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Picture conservative white southern men who never got their GED trying to frantically Google what a VPN is, because they’re missing their interracial porn before the Klan meeting that night.
Interracial gay porn. FTFY
Probably with femboys too
Furry interracial minor femboy porn. We all know all of that is popular with conservatives.
They won’t have public issues for them being a minor, that’s just expected at this point.
“Boy, I hope nobody finds out that I’m really just attracted to feminine aesthetics. They might make fun of me.”
I guess the South is going to have a harder time rising now.
Welp. back to working on them thar siblings and relatives then.
The party of small government
So small it fits in your bedroom
Remember when conservatives complained about the nanny state?
Always just an excuse to get rid of the things they don’t like, such as social security.
They absolutely want to regulate you on a federal level. They just want to decide which things get enforced/funded, and which should be left to the states/community/church, or what they really mean, nothing.
They want to control you on everything.
That’s not enough butter for that, that’s too much gay for this. They never wanted small government. They always wanted big government with the exact same ideals they have.
“You have too much pep in your step! 5 lashings for you!”
I’m sorry, pep is now regulated by gender and age. Oh, and if you’re young enough, please see the pastor or congressman in his office.
Republicans love big government, they just want the same or more power concentrated amongst less people. They’re all about that shit.
This is asinine, even when internet access to porn didn’t exist people had so much porn, and they’ll continue to get it. All this does is shift the business elsewhere.
Yeah pornhub seems pretty legitimate and safe these days.
All these bans do is force people to go to sketchier websites which don’t have as thorough vetting process for their videos and likely have a lot more illegal / harmful content.
Yeah pornhub seems pretty legitimate and safe these days.
Yeah, they got threatened a few years ago with essentially banking cutting them off if they didn’t make a concerted effort to purge anything shady, which they achieved by purging basically all end-user uploads that weren’t verified models or studios.
It highlights that their elected officials are messing with something they like. It is also a lot safer for the business to block a geographic area than deal with PII.
If they operate in those states they need to obtain proof of age. I don’t exactly know how that works, since I haven’t had to do it, but I imagine it is something like uploading a driver’s license picture. If you have all that personal information you have to protect it, or risk information disclosure and lawsuits. A porn favorites list and personal identity info together in the same system is just asking to be hacked.
Removed by mod
maybe add a note that the link is nsfw
I think you just added that note. I thought it was way too obvious to be necessary.
since you said porn sites (plural), i would have assumed it was a link to an article about the topic. e.g., an article saying something like “anti porn laws infringe on people’s right to privacy and don’t actually stop people from viewing porn”.
Lol, that sounds like a hastily made up lie from someone who just got caught looking at porn.
“I thought it was an aggregate website! It’s an honest mistake!”
“I thought it was a porn aggregator” is an interesting defense.
So Tumbler and Instagram when they first started out?
i didn’t click the link, it was just what i assumed given that i’ve seen lots of people post news articles in the comment section and have never seen someone post a link to a porn site in the comment section.
Lol I was about to click on the link before I read this. Thanks fren. At work rn now so that would’ve been bad.
I’m really sorry that you have to live in Indiana.
Love, an Illinoisian.
I won’t for too much longer, thankfully. Or the U.S. at all.
Congrats, where are you headed?
Thanks. The UK. I’m lucky in that I have dual citizenship. I can’t go until I get a job, but I’m hopeful I’ll get one before the end of the month.
Too bad there aren’t other porn sites with massive libraries of content that apparently no one in power has noticed.
The states aren’t banning PornHub from being accessed there, PornHub are blocking themselves from being accessed from those states so as to not need to comply with new state laws requiring ID proof of age to access because they don’t want to handle personally identifying information of end users. So basically you’re just waiting for law enforcement to notice and charge them, and then find out if they’re run out of somewhere the state can reasonably do anything about it.
The Pirate Bay will always be with us.
Thought you’d already skipped across the pond?
No, I can’t go without a job. I have to be making over £22,000 a year domestically to get a family visa for my wife and kid and I also don’t particularly want to have to rely on the meagre savings and what we’ll get from selling my car to survive on first. But I am very optimistic about getting one by the end of the month based on responses so far. I can hop on a plane and go tomorrow if I need to now that I have my passport. That was the big holdup before.
I hope all goes well for you. I’ve been working on German dual citizenship, myself.
Thanks and good luck. I’m guessing that’s a lot harder to get.
That’s because all this is just pretence government. Now they can say “see? We’re blocking that evil porn!”, that’s all
Bookmarked for future reference🙏
So people better understand: Pornhub did not get banned by law. There is a law that requires porn sites to verify age with IDs in many southern states. Instead of complying Pornhub location banned themselves.
You left the most important part out; why is PornHub not complying? Understanding the situation requires knowing the very real concerns about privacy and data security as compliance requires keeping copies of IDs on file for verification.
IOW: Pornhub refuses to attempt to secure the PII of everyone who wants to visit the site. It’s not within their scope and any website that agrees to do this bullshit is suspect as fuck.
Afaik Pornhub is based in Québec, which has data privacy/protection laws through law 25 (French, will need to translate it). I’ve had some experience with it on some projects in the last few years, would not surprise me if that was contributing to the decision as well. I’m assuming they would still need to adhere to law 25 and whatever local laws in locations they operate in, could totally be wrong there.
Poilievre has stated he wants to introduce the same age verification laws, so it will be interesting to see how Pornhub reacts to those laws once they are introduced especially since they’re based in Québec like you said.
Personally, I’ve been stocking up, because you never know when there’s going to be a drought and it always helps to be prepared in life. I think we are in for some very dark years ahead of us.
