Thagomizer, it’s the end of stegosaurus. There was no scientific name for the spiked end, the paleontology side decided the Farside comic called it Thagomizer so let’s use that
the onion
people keep saying Idiocracy but i wouldnt consider it a parody, but a satire, and also i cant help but complain that the film makes more of an accidental pro-eugenics statement than anything about authoritarian politics
The venture Bros
What were they parodying ?
Saturday Morning cartoons, super heros and stuff.
Idiocracy is at least more entertaining
Remember when Idiocracy was a farce instead of a documentary?
Might not be exactly what you’re asking for, but if you’ve seen ever seen Rocky and Bullwinkle, you’ll know the villain “Boris Badenov,” but you might not know his name is a pun of a historical figure, “Boris Godunov”. Old cartoons like that are great because they’re full of these super obscure references and jokes that completely fly past you until years later when you encounter something in a history class and suddenly burst out laughing. Another example I remember from that show is “The Ruby Yacht of Omar Khayyam,” a reference to “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.”
I think the Documentary Now! episode, “Juan Likes Rice and Chicken” is better than Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Link for the lazy
FourStar Dragon Ball abridged parody
The Onion is way better than real life, especially currently.
On Cinema has better story telling and character development than most of Hollywood.
Amish paradise. I find the song better than the original(s)
Man, thank you for adding that (s).
Stinks that almost no one knows Gangster’s Paradise is a remake.
Also White And Nerdy
Also the Weird Al style parodies. Dog Eat Dog is one of the best Talking Heads songs ever.
Nobody every mentions “I Think I’m a Clone Now”.
I can be at home while I’m out of town
Deadpool It was a parody of DCs Deathstroke, right down to the guy’s name Slade/Wade.
I always thought Deadpool and Deathstroke look eerily similar
While that’s true, it took a few writers before he really came into his own. It was the 2000s before he was the meta, witty, merc with a mouth. The parody was a lot more on the nose and it traded some of the parody for the meta, witty Wheaton-isms and pop culture references. Parody Deadpool and Deadpool Deadpool are arguably different characters.
i am pretty sure he was called the merc with a mouth in his first appearance but someone who knows more about comic history can correct me
Except I’m not talking about what he’s called, I’m talking about his character.
The minecraft parody songs. Iconic
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead is better than Hamlet. Sure, it had the benefit of an extra couple of centuries of progress in art, but I think it still counts.
Idiocracy started as a parody, and is now becoming a reality.
Idiocracy is the only movie I’m aware of that was released as a comedy and became a horror movie.
Idiocracy has transitioned from pessimistic take to optimistic. At least in Idiocracy everybody listened to the smart one and enacted changes that helped.
GhatGPT will save us