perhaps admission to the US are at stake.
That feels awfully thin.
There’s a fucking conspiracy theory for the nutters.
imagine if it used AI to decide if the driver was Jewish. Or queer. Or just a particular individual who might be thrown out a window were they in Russia. And it steered itself into a wall and burst into flames, destroying any internal telemetry that might tell the story.
That’s basically how the plot of Upload kicks off, and when I realized “holy crap, that’s totally possible”.
You’re the only other person I have ever heard mention that they had watched that show. I liked it. I thought it was decent, but nobody else seemed to.
Oh, I think it’s great. Can’t wait till season 4 drops. Definitely an underrated show especially if you like near future, corporate dystopia black comedies. There’s also the meta humor that it runs on Amazon Prime Video.
Oh, I thought it was canceled. The last season I saw was season two. I should check out season three!
AFAIK, it’s not canceled. It just goes forever between 10-episode seasons that always end on a cliffhanger.
Edit: Ah, the upcoming fourth season is the final one.
Four seasons is a pretty good run for this type of show, IMO; at least if it’s as well planned and thought out as The Good Place (not to dissimilar concept) was!
I think I’m also only around ~2 seasons in, as I cancelled Prime a while back… might have to fly the black flag and catch up on S03!
I enjoyed it as well! You are not alone, fellow Upload.
Another good one with a related theme of technology morality is Made For Love, I think it’s from Max
How have I never heard of this show?
I don’t even recall how I heard of it, lol, but it’s really good. Definitely one of those hidden gems in the sea of crap-quality streaming shows.
If you can get over the weird color saturation thing, it wasnt good enough for me to have that bizarre super bright reds and pinks
Very underrated film. I saw it in theaters and thought everyone was gonna go crazy for it then barely heard anyone talk about it.
It’s a show.
Oh, my bad. I was thinking of Upgrade.
Because it’s an Amazon Prime show?
Sorry, I was thinking of Upgrade lol. After all, we are talking about AI powered vehicles.
There are cameras inside the car, it self drives… imagine if it used AI to decide if the driver was Jewish. Or queer.
How would a camera determine if you are queer?
Also, I am just imagining the piles of blackmail material Tesla has on it’s customers.
AI. I didn’t say it would do a good job, lol. It’s a conspiracy theory. It doesn’t have to make sense, it just needs to be barely plausible.
I don’t think that a lot of the people who would be likely targets for such an attack are the same people who would be buying Teslas in the first place.
Downloaded this earlier from another post
The customer demographic has drastically changedThey might well already have Teslas. They are far more likely to drive them (I think) than the good old boys out in the country.
deleted by creator
Reminder that a seatbelt cutter and glass breaker is a good investment, especially in cars like this.
A car like this isn’t a safe choice to begin with so step one is don’t get into one of these.
Maybe a good thing that the glass isn’t actually bullet proof
Yes, I have one of those 2-in-1 belt cutter and window hammers.