It’s hilarious to me that you’re stocking up porn for the dark times 😂
Well I mean you gotta do what you gotta do, you never know what the future will look like lol
I think it’s just the tip of the iceberg unfortunately lol
It’s crazy these states want a prono site to to maintain thousands of personal IDs 💀
Especially for something socially embarrassing. That’s just building a blackmail database. Sure, porn use isn’t going to significantly compromise a lot of people, but for some that could end marriages and careers.
Particularly if one were to stray out of the heterosexual category. I wouldn’t put it past any of those states.
This rule is a trap. They are supposed to do it but there is no way to do this reliably (not even mentioning privacy issues).
giving a scan of your ID to the shadiest people on the web doesn’t seem a smart idea.
also: it’s not impossible for little jimmy to get a copy of his dad driving license…
I work for municipal government in Texas and I’m not allowed to write down or take a picture of someone’s DL number or date of birth, which is a bitch when we’re trying to cite a contractor named Jose Gonzales for illegal construction.
honestly that’s based as fuck. I wouldn’t think the largest porn website would have the ethics to lose out on that much money.
lol … as if … I’m sure there is a boom in subscriptions for VPN services in the south at the same time … especially for every political office holder at every level of government
Ha! You seem to be under the impression that the laws are enforced for them also.
“Laws for thee, not for me!”
Lol I agree with the sentiment, but pornhub isn’t blocked by law. It has chosen to stop offering services in those areas because of the relevant laws.
This is affecting them, too. But it isn’t hard for them to acquire a vpn, so not really.
And yet when we pointed out that Project 2025 talked about banning porn, a lot of people didn’t think it was serious. This is just one way that such an idea can play out.
I don’t think porn could ever be fully banned - prohibition doesn’t work. (Besides, I already made a promise to create erotic art specifically in order to spite any such enacted law.) But considering how modern porn and its variety has enabled many people to acquire niche preferences, this is still going to trigger a challenging time for a lot of people.
If this plays out like it’s played out in other countries the only people who will actually be prevented from accessing pornography will be lawmakers, because they’ll be the only people not tech savvy enough to be able to circumvent the restrictions.
They’ll just offer their nephew some robux and a job in state legislature in exchange for a couple felonies
Would you like to share any of your art?
Yis, share art.
If only someone could invent a VPN. One of these days…
VPNs will be declared terrorists’ tools within the month.
There’s no chance of that happening.
The FBI has previously claimed Apple was helping terrorists by not unlocking iPhones. It’s not completely outside the realm of possibility, especially with the new psycho Trump nominated.
Love the optimism. Let’s revisit after the inauguration.
Can they access the hundred other porn sites?
Looks like the big-name ones are either complying with the ID law or self-blocking like Pornhub. Smaller ones are operating as normal for now.
I actually just checked after seeing this post, no ID requirement popping up in Tennessee for whatever reason. I also realized I don’t believe I had ever typed into a browser before until now. If somehow i had ever been there it was from search engine results I guess, never knew they had a main page. (not a commercial site, but a database of adult videogames involving physical transformations) stopped allowing access to IPs geolocated to at least some states due to similar laws, ID or no.
“Involving physical transformations”
Thanks. It’s interesting seeing them blocked like this, considering how influencial the porn industry was for decades.
(My spell check is failing me for influence al)influential
Thaaank you. I had the i and a reversed
From the article:
As of today, Florida, Tennessee, and South Carolina join the list of 17 states that can’t access some of the most popular porn sites on the internet, because of regressive laws that claim to protect children but restrict adults’ use of the internet, instead.
Yes, I saw that. It doesn’t change my question.
My interpretation is that they’re targeting the major players for lawsuits and ignoring the small fish. I could be wrong though.
But how will the south watch all that transexual porn they love so much?
Side subject, sorry for my aside: I’m starting to really get annoyed at the censorship on my instance.
Weird, I’m a .world account too and I see what the comment said just fine
Same here.
That is weird. Maybe it’s a federation issue, I’m not sure how it all works.
What client are you using? Maybe that’s the issue?
Boost for Lemmy. It’s an android app.
I’m also on boost, it shows fine for me. I don’t even see a setting to enable censoring an individual word in comments. Just posts.
Looks uncensored to me on desktop.
edit: Wait, was it edited at some point?
Yeah, I’ve been a annoyed by this a time or two as well
I’m honestly curious what that porn fetish was that it was so bad to be censored. Anyone off-world able to enlighten me?
It’s the short hand version of Transexual. Tran-ny is what got censored.
That would be porn featuring people who were born as a boy or a girl by mistake, and who have since tried to put that right. Rocky Horror Picture Show has a “sweet” song with the word which is apparently problematic.
You can export all your subscriptions pretty easily so you can sign up to a different instance and import everything over. Check Lemmy settings.
How incredibly bizarre. Why is it even allowed to edit a post?
becuz, hooched awn foeneks werked faur mii.
It was probably the word filter, not
I hope PH is putting a list with the names of the representatives who are responsible for this on the home page for those states. With phone numbers and mail addresses of the reps offices.
Literally 1984
One of the things that stuck out to me while reading in school was the sexual frustration part
The Red States are turning into the fucking PRC. Carry on…
I wish, I’d move there if they had half the benefits they do in the PRC. Universal healthcare, maternity leave, sick leave of multiple months, unions in all companies, workers councils in all corporations, rent controls, price controls… man, please let your comment come true.
I’d move there if they had half the benefits they do in the PRC. Universal healthcare,
Taiwan has universal healthcare. China has a crappy employer based health care system.
Oh shit you’re serious.
.ml users have hilarious takes until you realize they actually think that way.
BTW, they have their own challenges some not dislike the USA, all countries do. Just be careful and stay sane!
Porn of the Republic of China.
The People’s Republic of China